By: Bea
The two women were obviously impatient by the time I arrived.
"You're late!" Andrea snapped.
I tried to play it cool, but the woman does intimidate me, so my words
came out weak and lame rather than the uncaring tone I was trying for.
"Only a couple of minutes Andrea - and you did get me on short notice, you
She scowled at me. "You promised to be here at one." She looked at her
watch. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's now almost five after - and
we've got a lot to do today - can you help us?"
"Well.. I still don't know what you want me to..." I started.
"Oh! For goodness sake!" She snarled.
As I said, she intimidated me. Her companion, Sandra, didn't exactly
inspire me with any amount of self confidence either, but Andrea often
came close to terrifying me. She just seemed so imposing. It isn't that
she is that big, or heavy. She was born into money, and has been used
to having that type of clout all of her life. To further her power, she
is a feminist - that is, Sandra's her significant other, and neither of them
seems to give a damn about men.
Mary, my wife, has known them since high school. I'd lost all of our
savings the year before in an unfortunate attempt at my own business in
New York. Once we went down the tubes financially, Andrea offered Mary a
good paying job that necessitated us moving back to the small town where
she'd grown up. It was too good a deal for us to turn down. I'd thought
I'd have some chance of getting a job, but everything had seemed totally
closed. I don't think that I'm overly paranoiac, but it had crossed my
mind that there was a 'contract' out on anyone that hired me.
In fact, Andrea was the only one who had shown the slightest degree of
interest. I'd met her a couple of times through a ladies social group
that Mary belonged to. As I said earlier, she intimidated me anyway.
When you add the fact that she was the single party in the town that
showed interest in hiring me - that just added to the pressure. To make
things even worse, she'd asked me for my resume, and hadn't even blinked
at the vastly inflated salary requirements I'd listed. She wasn't overly
open about telling me about the job itself, just vague hints that it
required a diversified outlook - but the all important statement
"matching your money won't pose any problems" was enough to make sure
that I didn't want to offend this lady in any way, shape, or form.
She was still staring at me angrily, waiting for my 'proper' response -
which wasn't long in coming.
"Of course I'll help" I said eagerly. "Please don't think I meant..."
"Oh, O.K." She said shortly, but was obviously mollified.
"What can I do to help?" I asked eagerly.
She looked at Sandra, then back to me. "I'm thinking of offering you a
job, right?" She said.
I flashed a smile. "I sure hope so!" I answered brightly.
"But I keep hearing things about you." she grumbled. "Things I'm not sure
I could tolerate from an employee."
I wasn't sure what she was talking about. Worried, I shook my head "What
kind of things, Andrea?"
"Seemingly, you're always spouting about male 'superiority' or women's
'inferiority'. Do you really believe in that bullshit?"
Fervently, I shook my head. "Oh. Like most guys, I might have come away
with a little male chauvinism to spice up a conversation, but that's all
that that kind of comment would ever be."
She stared at me "Sure?"
"Absolutely!" I lied, eyes wide open.
"You think women are as good as men?" Was her next question.
I wasn't about to fall for that one. "Sometimes better!" I said.
She relaxed, and gave Sandra that side glance I'd seen earlier. "You're
telling me that you really have no problems associated with one's gender?"
I pretended to think it over, nodded my head again "None I can think of,
offhand" I replied.
"Good" she said thoughtfully. "Something came up today. It sounds
crazy, but you can help Sandra out of a jam.."
"Glad to! Glad to!" I enthused.
She nodded slightly. "Yeah. And answer a couple of questions I've had
about your mental processes at the same time."
I didn't know what the hell she was talking about. For once, I had enough
sense to shut up.
"It's Mary's birthday next week, right?"
"Yes. It is" I replied cautiously.
"Well, on our club nights, we give the birthday girls for that month
presents.. A little celebration.. You know?"
I nodded. Still lost.
"Well. Mary's been gone for a while and, from what I understand, things
haven't been going too well for you guys ... financially.."
I hung my head.
"...and we wanted to give her a very special night tonight. One that
she'll remember for a long, long, time."
"That's really nice of you..." I started.
"But Sandra's in trouble." She interrupted me.
"How?" I asked.
"Well, she's been making this super dress for Mary, using Cynthia as a
model. Cynthia just got word this morning. Her mom's real sick in
Dallas, and she took the first flight out of here. Sandra thinks that the
dress is right, but she's never had the chance to have a final fitting -
and she doesn't want to give Mary a dress that will require any fixin' -
wants it to be right first time."
"But I don't know anything about Mary's sizes, or anything like that" I
said helplessly.
"That's not what I had in mind" Sandra said, talking for the first time.
"Didn't I hear of you almost wearing one of her dresses for Halloween,
last year?"
I got uptight in a hurry. "Well, she 'suggested' it when we were in a
bind that night. I didn't, of course..."
"Why 'of course'?" Andrea asked sharply.
I was shaken by her question, but Sandra saved me from having to answer.
"That's neither here nor there." she said. "The question is. Could you
have worn her dress?" She pressed. "Well? Could you have?"
I ruminated for a moment. "Well. We are almost exactly the same size.
She's always stealing my shirts, sweaters and all that.."
"So. If she can wear your stuff - and suggested, even if only once, that
you could wear hers - it stands to reason that she'd have a good idea of
what size you are?" Sandra pressed on.
I was seeing where the conversation was going. "But surely, I'm not close
enough to her size to be a model for a ... dress?" I asked desperately.
"True" Sandra admitted, giving me some hope "But you've got to be close
enough for a final look-see, and that's all I need." - effectively closing the
door on the argument I was trying to get structured.
"But... I couldn't..." I protested weakly.
"Putting on a dress beneath you?" Andrea snarled.
I took a deep breath, but before I was able to speak, Sandra stepped in
"It's not like I want you to put on any kind of lingerie, or anything like
that - you can even wear your jockey shorts- or whatever it is you wear -
I just want to try it for length.. And a few other things. It'll take ..
oh.. ten minutes, tops."
"Isn't there some other lady ..?" I started.
"Too late in the game now" Andrea said shortly. "Look. You gonna help
Sandra or not? Make your mind up! Hurry up!"
I nodded.
Promptly, Sandra took hold of my elbow, and guided me through to a large
bedroom. "O.K." She whispered "Thought you two were never gonna finish.
Strip down to your shorts, and I'll bring your dress in."
She left, but was back before I'd even got my pants off.
"Hurry up, slowpoke. Honest to goodness! You men! Ask you to do some
thing a little different..."
She leaned in, and whispered in my ear "Andrea pays a lot of mind to an
employees 'flexibility'. You want to work for her? You're off to a good
start. Show her you're not one of these macho cowboys .. Can't do you no
Embarrassed, but heartened, I stepped out of my pants and, still with my
boxer shorts and socks on, stepped into the opened skirt of the dress that
Sandra was holding out in front of me.
I hadn't been paying too much attention to what I was stepping into but,
as Sandra pulled the dress up around me, gently pushing my arms into the
sleeves, pulling the bodice around my waist, and starting to fasten me in
to it at the back, I realized what I had been talked into.
It was a black, full length, dress with large white polka dots. There
seemed to be a basic sheath underneath a series of full-skirted chiffon
layers. A broad white band of silk at the neckline was matched by full
cuffs at the end of long, full, chiffon sleeves. Horrified, I watched my
reflection in the mirror becoming totally cocooned in this very feminine
garment, the long skirt of the dress flaring gracefully out from my hips, and
down almost to my ankles.
Andrea came strolling in, smiling now. "Looks quite nice" she said "But
isn't there something wrong?"
Sandra grimaced, finishing the last fastener. "Turn around" she said to
me "Let's see what this looks like at the front."
Meekly, I did so. She put one hand to her chin, then shook her head. "Turn
around again" I did so, and with a positive relief, felt her start to unfasten
the back of the dress. This time, however, she only worked her way down to the
top of the skirt. Then she came around to my front, unfastened the sleeve
cuffs, then pulled the bodice forward, off of my body. I started to move
towards the bed where my clothes were lying.
She had gone to a drawer, and was looking for something, but saw me move
in the mirror. "Where'd you think you're going?" She asked.
"I thought you were finished.." I started.
"In a minute. In a minute" she said, coming back to me with something in
her hands. "Here. Stick your arms out"
I did so - and found her putting a lacy bra on me! I tried to jerk out of
it, but I was too slow. She was now at my back, and again I was being
fastened into another article of girls clothing.
"But.. you said.." I said helplessly, as she started stuffing the cups of
the bra with tissue.
"Yeah." She said dis-interestedly "I say a lot of things. Here. Put this
camisole on" and she handed me another piece of flimsy lingerie.
I was as helpless as a kitten. Wordlessly, she took one of my hands and
slid it through the straps. Then she bunched it together and pulled it
over my head. This was followed by my other hand being pulled through the
straps, then the silken garment being pulled down to cover my midriff.
Seconds later, after my arms had been worked through the sleeves, something
soft and silky had been inserted in each bra cup, and I was being fastened
in to the dress again.
"Starting to look a lot better", Andrea said, circling me. She grinned
wolfishly. "The dress looks pretty on you - like it?"
"Andrea..." I started nervously.
"Yes dear?" She said mockingly. To Sandra, she said "You know, there's
still something not quite..."
"Jesus! Andrea!" Sandra said, now reaching up under my skirt and pulling
my shorts all the way down "Would you give me a Goddam minute!"
She lifted one foot, pulled the sock off, then repeated the process with
the other foot with the exception that my shorts were totally removed with
this operation.
Horrified, I followed her instructions to step into a pair of panties,
then a bouffant petticoat. A garter belt was put around my waist, and
fastened, within a minute or so - then used to anchor the sheer nylons
that I had to put on. A red, patent leather belt was used to cinch my
waist, and a pair of medium height matching red shoes were provided.
"Are you nearly finished yet?" I asked Sandra weakly.
"Almost, sweetie" she smiled at me. But I think Andrea wants to conduct
her job interview with you now.. You don't mind. Do you?"
"But isn't this Mary's .. What about..?" I stammered.
"Don't you worry your pretty little head about anything sweetie" she
said, patting me on the backside. "Just run along like a good little
girl, and see what Andrea's got for you. Hurry now. Don't want to keep
her waiting, do we?"
And I returned to the living room, where Andrea had gone ahead and now
waited for me.
"You've really done very well" she purred. It's not many men would allow
themselves to get all gussied up in one of their wife's dresses to take a
job interview - just to show their 'sensibility'. Don't you think that's
really nice Sandra?"
Sandra had come in behind me "Yeah" she said half-heartedly "Real
Andrea shrugged, and turned her attention back to me. "Sit down for a
minute.. Here, in front of me."
Meekly, I obeyed, the skirt of the dress billowing around me as I did so.
"As I said" she continued "you've done very well. I'm really
considering you for that job now..."
"Oh, thank you Andrea" I murmured "Thank you so much. Is Sandra
finished with me now?"
She frowned. "You in a hurry to get out of the dress?"
"I'm not really used to wearing a dress" I said weakly.
"But it really is nice, don't you think?" She pressed. "Don't you like
the feel of all these smooth fabrics as they swish around your legs? Won't you
admit that maybe, just maybe, women know how to make themselves
feel good?. Do something for me, would you? Get up from the chair, and walk
over to the door and back. Try and walk so that your skirt sways around you.
and move your hips. Go on. I'll explain why I want you to do it in a minute."
And, hypnotized, I got up and swayed to the far end of the room, and
swayed back.
"You did that very well!" She said coyly. "Now tell me honestly. Didn't
that feel nice. Honestly now"
"Yes" I admitted.
"Well, sit back" she said "and let's talk business."
I started to say something, but she held up her hand to silence me.
"Just listen" she said. "You can talk when I'm finished"
I nodded.
"Good! Now, truthfully, when you came here today, you were being set-up
for something. I really had no intention of hiring you for a job. I
simply wanted to get you in a dress so that I'd be able to stop this macho
bullshit you've been spouting to Mary for once and for all. Seeing you
like this though has given me an idea. Are you interested?"
If I'd been intimidated before in my own clothes, it was nothing to what I
felt like in being interviewed in a long dress, lacy lingerie, nylons and
high heels. Shyly, I nodded.
"O.K. You've shown some capability in breaking out of your 'male' mold.
D'you think you could go a little further for a while?"
"How long?" I stammered.
"Not very" she retorted "Does it matter?"
Without waiting for an answer she continued. "I know that I'm kinda
"Nah, never!" Sandra jeered.
Andrea smiled "Oh shut up, you" then turned to me. "I want to see how
obedient you can be to someone who isn't as aggressive as me. She'll be
here in a few minutes. Still interested?"
Again, before I could speak, she went on "Mind you, I'll be up-front with
you about wages. I promise that you'll be well paid for what you do -
but you won't be getting anywhere near that ridiculous amount you asked
for in your resume."
I had been about to refuse her offer, but this sudden show of honesty
intrigued me. "What have you got in mind for me to do?"
She stared at me. "Nothing. Nothing at all. Not until I see how you do with
this lady that's coming. For the last time, are you interested? Yes or no?"
"Yes" I said.
She nodded and turned to Sandra. "Get him made up. Lisa will be here in a
few minutes. Then we'll see how he does with her."
"I've got a couple cute wigs?" Sandra suggested.
"What color hair?" Andrea asked.
"A sorta ash blonde, and a platinum - remember that halloween?" Sandra
Andrea grinned "That platinum? Yeah! Try that."
And, some minutes later, I was back in the bedroom, ensconced in front of
the mirror, bright red false nails glued over mine, false eyelashes
attached in the same manner, blushed, eyeshadowed, mascara'd, and eyebrows
darkened. As I became more and more of a woman in looks, Sandra demanded
more and more womanly behavior from me - to show increasing delight as my
appearance changed. A wig of platinum hair was placed over my head, after
she forced my hair into a rather smooth nylon cap. I found it hard to
look in the mirror. She noticed this.
"Shy are we dearie? You look a lot prettier now. Why don't you have a
good look?"
"It's .. Hard.." I said, lips trembling.
"What! I've made you pretty, and you can't look? Tell you what. Why
don't you put on your lipstick like a good girl - all by yourself. Then
we'll put a nice ribbon in your hair.." As she spoke, she took the top
from a tube of lipstick, turning the base until the scarlet contents came
to a usable length, and handed it to me "Here!"
Nervously, I peered at the young woman who was peering back at me from the
mirror, and started to apply the lipstick, the way I'd seen Mary do it
many times.
"Very good!" I heard Sandra say beside me. "Now, just keep on doing what
you're doing, but smile and turn towards me .. C'mon! A nice smile ..
That's good!" She had a camera in her hand and in a flash, a photograph
of me, smilingly applying lipstick, wearing a pretty dress, under flowing
peroxide blonde hair, was taken. Then a few more in different poses - but
smiling all the time - finishing the lipstick application, dabbing perfume
behind my ears, studyingly adjusting the top of my nylon stocking, with
the dress and petticoat pulled up enough to show the suspender belt.
As I finished, a blonde girl came into the bedroom. Her name was Lisa. I
knew her slightly, had talked to her a couple of times at most. Very
pleasant, very feminine.
"My goodness!" She exclaimed, smiling, when she saw me "If Andrea hadn't
warned me, I'd never have guessed."
She came over and inspected me closely "Amazing! You make quite a pretty
girl. I understand that you're going to be working for me tonight?"
"Andrea mentioned something .. She just wasn't very specific.." I
"Oh, it's nothing much. It's just that some of us girls help decorate the
place for the party, help serve the food and drinks - you know, that kind
of thing? Andrea said you were interested?"
I paused for a moment too long, and Sandra butted in "Want me to shout
for Andrea?" She asked me.
"Oh no!" I said hurriedly "No need for that. Yes Lisa, I'm interested."
"Sure?" She asked doubtfully "I've never had a 'man' help before - even
though you look O.K. - Can you act like a girl?"
Sandra butted in again "Andrea had him walking really nice, with no
training at all. You take him in hand for an hour or so, I'll bet he'll -
or should I say - she'll, do well.
So this was what Andrea was going to check, I thought. To see if I was
trainable by a sweet girl rather than a domineering force like her.
Lisa interrupted my train of thought by talking to Sandra. "Why don't you
leave us for a little while Sandra - if you wouldn't mind, and I'll see if
there's anything I can work with."
She seemed to be taking it for granted now that I was accepting, and
started explaining what was going to be expected of me for the next six
hours or so, as Sandra left the room, grinning.
"You'll have to change. We wear pretty, very feminine maid's uniforms,
caps, aprons, and so on. We decorate the party room with balloons and
such, take the other girls coats and bags as they come in, then start by
serving drinks and hors d'oevres. Oh!, I forgot, we also set the table
for dinner before the guests arrive, then serve up the meal at dinnertime.
Once that's done we join in the fun."
"I'm to be a maid?" I asked, horrified.
"Of course!" She answered. "But a very special kind of maid."
"What about cleaning up?" I asked.
"Oh that gets done by Andrea's regular servants tomorrow. She always
gives them the night off when she's the hostess.
"That doesn't make much sense to me" I commented. "Why not use the
servants instead of you and the other girls?"
She blushed a little. "Well.. Her servants are kind of old.. And not very
pretty. It's usually the prettier girls in the club that act as the maids
on party night.. And it's lots of fun, you'll see."
"But I'm still to be a maid!" I stated, rather than asked.
"Why, of course!" She answered "..And I wouldn't worry dear - I'm sure
you'll do just fine!"
I was just about to ask some more questions when two other girls came
bursting into the room, both extremely pretty, one blonde, the other a
brunette. Lisa started to introduce them "I'd like you to meet your
fellow maids for tonight. This blonde bombshell is Ann, and this is
She turned to me "And this is.. this is.. Margaret." She looked at me
"That's a nice name .. and more appropriate, don't you think?"
What I thought didn't matter, because I never got a chance to express it.
The two girls were giggling a lot at the idea of me working with them, and
bursting to change into their 'working clothes'. With a feeling of
helplessness, I watched as they undressed in front of me, letting Lisa
start to undo my own dress at the back. In short order, the three of us
were standing in our lingerie. Once she had helped me to step out of my
dress, Lisa disrobed as well, then went to the closet and pulled out four
satin dresses of bright, but different colors. The one she handed me was
emerald green.
As I was wearing a frilled petticoat already, I had to put my dress on
over my head, instead of stepping in to it. Again, like the polka dot, it
seemed to be a perfect fit.
"Sylvia!" Lisa said "Why don't you fasten Margaret into her dress, then
she can do yours? I'll work with Ann."
"O.K." Sylvia said coming over to me, and starting to work on what seemed
to be a lot of fasteners. "These dresses are gorgeous!" She gushed "But
they're a pain in the ass to get in and out of. It's next to impossible
to do it on your own."
I was gradually being imprisoned into my new, satin, cocoon - and a
thought struck me forcibly.
"Lisa?" I asked.
"How come this dress fits me so well? Was it intended for Mary as well?"
"What do you mean?" She asked "It was made for you! Didn't you know
"W.W. Well Andrea and Sandra said..." I stammered
"Oh!" She laughed "Surely you know better than believe these rascals!"
"But how did they know...??" I started.
Sylvia answered the question for her. "Well. You're always going about
how men are so great. Andrea thought you were probably a sissy
underneath, and we all got in a big argument one night. She bet a wad of
money that she could get you to work as one of the maids tonight. Looks
like she's won. You cost me ten bucks you know"
"You mean.. You mean.. I'm dressed like this because of a bet!?" I
whined. "This isn't fair! I'm not gonna do it!"
She finished the last fastener as I spoke, and laughed.
"Have you seen your own clothes recently? And who do you think is gonna
piss Andrea off by helping you out of this? I'll even bet that your car
is gonna be hard to find now. Looks to me like you stay, have a good time
- 'cause you'll never convince me now that you don't like looking like
this - or you walk home wearing the dress for all your friends and
neighbors to see .. "
"But.. Mary .. Mary will die if she sees me like this" I said.
"I wouldn't bet on that" Sylvia said. "She missed the argument I think,
but she's made comments about you - nothing definite mind you, but I have
the feeling that she might not be too surprised."
"Margaret!" Lisa snapped. "Would you stop chattering? These girls have
done this before. You haven't. Let's get your apron and cap on. The
first thing you'll need to learn is how to curtsey. Then we'll have to
work on how to walk like a maid..."
"But.. I can't. I just can't" I stammered "please. Not in front of all
these women..?"
She let out an audible sigh. "Margaret" she said patiently. "I'm not
really an impatient person, but you're starting to test me. Let me
explain. If you argue with me much more .. Any more.. I'm going to put
you over my knee.."
"She will too." Ann interceded "She spanked me once.. And it hurts!"
Lisa smiled "You do go on about that, Ann.." And turned back to me
"..And if I spank you, you'll cry. And if you cry, your makeup will have
to get re-done. And that'll mean that I'm spending time on you that I
really shouldn't..." Her voice was getting higher, and she was advancing
towards me.
This girl, that I'd always thought of as sweetly feminine was threatening
me with a spanking - in front of two other girls! Not only that, but I
was getting a picture of me, draped over her knees - and realized that if
I didn't do something quickly, that was where I was going to be in a
moment or two. I surrendered quickly. For once in my life, I did something
sensibly. Taking the sides of the dress in my hands, I curtseyed (as well as I
"I'm sorry Lisa" I admitted.
I could tell she was pleased, but she wasn't going to let me off that
lightly. "No more naughty girl then, Margaret?"
"No Lisa" I said.
"No what?"
"No more naughty girl" I admitted.
And, for the next hour, in front of Sylvia's and Ann's mocking eyes, I
learned how to flounce prettily when I walked, how to do 'cute' little
'bob-curtseys', how to serve drinks - and how to behave if any of the more
masculine women made passes at me (extremely flattered, extremely
girlishly). She had Sylvia stand in as one of the 'men', running her hand
up my skirt, snapping my bra , pulling me down to sit in her lap, then
kissing me!.
To tell the truth, I had been finding that the feel of the fabrics around
me, the soft touches of silk rubbing against my thighs, the tight
constraint of the bra around my chest, the hem of the petticoat against my
nylon clad calves were starting to arouse me. Then the guests started to
arrive, and things got very busy. Even then, I couldn't shake my mounting
level of sexual excitement, my legs sometimes shivering involuntarily, my
lips constantly dry, my hands shaking.
I had expected to be teased unmercifully but, to be quite honest, I was
the center of interest for only a few minutes. Nobody seemed surprised
at seeing me in my dress, or even how well I was at acting in the 'maid's'
role. Any surprise generated seemed to revolve around how pretty I was.
We served drinks but the party hadn't really warmed up by the time dinner
rolled around. A few hands had slid up under my skirt, and my backside
had been patted a number of times - but I had only been kissed once. I
couldn't fathom it though, why Mary hadn't shown up, until I overheard a
conversation that indicated that Andrea had found something for her to do
at work that would delay her.
Us maids didn't have time to sit down and eat, just grabbed what we could
while on the run. Finally, we got dessert served, and retired to the
kitchen for a short break. Sandra came walking in. She spoke to Lisa
first. "You really did a great job on him - or is it 'her' now?" Then
she turned to me "looked like you were having a good time out there.."
She flipped her wrist at me "So.. So.. Feminine my deah!"
I blushed furiously and they all laughed. Ann, the quiet one came over
and put a comforting arm around my waist. "Never mind her" she said
"She's just mad 'cause you're prettier than her" and they all, including
Sandra, laughed again.
"Still. Enough of this nonsense" Sandra spoke again to Lisa. "I need
him.. Her .. Now. Can you do without?"
"Oh, I guess so" Lisa said. "Take her if you want." She smiled at me.
"Margaret. You did very well. If you ever want to come back .. Or Mary
will let you .. Just let me know."
I didn't know what was going on, especially when Sylvia and Ann both
kissed me farewell as Sandra led me off to a small side room. "Be careful
in here" Sandra warned me "this stuff on the floor is very slippery."
And she was right. There was a square piece of what looked like opaque
plastic on the floor, about fifteen feet square. In the center of it, but
underneath, was another square object about two feet on each side ,that pushed
the level of the plastic up about eight inches. Sandra skirted the edge of the
plastic, and I followed her.
"What is this stuff" I asked, curious. "I've seen it before somewhere."
"Oh. Don't worry your pretty little head about it" Sandra said shortly.
"Here. Get out of your uniform, and back into this.." 'This' was the
dress I'd worn originally in the day. Meekly, with her assistance, I did
as she told me. Once I was fastened back in my original outfit, she had
me sit at a dressing table, and freshened up my makeup. Very carefully
this time. Then the black ribbon in my hair. She nodded, satisfied.
"Now. Carefully! Go over and stand on that box in the center of the
floor. Careful now! Don't slip!" She handed me a towel. "Here. Put
this down on the box, and stand on it - won't be so slippery." I didn't
know what was happening, but cautiously followed her instructions. A few
seconds later, I was on top of the box. It seemed a little shaky, but
sound enough to hold my weight. "Stay there." She said. "I'll be right
True to her word, she returned in less than a minute with Lisa, Ann, and
Sylvia with her. She was carrying what looked like a small, lightweight
arbor with her - you know, the type they use at Jewish weddings.
Carefully, she walked out to me. Silently, she placed it on the little
square, then forced it down until I heard the 'click' of something
engaging. I now stood in a small white arch. She walked back to one of
the corners, then picked it up, and started walking towards me. At the
same time, I noticed all the other girls doing the same. Once they got
close to me, I realized what was going on - I was being gift-wrapped!
The paper was that opaque kind you often see flowers wrapped in.
Nervously, I watched. "Will I be able to breathe?" I asked, frightened.
"Of course! Don't be so silly!" Sandra admonished me.. "But hold on a
second. "Ann. You're the tallest. Would you get the ladder and the big
ribbon? Lisa. You help me hold the corners. Sylvia. You go and get the
flowers for her.
I couldn't see for the paper, but there was a lot of movement for a moment
or two. A bunch of flowers were suddenly pushed through the folds of
paper that surrounded me. They were long stemmed roses, wrapped in the
same kind of paper that I was being enclosed in. "Now cradle these in
your arms properly" I heard Sandra say "just like a bride.. Got it?"
"Yes Sandra" I replied meekly.
Then, all of a sudden, the paper was gathered together and I could sense
the large ribbon being used to tie me into my new cocoon. The smell of
the roses became nearly overpowering in the confined area. It didn't take
long, before I saw the vague shape of Ann descending the ladder. "That'll
do it" I heard her say. "Wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be."
"Ok now Margaret" I heard from Sandra again "it's gonna get a little
shaky for a minute or two. But just hang on to the sides of the arch,
you'll be ok." And, before I could respond, I felt myself move! Then it
dawned on me. The square I was standing on was some kind of trolley, and
I was being wheeled back to the party!
It really didn't take but a minute or so. When they opened the doors to
the main room, everything seemed quiet, then I realized that Andrea was
talking. "...And, as I was saying, the true test of a manager is how well
you utilize your resources. Now, all of us here know that you've had a
problem with a resource of yours.." She paused for the roar of laughter
that greeted this ".. So we've 'modified' it a little for you.." Some
wolf whistles came from the audience. "I can tell you're puzzled. Well.
Just one thing more. There's a few things attached to this package - if
you want to take them - some necessary uniforms, a weekly salary for six
months. An education allowance for classes in home economics, and
secretarial school - and naturally, a clothing allowance!"
Everybody cheered raucously. Then I heard my wife respond. "Andrea..
Friends.. This is wonderful! I'm not going to pretend that I can't guess
what's in my package - someone near to me has disappeared for the last six
hours or so..." And everyone laughed again. She continued, "I can't
believe how generous Andrea and Sandra have been to me - a job,
friendship, and now.. What might be the solution to a problem I've had for
a while.. Stand back in there" I heard her say from close to my wrapping,
as a knife blade gradually slit an opening in the paper.
"Let's see you dear" she said, opening up the paper so that could walk
through. Then to my everlasting humiliation she started singing the old
Stevie Wonder song "Isn't she lovely... Dad dah da da da. Pirouette for
the nice ladies ... Isn't she lovely dah dah da da da da .. There's a
girl" and swirling to her commands, I carried my flowers out into the
Then, further mockery. I was allowed to put my flowers down so that I
could dance with her - she leading of course. "You silly thing!" She
whispered in my ear "How did you get in this fix?"
"Andrea.." I started. "Yeah" she giggled "Andrea's been after you for
a while. When did she start in on you? Last week?"
"This afternoon" I admitted. She let out a small shriek of laughter.
"Today? Boy. You sure put up a fight, didn't you? But you really do
look pretty you know.. " Just then, Andrea danced up with Sandra. She
whispered something in Mary's ear. I felt Mary stiffen. Then she added
something else, and Mary let out a little giggle. Andrea danced off.
"Can we go home?" I pleaded softly. "I'd really like to get out of here,
and out of these clothes."
"Don't be silly" she said, laughingly giving me a slight slap on the
rump. "I just got here - and I want to have a good time. Anyway, I like
you in these clothes. You're nice and soft" her hand caressed my thigh
"You smell nice .. And I'll just bet that you'll be very very obedient."
She gave my arm a light nip "Won't you?... What's your name now?"
"Margaret" I answered.
"How nice! I've always liked that name" she said. "So.. Margaret. D'you
think I should take Andrea's offer?"
"What offer?" I said suspiciously.
She smiled, and pinched me again. "Well. I hear that they had you in a
little maid's uniform for a while?"
I nodded.
"Good! Because they've not only given me that one for you, but another
two just like it.."
"Eh?" I asked
"Don't interrupt me when I'm talking to you!" She said sharply. "They've
given me three uniforms for you to wear. On top of that, Andrea is giving
me a salary for you of three hundred dollars a week - and a clothes
allowance of two thousand dollars."
"She's giving me a job?" I asked, "but that's not very much.. "
"Margaret!" She snapped, loud enough for other dancers close to us to hear
"You interrupt me one more time.." She looked at me warningly. I looked
away from her eyes. "That's better! Now. That salary is for you to be
my maid for six months - get you in the proper, feminine, frame of mind.
During that time, you'll go to classes so that you can become a good
housewife - or a good secretary. At the end of that time, I'll decide
what I want you to be. Understood?"
I nodded, seeing my new life stretching out in front of me. I felt the
softness of the fabric and the fragrance surrounding me. I felt the
strength in my wife's arms as she held me close. I moved my lips to her
neck, and kissed her softly.
"Understood." I whispered.
23 April 2011
Panty Thief
By: ??
I had moved into a new three room apartment in a building located nearby the place I got my new job at. I was lucky, prices in this area are high and apartments hard to come by. After moving in I was disappointed to find that most of the people in the building that I met in the halls or the elevator were significantly older than me. After several weeks I did manage to meet everyone on my floor except the person in apartment 507, the one next to mine.
At night around 8pm I often heard the door of the apartment 507 open and the clicking of high heels pass by on the way to the elevator. Determined to meet the mysterious lady I devised a plan to "accidentally" meet her. At the end of the hallway was our floor's laundry and I thought I could bump into here on my way to do my laundry. I got my laundry together and waited until I heard her open her door. When I emerged from my apartment and saw here I was breathless as we stood a few confused moments looking at each other. "Ummm Hi!" I managed to let out.
She was dressed in a tight black mini skirt. Her face expertly done up. Black heels and sheer stockings. I fumbled with the basket looking like the classic geek. She was way out of my league. She actually looked me up and down making me self conscious and noting the basket she said "You look very domestic". I blushed and smiled. "I just moved here, what's your name?" I managed to ask. She smiled and said, "I think I'm not your type." and brushed past me leaving a trail of musky perfume as she passed. I could see that her stockings had seams up the back and were perfectly aligned. When she got into the elevator she again looked at me and appeared to glanced at my crotch. She must have noticed my obvious erection. She smiled again and as the doors shut I thought I saw her wink at me. I returned to my room disappointed with my fumbled attempt at meeting her.
A few weeks later I had to do my laundry for real and brought my load to the laundry room. After the wash was finished I opened the dryer and to find that someone had left their clothes in the machine. I was in a hurry and removed the clothes to put mine in. I must admit that what I saw excited me a bit. There were a number of panties in the pile, different patterns and colors. All felt incredibly soft and sensuous as I stacked the clothes on top of the dryer. There was an assortment of other lingerie including two bras and a couple few slips. I was amused at the erection I got just handling the clothes.They clothes must be from the lady in 507 I imagined. This excited me more but didn't think about it any more.
When I went to retrieve my clothes I noticed the same musky smell I noticed the first day I met the lady from 507. The pile of clothes were gone and I brought my dry ones back to my apartment intending to fold them. As I folded them I was confused to find a pair of red panties. They were made of bright red nylon panties and looked new. There was just a thin elastic strip on either side connecting the back part with the front. The result I imagine would make the legs look great. As I rubbed the silky material between my fingers I felt myself becoming aroused. I undid my pants to free my cock and draped the panties over the head of my dick. They were still warm from the dryer and the sensation I experienced was fantastic. I thought of the lady next door, how she smelt and looked and began rubbing myself. In no time at all I was near orgasm. I stopped before coming confused with the emotions I felt. I finished folding my underwear and put the panty at the bottom on the pile forgetting the incident.
Two weeks had passed and it was laundry time again. Without knowing it I had tossed my last pair of underwear into the basket and reached for a fresh pair. I was momentarily confused when I picked up the red panty. Just feeling it in my hands made me excited.
"What the hell" I thought and put them on, "Who's going to see?". I wasn't about to admit wearing women's panties turned me on but my erect dick could hold no secrets. I gathered the clothes and went towards the laundry room. Again I noticed the faint smell of that intoxicating perfume in the hallway. When I opened the door to the laundry I was pissed off that someone had beaten me. There was a load in the washer and another heap of clothes in a basket waiting for the washer on top. Curious I took a closer look at the basket and saw some black shimmering material which was slightly covered. I picked it up delighted to see that it was a pair or rather exciting looking panties. I could not help but take a sniff and was rewarded by an exciting musky aroma. I was holding the panty rubbing it between my fingers when I heard.
"Wash day is such a drag, isn't it!". It was the voice of the woman from 507. Terrified I turned around being careful to conceal he panty behind my back. I must have looked as white as a ghost and extremely suspicious. I managed to smile and replied, "Ya" in a weak voice. She looked at me for a few minutes narrowing her eyes.
I was never good at hiding my guilt and it was obvious I was guilty of something and must have looked like I was hiding something behind my back.
"What are you hiding" she asked as she slowly approached me.
"Nothing" I said having to clear my throat. She walked the short distance towards me, her hips wiggling in a very sexy way. While she walked towards me she held my gaze, I felt like a dear caught in the headlights of oncoming traffic. I was wearing loose shorts and my prick was pushing against the panty I made the mistake of wearing. I'm sure you could see a bulge, I felt so exposed and helpless. She approached very closely and reaching behind me pulled my arms forward. She saw I was holding something in my hand and pulled the panty from me, holding it triumphantly before me.
She asked, "Are these yours?". After a moments pause, I lied "They were on the floor. I was just picking them up. "Really." she said unconvinced as she looked at the bulge in my shorts. She held the panty in front of my face swinging it back and forth while watching my tormented face. She then draped the panty over my head and with a quick and expert motion she pulled my baggy shorts down to my knees leaving me exposed.
"You little panty thief!" she exclaimed, more amused than angry when she saw what I was wearing. "I was looking for that pair. They are brand new", her voice acquiring an annoyed tone. She cupped my balls and squeezed them until I let out a tiny yelp. She did not let them go and said "I can get you kicked out of your apartment for this." I was quiet, what could I do? She had me by the balls. "Maybe we can work out an arrangement" she said not letting her grip loosen. "I need a someone to do some chores around the house and you look like you will make the perfect domestic maid with a little training." I remained quiet. "When the clothes are done, I want you to fold them and bring then to me in my apartment.", she let go of me and walked out with the same mesmerising swinging of the hips. "You know my apartment number, don't you? 507." she said as she left the room. I was mortified, I simply did not know what to do. I was convinced she could easily get me kicked out and cause more trouble. My only choice was to following along, hopefully I could convince her to forget the incidence. Unfortunately, as I would later find out, she had a rather good memory.
After her things were done I was folding then at the table in the laundry room as was startled by the sound of loud trumpet like noise. It was a rather obese lady, who smelled like cooked pasta blowing her noise. She seemed quite happy in her innocent accomplishment of making that tremendous noise. I admit that on a couple of occasions I had tried unsuccessfully to duplicate her feat while alone in my apartment. She was a rather friendly person always wanting to talk. When she saw me she smiled happily and put her handkerchief away. After some small talk she said "I did not know you had a girlfriend." I replied that I did not and realized my mistake when I saw she was watching me fold the clothes from the lady from room 407. She seemed as embarrassed as I but continued the conversation. I quickly bundled up the remaining stuff and tried to make my escape.
As I left, she invited me over for dinner, she would cook spaghetti and I could bring a bottle or two of wine. I said I was busy, she was quick to reply "another time?". "Perhaps", I said leaving quickly with a red face.
After knocking, I was let in and told to put the stuff in the living room. Her apartment was warm and I noticed she had changed into her black mini and sheer stockings. She told me to strip down leaving me in her panties. She handed me a pink silk bra with underwire support and told me to put it on. Hesitating only long enough to remember how she caught me I took the bra and struggled to put it on. "You'll get better with practice", she assured me as I finally finished. It was a bit tight and I did not fill it out. I stood before her on the tile floor, more embarrassed than ever. "Kneel!" she commanded. I obeyed. She was sitting on a stool and was watching me intently. "I enjoy seeing you squirm you little bitch!", she said in a low voice without breaking her gaze on me, "I like the rush I get exerting my control over men". "Play with your tits, you slut". I cupped my "tits" in my hands and began tracing tiny circles around my nipples.
The silky material acted as a lubricant enhancing the sensual feeling I experienced. "You like it! tell me you like it!". I mumbled that it feels good. My cock was swollen and pushing desperately against the material of her red panty. She got up and walked towards me. Standing slightly to my side she grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. With her other hand she cupped me under my chin and pressed her thumb against my lips forcing my mouth open. She demanded that I keep fondling my "tits". I obeyed, not entirely unwillingly. She was driving me wild. Her fingers would probe my mouth tickling the roof of my mouth, caressing my tongue and gums while she told me to continue playing with myself with soft whispers of encouragement. I was in ecstasy, eyes closed sucking and licking her probing fingers. At times she made me gag when her finger went too far in the back of my throat, but she continued expertly getting me use to having her fingers buried deep in my throat.
"Touch your pussy, you horny slut." I freed my prick and stroked it in delight. I was on the brink of orgasm for what must have been 5-10 minutes. As I heard her tell me to stop I felt a convulsion and ejaculated. leaving a trail of sticky jism leading from my pulsating prick to the base of the stool she had been sitting on. "Naughty girl", she said and sat on the chair. Crossing her legs and swinging her top foot she stared at me. "I'm not happy that you disobeyed me!" she scolded, "I demand full obedience!". She then instructed me to crawl to her until my face was level with her swinging foot and told me to remove her shoe. When I did a pungent mix of leather, sweat and perfume was released. She teased me for several minutes rubbing her foot in my face and marking me with her scent. She then dipped her big toe in the pool of cum making circles in it until most of it was gathered on her toes. "Lick my foot, slave".
Reluctantly I obeyed pushing my tongue against the jelly-like jism until I could feel the firmness of her toe. "Lap it up my little kitten". I could tell she was thoroughly enjoying my predicament. I licked up a thick wad and saw a sticky string connecting my tongue to her toe as I pulled my tongue back in. "Nice kitten, yummy isn't it". I tried to hide my revoltion so that she would not make me continue. "Lap it all up". I continued and when the thick cum was more or less gone she made me suck her toes so I wouldn't miss a drop. Surprisingly I found myself getting aroused again, and was actually enjoying myself after overcoming my initial inhibitions.
She told me I performed adequately and that I was to return Thursday night in order to clean her apartment. She led me to the door and handing me my keys left me standing in the hall. The spell was broken when I heard the elevator bell. I realized I was standing in the hall wearing panties and a bra and clutching my keys. I rushed to my apartment and fumbling with the keys managed to open the door just as I heard voices in the hall. I was panting, leaning against the door wondering if I had been seen.
I watched the people pass my apartment and it seemed that they had not noticed me. A few moments later, I was still recovering, leaning against the door when I heard the door open next door and the lady I was bound to serve walk past. I thought I saw her smile as she passed my door but could not be certain it was not my imagination.
Thursday arrived. I knocked nervously at her door and waited. During the few days since I saw her last I could not get her out of my mind. I was thrilled at the new new sensations I was feeling. I wore her panties each day relishing the sensuous feeling of the soft tight panty hugging and caressing me. When I walked my pants slid across the slippery material giving me the sensation of someone caressing me. I was surprised and amazed at how excited it made me and I was looking forward to our meeting. The door opened. I was led into her living room and made to stand in front of her as she sat on the plush couch. She wore a short skirt with expensive stockings. As she crossed her legs and bounced her leg seductively I could see a flash of white and realized she was wearing a garter belt and thigh high stockings. "I thought you would not show up" she said smiling a tiny smile. Her smile faded and she commanded me to strip. Obeying I stood before her wearing nothing but her panty. My cock was straining in vain to be set free from its silken prison.
"I am giving you the opportunity to serve me", she began, "If you agree to my conditions you will completely surrender to me. The symbol of your submission is this collar. If you decide to put it on you are mine while you wear it. You will obey me completely and without hesitation. Disobedience will not be tolerated and severely punished. Your duties include cleaning and washing my clothes as well as running errands for me. You duties may be expanded depending upon your progress. Since you seem to enjoy playing the part of a woman", she said looking at the tiny wet spot darkening the material at the tip of my cock, "you will be dressed as my maidservant and I expect you to behave appropriately. Through your training I expect you to acquire a more feminine attitude." Handing me the collar she asked, "Do you accept?"
With a trembling hand I took the collar and fastened it around my neck and awaited my fate with head bowed. She got up and as she moved the air stirred her intoxicating musky smell heightening my excitement. She walk around behind me and secured the collar with a tiny lock, just in case I had second thoughts, she informed me. I was committed.
She said, "In the bed room you will find your costume, when you are finished dressing present yourself for inspection. Change your soiled panty and make sure you hide that disgusting bulge". Trying to conceal my eagerness I went into her bedroom and found my outfit waiting for me on her bed. I was delighted with what I saw. A pair of shear silken stockings lay on top. These had a reinforced toe and heal with a seam up the back. I had always had a fascination for stockings and liked they way they looked hugging the legs, I never expected I would ever wear a pair. I took them in my hand and marveled at how soft and silky they felt, like a feather.
I saw a lacy black garter belt with six straps for the stockings. Under the stockings I found a pair of crimson panties which looked a bit small. Next was a black spandex mini skirt which also looked rather small. Deep down I felt a tinge of disappointment at the prospect that my costume might not fit. I also found a light pink silk underwire bra similar to the one I was made to wear before except that the cups were smaller. Smiling to myself I thought that this was going to be fun. Completing the outfit was a black sweater. I removed my old panties amused at the string of jism which oozed from my excited member. I began with the garter belt, adjusting the elastic waist to fit properly. The stockings followed. As I pulled then on I my excitement increased. The black stockings caressed my legs and I pulled then up and I secured the lacy top with the garters.
Next the panties. The material stretched enough so that they hugged me firmly and fit very comfortably. Remembering that my mistress instructed me to get rid of my manly bulge I tucked it between my legs and as I did I found my right ball settled up in my abdomen. Experimenting I found I could also push the other one up which further reduced the bulge. The panty was snug enough to hold everything in place. I examined my profile in the mirror and was satisfied with the result.
To my delight the panty caught the light and would shimmer as I moved. I put on the bra next. It felt a bit tight and actually did push up my tiny breasts making them more pronounced. I caught myself wishing that I had larger breasts and wondered if this was going to far. Too late, I though, I was committed! For a few minutes I teased myself by making tiny circles around my nipples and found them responding by standing up at attention. I was brought back to reality when I heard a impatient voice call out not to keep my mistress waiting. I then pulled up my mini skirt which stretched to fit me snuggle outlining my small hips. I put on the sweater and a pair of heels I found at the base of the bed. With the high heels on my calves looked more defined. I stopped for a moment to examine myself in the mirror, pleased with what I saw. Before making my debut I noticed a tube of lipstick on the dresser in front of the mirror. Wanting to look my best I applied the lipstick, not a professional job, but adequate. Straightening my seams and pulling down my skirt I was ready.
I entered the dimly lit room. It felt warm and I was sweating. I walk awkwardly to the center of the room standing before my mistress. Looking at my crimson lips she said, "I'm glad you are so attentive to the fine details. Not a very good job, but I'm sure practice will make perfect." She got up and walked around me. I saw that she carried a riding crop, an instrument I would soon become familiar with. She examined my seams with satisfaction then abruptly pulled up my skirt. "From now on I insist that you will only wear ladies panties. Also so that you don't soil them you will wear a panty shield every day, understood?" She punctuated her sentence with a firm swat of the crop across my ass. Involuntarily I stepped forward. "Don't move again!" she instructed and continued her inspection. "Mmmmm. I like how you arranged yourself in front. The hair will simply have to go". I was stunned, what have I gotten myself into. At the same time I was incredibly excited and knew I would do whatever she required of me.
She bound my wrists behind my back with plastic quick ties. Next she secured a rope through a D ring in my collar and pulled up my bound hands leaving me exposed and totally helpless. I stood there with growing fear and excitement. I could not move my hands at all. She then attached a long lease to the front of my collar and sat on the sofa. The music was load and sensual. She then instructed me to walk back and forth in front of her, insisting I swing my hips. I could do nothing but obey.
She made me do this for what seemed a long time. If I was sloppy she would swat me on my thighs with her riding crop or give a yank to my lease. My feet were sore, this was the first time in high heels and I was not use to it. The muscles in my calves were being worked hard. When the CD finished she said she was not happy with the unnatural way I carried myself nor with the shoddy job I did dusting her place. She made me face away from her and pulled up my skirt revealing my panty clad ass. I could feel her cup my checks and rub them gently giving them a firm squeeze. I responded with a tiny moan. She then pulled down my panty and made me bend forward. It was difficult to hold my balance but I managed. She then made me spread my legs by tapping on my inner thighs with her cursed riding crop. She then spread my cheeks exposing my virgin hole. Instinctly I contracted as I felt a cool sensation around my ass hole.
Slowly, teasingly she made me relax by gently yet firmly massaging my hole. I could not see what she was doing but it felt like she was using something on me. I could feel some sort of lubricant. She knew what she was doing since in no time at all she had me squirming and purring like a kitten in heat. I found myself pushing back against the object as she pushed it in. To my disappointment she was not going to let me have it all just yet.
After a few minutes when she was pleased with my response she thrust the object firmly inside of me. This time I let out a load moan, my cock erect and pushing against it's silky trap. I was breathing deeply now, fully enjoying the new sensation. She told me to hold it in and as I straightened up I could feel the gently caressing of soft feathers on the back of my legs. I realized she had used the feather duster on me. I must have looked quite amusing standing there with such a colorful tail, like some exotic bird. She changed the CD and went back to her seat on the couch. I had difficulty holding the duster in and was afraid it would squirm out. She then told me that I had to dust the coffee table for her to the rhythm of the music. I was completely embarrassed but unable to do anything with my hands bound. I backed up a few steps until I was closer to the coffee table and squatted down a bit so the duster would touch the table. The duster had a large ball at the end which help keep the devilish instrument in place. I wiggled my ass back and forth trying my best to dust the table. I heard a sharp crack before I felt a stinging pain.
I was within striking distance of that blasted riding crop. I was beginning to respect her instrument of dissapline and the punishment it could inflict. I continued to dust the table trying to do it in tune with the music. I am sure she was much amused seeing me suffer like that, who wouldn't be? occasionally I would get swats of encouragement if I slowed down or seemed to lose enthusiasm. As I moved I could feel the handle of the duster pushing against the base of my cock, probing deep inside me and found that I could stimulate myself if I moved just right.
The torture continued for several songs and it seemed I was entranced by the combination of the music and the self probing I was receiving. Suddenly I felt a particularly stinging blow to my ass which snapped my out of my dream state. "Enough fun" she said and instructed me to get on my knees, "Now for your punishment!". With some difficulty I kneeled down and lowered my head to the floor.
The duster was still stuck in me and my ass was high in th air. I never felt more exposed or humiliated. She stood before me, with the toe of her foot against my face. She removed her panty which fell around her gorgeous ankle. I felt the material against my cheek, soft and still warm. She stepped out of the panty and with the tip of the crop caressing my ass she instructed me to take it in my mouth.
This was to be my gag for what was to follow. I did so, rather clumsily and when I finished she secured it in place with a piece of rope. I was trembling when she said "I don't want you to disturb the neighbors". I could only mumble a muffled protest as she took her place behind me. She began by touching my cock with the riding crop, teasing me until I was fully erect. Without mercy she began to strike my ass. It stung! She applied her punishment to both cheeks. At the end of it I was sobbing. She again worked on my cock with her crop until I was showing signs of excitement. She removed my gag and helped me kneel in an upright position. "You understand you deserved your punishment don't you?" I was surprised at my own reply "Yes, thank you". "Now if you do better we won't have to have so many punishment sessions", she held my head against her and caressed me.
The music was still playing and she surprised me when she freed my hands and after returning to her seat said "As a reward for holding up so well to your first punishment, I will allow you to dance for me." I did not know what she wanted but I knew better than to hesitate. I removed the feather duster and after pulling up my panties straighten out my short skirt. I then began moving around in front of her mimicking the dancers I had seen back in my university days. I found myself becoming aroused and would watch my tormentress to try to find out what she liked. I played with my nipples through the thin sweater and found that they responded to me touch. I pinched then until they stood up to attention. I then turned around to show her my ass as I pulled up the skirt.
I would sooth my burning ass with caresses though the silky panty. I even went as far as to give myself a spanking which seemed to amuse the audience. I closed my eyes and began to work on my pussy - or cock, I don't know which I was so confused. I rubbed my self becoming more daring as I tried to get a response from her. She sensed I was close to orgasm and much to my disappointment made me stop. "Ok - time for you to leave" she said UN expectantly. She instructed me to gather my stuff and said I passed the second test and I was expected to appear next Thursday to clean up. She told me that I had to give back her panties and bra and that I was expected to purchase my own as soon as possible. She also instructed me to start wearing them on a daily basis.
Saturday morning I was doing some chores around the apartment when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find my mistress standing there. Brushing past me she announced that this was a surprise inspection. She stood in my living room watching me still standing at the open door. "Come here and strip for inspection!". I stood before her and pulled my track pants down to my knees. She noticed with disappointment that I was wearing my old underwear and told me I disobeyed. "You know what happens when you disobey, don't you?" I weakly mumbled yes. She sat on the couch and said "Get me something to punish you with". With my pants still pulled half down I went into the kitchen to fetch a wooden spoon. My mistress instructed me to position myself over her knees. Humiliated, I felt like a misbehaved child. "Tell me why you are being punished" she instructed as I felt the wooden spoon caressing my bare ass. Hesitating since I could not think of a reason I felt a sharp swap across my ass. "Why?!" she asked again in a more firm voice. I suddenly remembered, "because I'm not wearing panties like you told me". Another swat, "that's correct my pet. Now beg for your punishment".
Another stinging blow. "Uggg, please, stop". "No dear, ask for it" again another swat this one a little harder. "Mmmmph, please spank me for disobey." She granted my wish with another swat and said "Beg for forgiveness you little worm!". "Please", I begged, "forgive me, please!" She continued administering her punishment making me ask for more swats and begging her to forgive me." After some time she stopped. "Now I want you to your room and bring me your old underwear". She gathered them up saying, "I want you to go shopping today to replace these with something more appropriate". She abruptly left after telling me to present myself at her place tonight at 7pm for another inspection.
I sat on the couch fully aware of my stinging ass. For a moment I wondered if I should stop this relationship. My erect cock didn't like that prospect and convinced me I should accept my fate and continue. I quickly got ready for my shopping spree. I felt both excited and nervous. It was 4:30 when I returned to my apartment with my new purchases. I had gotten carried away somewhat and bought nail polish and makeup while I was at it hoping to please my mistress with my initiative. My wardrobe now included 4 panties of different styles and colors. I chose the one I thought was the most sexy and put it on. I had remembered what my mistress told me about soiling my panties and had purchased a box of carefree panty shields. Taking one out I taped it to the crotch of my panty. Next I applied the nail polish on my toes and was delighted with the effect. I then tried on the makeup, the eye shadow, eye liner and mascara and finished off with bright red lipstick. I was surprised at the change in my appearance and continued my chores in the apartment.
The time passed agonizingly slowly - I could not wait for for my next inspection.
In my rush while shopping I had forgotten to purchase nail polish remover. Well I guess I will just have to wear the polish for a couple of days I thought, smiling to myself. The panty I chose had some lace in the front and I found that the sensitive skin of my penis pushed through the lace and would rub painfully against my track pants as I walked.
I solved the problem by tucking myself in. I pushed my ball up into my abdomen and folded over my penis between my legs. I was happy with the effect seeing my smooth front. Now ready I took a deep breath and went to keep my appointment. I made the short trip down the hall to apartment 507 terrified that someone would see me in my makeup.
I knocked on the door of apartment 507 and waited. As soon as I was let in I was handed my collar which I respectfully put on with trembling hands. I was then led to the kitchen and told I looked thirsty. My mistress held a large glass of water to my lips. Instinctively I was about to reach for the glass but then it occurred to me that if she wanted me to drink by myself she would have instructed me to do so. I began gulping the liquid as she tilted the glass. "Don't spill any", she warned as she continued to feed me. She did not let up and I had difficulty keeping up the pace but luckily I managed without spilling any. She then filled the glass half way and fed it to me again. I felt rather full and slightly uncomfortable after all that water. Being forced to drink like that was mildly exciting although I am still unable to explain why. Only later was I was to discover what her intentions were from this seemingly innocent task she forced on me.
I was then led to the living room where I was instructed to strip for inspection. I removed all my clothes except my panty and stood trembling before her. She walked around me and looked at my hairy legs with distaste. "If you intend to continue to serve me I expect you to maintain smooth legs", she said as she stroked then with her riding crop, causing goose bumps to form. Only a second passed before making up my mind and I said "Yes Ma'am" in a timid voice. I know then I was committed to serving her and with some trepidation accepted my fate. She was pleased with the fact I was wearing a panty shield as instructed and commented on my enthusiasm when seeing my cherry red toes. I blushed and lowered my eyes when she gave me a smile of approval. "Now lets go to the bathroom to do something about those unsightly legs of yours", she said, "our guest will arrive shortly." "Our guest!" I thought in horror, what could she have planned for this evening. I felt faint from a mix of embarrassment and fear for what lay ahead. All kinds of thoughts passed through my head. I imagined the guest was the pasta lady down the hall and she would present me to her as a gift. I was standing in the bathtub now still imagining terrible scenarios. She applied some foamy material from a spray can all over my legs. "Now wait here until I return and don't you dare move an inch", she said as leaving. I stood there trembling. She did say guest and not guests didn't she?
My mistress returned carrying a bundle of clothes. I tried to get a look at them as she placed them on the counter. She noticed me examining at the clothes with interest and smiling she commented "Patience dear, you'll be dressed up in no time". She then rinsed my legs off and I saw my hair disappear down the drain. She told me to dry off and get dressed. "I expect you to present your self in five minutes" she instructed, noting the time on her watch "and remove your makeup dear it looks positively ghastly!".
I quickly rubbed my legs with a towel and found that a few of the more stubborn hairs could be removed in this way. Once I was dry I examined the pile of clothes. I saw that on top there was a fresh napkin. Next I saw a pretty pair of emerald green panties neatly folded and catching the light
in an inviting manner. They were followed by a pair of shimmering brown panty hose. Just picking them up and feeling the silky material was enough to arouse me. I realized I did not have much time and I quickly began dressing. First the panty. I pulled it up part way then fitted the napkin. After tucking myself I pulled up the panty and looked at myself in the mirror. I was delighted with what I saw, a feminine crotch and smooth sexy legs. Next I pulled up the panty hose careful not to cause a run. I sat on the edge of the tub as I did this, first the left leg then the right. The fit was fantastic and without the hair my legs felt more alive and sensitive than ever before. The sensations were greatly enhanced by the sexy pantyhose I was wearing. I could not resist admiring my legs in the mirror. Next the bra and the then a thin white long sleeve blouse. The blouse had seven pearl buttons on the cuffs and somewhat baggy sleeves. The bra matched the panty and I was a bit self conscious when I noticed that one could see through the blouse. I could clearly see the bra I was wearing. Next I put on a short stretch skirt to compliment my outfit. At the bottom of the pile was a frilly apron which I put on after slipping into my high heels. The top of the apron managed to hide my bra somewhat but from behind I could clearly see the darker colored straps through the blouse. After straightening out my skirt with a wiggle of the hips I took a deep breath and went to the living room to present myself.
My mistress was pleased with how I looked and led me to the bedroom for the finishing touches. She first applied eye shadow, then eyeliner with skill and care. Next, mascara to define my lashes and emphasized my eyes. I was increasingly excited as she continued applying my makeup. She ended by painting my lips a pretty candy apple red which glistened seductively in the light. She crowned her work with a wig. All during this I was seated with my back to the mirror, she now let me turn around to have a look at the new me. I was trying to find my reflection in the mirror with some difficulty until I realized that the woman staring at me was in fact myself. I was astonished. Could I really look like that? I experimented with my reflection, first smiling at myself then licking my lips tasting the lipstick in the process. I got up and Instinctively glanced at the legs of the woman in the mirror, not bad I thought seeing the reflection of my smooth legs in the mirror. With my physical transformation came a subtle psychological one as well. My movements were more fluid and elegant. I was brought back to my senses when I heard my mistress say, "Enough of admiring yourself, you need to learn your place in this household. Into the kitchen and get the snacks ready. Take a bottle of champagne out of the fridge and put it in the ice bucket".
I had finished preparing the snacks and drinks relieved that there were only two glasses set out when I heard the door bell ring. I heard my mistress call out, "Answer the door!". Trembling, I went to obey my command. I opened the door to find a very attractive lady dressed in a light pink
skirt suit. The skirt ended mid thigh and she wore shiny ivory pantyhose. I was at a loss with what to do and I could only think of curtsying. "Welcome", I said in my best maid's voice. My mistress approached from behind and greeted our guest. "What a surprise", said our guest, "is she properly trained? She looks a bit green. "I'm sure she looked at my bra as she said this. I was so embarrassed and self conscious. "No training at all", I'm afraid, "but she shows signs of being a quick learner. She does have a fancy for feet as I have found out already", No I don't I though to myself turning a bright red upon remembering our last session. "Really? then I insist I be properly greeted" our guest responded and extended her right foot towards me. I knew what was required. Both ladies waited for my response. I was excited, there was not denying it. I edged forward and knelt before our guest. Taking her foot in my hand with the greatest of tenderness I removed her damp foot from her shoe. I saw tiny beads of perspiration gathered on the sole. After delicately collected them with the tip of my tongue I turned my attention to her shapely foot. With increasing excitement I examined how the light silky material of her stockings encased her foot. She held her foot so that I could run my hand along the underside which caused the material to wrinkle a bit. I found the sensual slippery feel of her stockings to be extremely arousing.
My tongue gently reached to meet her toe. The salty taste encouraged me to extend my tongue further to probe the underside of her delicious foot. I could feel the different texture of material forming the reinforced toe as I continued my licking. Careful not to stain her stockings with my
lipstick I only used my tongue. Did I really harbor these desires before meeting my mistress or did she instill them in me? It did not matter now, they were present and begging to be fulfilled. After a few minutes of the sensual worship I was commanded to put the shoe back on. My mistress then told me to fetch them some champagne. After pouring I was made to stand off to the side holding the tray of snacks. I waited patiently listening to their conversation. I found out that out guest was a professional dancer who also had maidservants and they were chatting about problems she had training a particular one. I found out our guest had a job at "The Latin Quarter", a classy strip club in the city center. My mistress had asked our guest if she could help me with some dance techniques. Our guest was happy to oblige on the condition that she could borrow me once my training was completed. My mistress added the further condition that I was to get further dance training when I was serving her. Both parties were content with the deal. I felt degraded being bargained over, but accepted it with what remaining dignity I had as part of my new position.
I was told to place the tray down and instructed to stand in the middle of the floor. A blindfold was fitted over my eyes, to help me overcome my shyness I was told. With the blindfold I did in fact lose some of my inhibition since I could not see them watch me. I heard music from the
stereo start up and then the command "Dance for us". I started by swaying my hips to the music and caressing myself. Soon I unbuttoned my blouse to reveal my tiny breasts and pointy nipples. I pulled and pinched them though my sexy bra and made tiny noises of pleasure. I found this act of exhibitionism highly stimulating and continued my caresses. I was given some suggestions, more like commands as it would be unthinkable to disobey, to turn around and show some ass or pull up my skirt. Being the center of attention was very exciting. Part way into the second song my blindfold was removed and I was told to interact with the audience some more. I was happy to oblige since I was now getting into it and loved playing the role of a stripper.
I walked towards them with swinging hips. My blouse fully unbuttoned and partially pulled down my shoulders. My skirt was pulled up revealing my crotch. I was still wearing the pantyhose and you could see my cute panty through the material. I could feel myself getting wetter as I continued to dance for them. As the act progressed I would approach very close trying to tease then with my body. I knew they could take me any time they desired and I wanted to build up their lust for me. I felt so feminine and devilish teasing them. I would roll on the ground spreading my legs wide for them to have a good look as I played with my pussy. At one point I was on my hands and knees crawling towards them, being careful to avoid ruining my stockings, when suddenly our guest got up and mounted me like I was a horse. She told me to carry her towards my mistress which I did with some difficulty. When we got to the couch she let her legs down releasing some of her weight and by pulling my hair forced my head back until I was staring at a rubber dildo inches from my face. My mistress rubbed it across my cheek and informed
me it was time for some oral training. I was taken aback. The head of the cock crossed my lips smudging the lipstick. "Kiss it!" she instructed. I was reluctant to do so and my mistress again pressed the head against my lips. "Come on, kiss it!" I reluctantly puckered up and placed a kiss on the head leaving a tell tale red smudge. With encouragement from both of them I parted my lips letting a bit in. My mistress pushed the cock in further than I would have liked and made me gag. Sensing this, she withdrew a bit but my mouth was still filled with the dildo. "Suck it with passion!" I was told and I tried my best. I was getting increasingly aroused as I continued which made me squirm. I tried taking more of the cock in and found I was able to control my gaging reflex if I went slowly. My breathing increased and my reluctance decreased as I continued my lesson. I was now able to take all six inches in with the head deep in my throat. I was panting with excitement and moaning as I worked on the cock. I felt a intense pleasant sensation starting in my groin and spread through my entire body in warm waves. Just as I heard my mistress say "Don't cum!", I felt a sticky warm wetness spreading in my crotch. This was unlike any orgasm I had before. My penis was not actually erect, it was still tucked between my legs. The orgasm involved my entire body. My napkin managed to absorb most of my cum but I did feel some overflow. My pussy was still twitching with each heart beat and I was breathing with some difficulty as I still had the dildo in my mouth. When I regained some of my composure I recalled what I heard before my orgasm and was immediately worried about the consequences for disobeying. It turned out my mistress was only mildly displeased since she was very happy with response to my training session. I was told I would have to wear the soiled panty for the rest of the day. I did not mind the squishy warm feeling between my legs as I performed my duties.
My mistress left the living room and as I was fussing over something on the table with my back to our guest I was startled when I felt her warm hands caress my legs and expertly pull up my skirt. I responded immediately to the sensual caresses. She pushed me forward with ease as I offered no resistance. I was bent at my waist with my body sprawled over the table. My skirt was pushed up and my bottom was exposed. Such a delicious feeling as she massaged my bum. I heard her say she wanted to take me here and now, and I was wishing she did. I was panting as she continued working on me. She parted my cheeks and pushed the damp pad partially into my
hole. Ummmm I was grinding my ass against her and squirming in ecstasy. When my mistress returned she said to our guest, "She is quite a yummy piece isn't she?". Our guest replied by saying, "I can hardly wait to borrow her. I'm sure she could benefit from some specialized training". She pulled down my skirt. I felt my pad was still delightfully wedged in my bum as I
carried on my tasks.
Back in my maid's role I was ordered to refresh their drinks. I still felt weak after my intense orgasm and still a bit awkward in my high heels. My pussy was still pleasantly throbbing. I poured too quickly and the bubbling champagne spilled over. It dawned on me that I did a bad thing and snuck a peek at my mistress hoping she did not see the spilled champagne. No luck,
she was staring at me with an intensity that made me blush and lower my eyes.
She got up and attached the leash to my collar. She then lead me to the center of the room, leaving me standing there. She returned with a fresh pair of panties, garter belt and stockings. After returning to her seat I was instructed to change into the new clothes. First I removed my pumps. I was instructed to get on my knees and kiss the toe of my shoe. I felt excited just at the thought. I could smell leather and saw beads of sweet on the inside just like from our guest. I kissed the toe leaving a red lipstick mark. I was instructed to lick it clean which I eagerly did. I felt somewhat embarrassed at my show of enthusiasm but I was beyond the point of being able to control it.
After my show of submission I removed the pantyhose, which were a damp around the edges of the crotch. Next the panty with the pad heavy with my cum. There was still some sticky jism on my balls and ass hole which I wiped with the panty. I then put on the garter belt and began pulling up the stockings. I was given instruction on how to properly put them on and how to adjust the straps. Ummmm much more sexy I thought. I was surprised to find that the panty was in fact a g-string and put it on again tucking myself to achieve a more feminine crotch. I stood before them, smiling. The way they looked at me made me stop smiling and I sensed I was in for a severe punishment.
My mistress approached and pulling down on the leash forced me to kneel. She stepped on the leash so that it passed under the space between the spiked heel and the toes. By pulling up
on it she forced my head down further until my cheek was pressed against her shoe. "I will now punish you for your sloppy work. This time I will go easy but if you ever spill my champagne again I will give you a canning to remember, understood?". "Yes Ma'am" I respectfully replied. She left me there for several minutes. The redness from my spanking I received earlier this
afternoon during my surprise inspection had faded but my cheeks were still sensitive. My ass was up in the air exposed and vulnerable. The thin strip of the g-string fit snugly in the crack of my bum parting my bare cheeks.
When she returned I saw that she was carrying a wooden spoon and the glass of champagne which I has caused to overflow. "Hands behind your back" she commanded. I responded quickly and without thinking. She placed the cool glass on the small of my back making me hold it. She then got the bottle and slowly filled it up to the rim.
"Remember what I said about spilling any more champagne, darling". I could imagine her
smiling as she said this. When she finished pouring she positioned herself behind me and caressed my bum with the wooden spoon. She gave me a sudden swat - not too hard. I managed to hold the glass without spilling a drop.
I let out an yelp of pain, somewhat exaggerated in the hopes that she would take mercy on me. As I would soon learn she could not be fooled so easily. The next swat was a bit harder and again I succeeded to prevent any spillage. The next was harder still and with this one I moved slightly but luckily nothing was spilled. She alternated cheeks as she continued my test making them glow quite red. The next one was harder still but I was expecting it and did not flinch this time. I was surprised by the next one - it was considerably harder and stung quite a bit. It seems she was tiring of this game.
I jerked forward and felt cool bubbly liquid make its way between my cheeks. She accomplished what she had intended, making me earn a severe canning. She took the glass from my hand and walked to the front of me and motioned me to kneel upright. As I did more of the champagne trickled over my stinging buns soothing them for the moment. She held the glass to my lips forcing me to drink the remaining champagne. My bladder was full from the water I drank earlier and this extra drink made me very uncomfortable. It was difficult to keep myself from peeing.
She stood before me watching, forcing me to averted my eyes towards the ground. Using her riding crop she lifted my chin and stared at me, waiting. "I'm sorry Ma'am" I groveled, "I know I can be a more suitable servant. Please let me prove it". She continued watching me and I knew what was required of me. "I request that I be punished for my sloppiness. Please give me the canning I have earned so that I can achieve perfection in my service to you." What am I saying!! I thought. I was shaking in anticipation of my punishment. With I lowered voice I begged, "Mark me with your crop so that I will remember the lesson I learned today". I humbly lowered my head and continued "I am deserving and ready for my punishment, Ma'am."
"If you insist" was the reply I got. She held the tip of the riding crop near enough so that I could kiss it. Satisfied she removed the sodden pad from my soiled panty. This was to be my gag. I was made to open my mouth and she pushed the napkin in. I dared not resist. When I closed my mouth some of my jism squeezed out and I swallowed by reflex. She tied my hands behind my
back and secured them to a D ring in my collar. In this position I was unable to protect my bum with my hands. I was made to lean forward head down and rear end high in the air. Any question as to who was in control was answered. I was helpless. I could not move and I knew I had to receive
my punishment with grace if I was to be retained as her maid. I waited, trembling for what was going to be the most severe punishment I have receive from her so far. In fact the most severe punishment I have received from anybody, at least up until that day.
Instead of starting out slowly each swat was of equally fierce intensity. There was a mixture of pain and curiously enough a pinch of pleasure in the ordeal. Pleasure in knowing that I have learned a lesson today and through my punishment I was being forgiven. I knew this would help me to better serve my mistress. My semi-swollen member trapped in the front of the panty expressed
a sense of pleasure in my humiliation. I counted twelve swats before she stopped. My bum was on fire and I was sobbing. She examined my cheeks and concluded with an extra sway to the left one to ensure both received equal attention.
She released me. I was then made to continue serving them with my skirt pulled up exposing my burning bum to my great humiliation. I imagined that all four of my cheeks were equally red.
By now my bladder was bursting. I still had the napkin in my mouth and was unable to ask permission to relieve myself. In fact I realized that I was instructed not to talk unless spoken to and even without the gag I would be virtually gagged. Desperately, I squirmed squeezing my legs together making whimpering noises. This amused them greatly and laughing my mistress commented
"Seems my pet needs to relieve herself. Well I'm not ready yet." They went back to their conversation discussing different training methods. I was in agony. Occasionally a droplet of pee escaped to be absorbed in my g-string. I could not hold it for much more.
I then got on my hands and knees and crawled whimpering to my mistress like a puppy. I really had to go and this was the only way I could think of to convince her. She finally gave in not for my sake but to prevent me from peeing on her carpet. She took the leash and made me crawl to the bathroom. Our guest followed. I pulled down my panty while facing the toilet and immediately got a stinging swat across my buns. "That's not how we do it, pull them back up!". I knew what she wanted. After pulling my panty back up I turned around. I was required to sit when I pee. I caught a glimpse of my bum in the mirror and could see the beginning of purple bruises forming on both cheeks. When I sat I could feel a bitter sweet pain. I had some trouble since my erect cock was pointing up. Both ladies watched me with amusement and told me I had two minutes to finish. I had to push my
penis between my legs in order to pee. I was terribly embarrassed as I heard the trickle of my pee while these ladies stood there. When I finished I wiped my pussy and pulled my g-string back up.
The night ended abruptly after that. I was dismissed for the evening as the two ladies when out for dinner. At first I though I would be dismissed for good and was looking at my mistress with begging eyes. I was relieved to hear she wanted me back next Thursday and I said "Thank you, Ma'am!" as I left apartment 507.
I had moved into a new three room apartment in a building located nearby the place I got my new job at. I was lucky, prices in this area are high and apartments hard to come by. After moving in I was disappointed to find that most of the people in the building that I met in the halls or the elevator were significantly older than me. After several weeks I did manage to meet everyone on my floor except the person in apartment 507, the one next to mine.
At night around 8pm I often heard the door of the apartment 507 open and the clicking of high heels pass by on the way to the elevator. Determined to meet the mysterious lady I devised a plan to "accidentally" meet her. At the end of the hallway was our floor's laundry and I thought I could bump into here on my way to do my laundry. I got my laundry together and waited until I heard her open her door. When I emerged from my apartment and saw here I was breathless as we stood a few confused moments looking at each other. "Ummm Hi!" I managed to let out.
She was dressed in a tight black mini skirt. Her face expertly done up. Black heels and sheer stockings. I fumbled with the basket looking like the classic geek. She was way out of my league. She actually looked me up and down making me self conscious and noting the basket she said "You look very domestic". I blushed and smiled. "I just moved here, what's your name?" I managed to ask. She smiled and said, "I think I'm not your type." and brushed past me leaving a trail of musky perfume as she passed. I could see that her stockings had seams up the back and were perfectly aligned. When she got into the elevator she again looked at me and appeared to glanced at my crotch. She must have noticed my obvious erection. She smiled again and as the doors shut I thought I saw her wink at me. I returned to my room disappointed with my fumbled attempt at meeting her.
A few weeks later I had to do my laundry for real and brought my load to the laundry room. After the wash was finished I opened the dryer and to find that someone had left their clothes in the machine. I was in a hurry and removed the clothes to put mine in. I must admit that what I saw excited me a bit. There were a number of panties in the pile, different patterns and colors. All felt incredibly soft and sensuous as I stacked the clothes on top of the dryer. There was an assortment of other lingerie including two bras and a couple few slips. I was amused at the erection I got just handling the clothes.They clothes must be from the lady in 507 I imagined. This excited me more but didn't think about it any more.
When I went to retrieve my clothes I noticed the same musky smell I noticed the first day I met the lady from 507. The pile of clothes were gone and I brought my dry ones back to my apartment intending to fold them. As I folded them I was confused to find a pair of red panties. They were made of bright red nylon panties and looked new. There was just a thin elastic strip on either side connecting the back part with the front. The result I imagine would make the legs look great. As I rubbed the silky material between my fingers I felt myself becoming aroused. I undid my pants to free my cock and draped the panties over the head of my dick. They were still warm from the dryer and the sensation I experienced was fantastic. I thought of the lady next door, how she smelt and looked and began rubbing myself. In no time at all I was near orgasm. I stopped before coming confused with the emotions I felt. I finished folding my underwear and put the panty at the bottom on the pile forgetting the incident.
Two weeks had passed and it was laundry time again. Without knowing it I had tossed my last pair of underwear into the basket and reached for a fresh pair. I was momentarily confused when I picked up the red panty. Just feeling it in my hands made me excited.
"What the hell" I thought and put them on, "Who's going to see?". I wasn't about to admit wearing women's panties turned me on but my erect dick could hold no secrets. I gathered the clothes and went towards the laundry room. Again I noticed the faint smell of that intoxicating perfume in the hallway. When I opened the door to the laundry I was pissed off that someone had beaten me. There was a load in the washer and another heap of clothes in a basket waiting for the washer on top. Curious I took a closer look at the basket and saw some black shimmering material which was slightly covered. I picked it up delighted to see that it was a pair or rather exciting looking panties. I could not help but take a sniff and was rewarded by an exciting musky aroma. I was holding the panty rubbing it between my fingers when I heard.
"Wash day is such a drag, isn't it!". It was the voice of the woman from 507. Terrified I turned around being careful to conceal he panty behind my back. I must have looked as white as a ghost and extremely suspicious. I managed to smile and replied, "Ya" in a weak voice. She looked at me for a few minutes narrowing her eyes.
I was never good at hiding my guilt and it was obvious I was guilty of something and must have looked like I was hiding something behind my back.
"What are you hiding" she asked as she slowly approached me.
"Nothing" I said having to clear my throat. She walked the short distance towards me, her hips wiggling in a very sexy way. While she walked towards me she held my gaze, I felt like a dear caught in the headlights of oncoming traffic. I was wearing loose shorts and my prick was pushing against the panty I made the mistake of wearing. I'm sure you could see a bulge, I felt so exposed and helpless. She approached very closely and reaching behind me pulled my arms forward. She saw I was holding something in my hand and pulled the panty from me, holding it triumphantly before me.
She asked, "Are these yours?". After a moments pause, I lied "They were on the floor. I was just picking them up. "Really." she said unconvinced as she looked at the bulge in my shorts. She held the panty in front of my face swinging it back and forth while watching my tormented face. She then draped the panty over my head and with a quick and expert motion she pulled my baggy shorts down to my knees leaving me exposed.
"You little panty thief!" she exclaimed, more amused than angry when she saw what I was wearing. "I was looking for that pair. They are brand new", her voice acquiring an annoyed tone. She cupped my balls and squeezed them until I let out a tiny yelp. She did not let them go and said "I can get you kicked out of your apartment for this." I was quiet, what could I do? She had me by the balls. "Maybe we can work out an arrangement" she said not letting her grip loosen. "I need a someone to do some chores around the house and you look like you will make the perfect domestic maid with a little training." I remained quiet. "When the clothes are done, I want you to fold them and bring then to me in my apartment.", she let go of me and walked out with the same mesmerising swinging of the hips. "You know my apartment number, don't you? 507." she said as she left the room. I was mortified, I simply did not know what to do. I was convinced she could easily get me kicked out and cause more trouble. My only choice was to following along, hopefully I could convince her to forget the incidence. Unfortunately, as I would later find out, she had a rather good memory.
After her things were done I was folding then at the table in the laundry room as was startled by the sound of loud trumpet like noise. It was a rather obese lady, who smelled like cooked pasta blowing her noise. She seemed quite happy in her innocent accomplishment of making that tremendous noise. I admit that on a couple of occasions I had tried unsuccessfully to duplicate her feat while alone in my apartment. She was a rather friendly person always wanting to talk. When she saw me she smiled happily and put her handkerchief away. After some small talk she said "I did not know you had a girlfriend." I replied that I did not and realized my mistake when I saw she was watching me fold the clothes from the lady from room 407. She seemed as embarrassed as I but continued the conversation. I quickly bundled up the remaining stuff and tried to make my escape.
As I left, she invited me over for dinner, she would cook spaghetti and I could bring a bottle or two of wine. I said I was busy, she was quick to reply "another time?". "Perhaps", I said leaving quickly with a red face.
After knocking, I was let in and told to put the stuff in the living room. Her apartment was warm and I noticed she had changed into her black mini and sheer stockings. She told me to strip down leaving me in her panties. She handed me a pink silk bra with underwire support and told me to put it on. Hesitating only long enough to remember how she caught me I took the bra and struggled to put it on. "You'll get better with practice", she assured me as I finally finished. It was a bit tight and I did not fill it out. I stood before her on the tile floor, more embarrassed than ever. "Kneel!" she commanded. I obeyed. She was sitting on a stool and was watching me intently. "I enjoy seeing you squirm you little bitch!", she said in a low voice without breaking her gaze on me, "I like the rush I get exerting my control over men". "Play with your tits, you slut". I cupped my "tits" in my hands and began tracing tiny circles around my nipples.
The silky material acted as a lubricant enhancing the sensual feeling I experienced. "You like it! tell me you like it!". I mumbled that it feels good. My cock was swollen and pushing desperately against the material of her red panty. She got up and walked towards me. Standing slightly to my side she grabbed my hair and pulled my head back. With her other hand she cupped me under my chin and pressed her thumb against my lips forcing my mouth open. She demanded that I keep fondling my "tits". I obeyed, not entirely unwillingly. She was driving me wild. Her fingers would probe my mouth tickling the roof of my mouth, caressing my tongue and gums while she told me to continue playing with myself with soft whispers of encouragement. I was in ecstasy, eyes closed sucking and licking her probing fingers. At times she made me gag when her finger went too far in the back of my throat, but she continued expertly getting me use to having her fingers buried deep in my throat.
"Touch your pussy, you horny slut." I freed my prick and stroked it in delight. I was on the brink of orgasm for what must have been 5-10 minutes. As I heard her tell me to stop I felt a convulsion and ejaculated. leaving a trail of sticky jism leading from my pulsating prick to the base of the stool she had been sitting on. "Naughty girl", she said and sat on the chair. Crossing her legs and swinging her top foot she stared at me. "I'm not happy that you disobeyed me!" she scolded, "I demand full obedience!". She then instructed me to crawl to her until my face was level with her swinging foot and told me to remove her shoe. When I did a pungent mix of leather, sweat and perfume was released. She teased me for several minutes rubbing her foot in my face and marking me with her scent. She then dipped her big toe in the pool of cum making circles in it until most of it was gathered on her toes. "Lick my foot, slave".
Reluctantly I obeyed pushing my tongue against the jelly-like jism until I could feel the firmness of her toe. "Lap it up my little kitten". I could tell she was thoroughly enjoying my predicament. I licked up a thick wad and saw a sticky string connecting my tongue to her toe as I pulled my tongue back in. "Nice kitten, yummy isn't it". I tried to hide my revoltion so that she would not make me continue. "Lap it all up". I continued and when the thick cum was more or less gone she made me suck her toes so I wouldn't miss a drop. Surprisingly I found myself getting aroused again, and was actually enjoying myself after overcoming my initial inhibitions.
She told me I performed adequately and that I was to return Thursday night in order to clean her apartment. She led me to the door and handing me my keys left me standing in the hall. The spell was broken when I heard the elevator bell. I realized I was standing in the hall wearing panties and a bra and clutching my keys. I rushed to my apartment and fumbling with the keys managed to open the door just as I heard voices in the hall. I was panting, leaning against the door wondering if I had been seen.
I watched the people pass my apartment and it seemed that they had not noticed me. A few moments later, I was still recovering, leaning against the door when I heard the door open next door and the lady I was bound to serve walk past. I thought I saw her smile as she passed my door but could not be certain it was not my imagination.
Thursday arrived. I knocked nervously at her door and waited. During the few days since I saw her last I could not get her out of my mind. I was thrilled at the new new sensations I was feeling. I wore her panties each day relishing the sensuous feeling of the soft tight panty hugging and caressing me. When I walked my pants slid across the slippery material giving me the sensation of someone caressing me. I was surprised and amazed at how excited it made me and I was looking forward to our meeting. The door opened. I was led into her living room and made to stand in front of her as she sat on the plush couch. She wore a short skirt with expensive stockings. As she crossed her legs and bounced her leg seductively I could see a flash of white and realized she was wearing a garter belt and thigh high stockings. "I thought you would not show up" she said smiling a tiny smile. Her smile faded and she commanded me to strip. Obeying I stood before her wearing nothing but her panty. My cock was straining in vain to be set free from its silken prison.
"I am giving you the opportunity to serve me", she began, "If you agree to my conditions you will completely surrender to me. The symbol of your submission is this collar. If you decide to put it on you are mine while you wear it. You will obey me completely and without hesitation. Disobedience will not be tolerated and severely punished. Your duties include cleaning and washing my clothes as well as running errands for me. You duties may be expanded depending upon your progress. Since you seem to enjoy playing the part of a woman", she said looking at the tiny wet spot darkening the material at the tip of my cock, "you will be dressed as my maidservant and I expect you to behave appropriately. Through your training I expect you to acquire a more feminine attitude." Handing me the collar she asked, "Do you accept?"
With a trembling hand I took the collar and fastened it around my neck and awaited my fate with head bowed. She got up and as she moved the air stirred her intoxicating musky smell heightening my excitement. She walk around behind me and secured the collar with a tiny lock, just in case I had second thoughts, she informed me. I was committed.
She said, "In the bed room you will find your costume, when you are finished dressing present yourself for inspection. Change your soiled panty and make sure you hide that disgusting bulge". Trying to conceal my eagerness I went into her bedroom and found my outfit waiting for me on her bed. I was delighted with what I saw. A pair of shear silken stockings lay on top. These had a reinforced toe and heal with a seam up the back. I had always had a fascination for stockings and liked they way they looked hugging the legs, I never expected I would ever wear a pair. I took them in my hand and marveled at how soft and silky they felt, like a feather.
I saw a lacy black garter belt with six straps for the stockings. Under the stockings I found a pair of crimson panties which looked a bit small. Next was a black spandex mini skirt which also looked rather small. Deep down I felt a tinge of disappointment at the prospect that my costume might not fit. I also found a light pink silk underwire bra similar to the one I was made to wear before except that the cups were smaller. Smiling to myself I thought that this was going to be fun. Completing the outfit was a black sweater. I removed my old panties amused at the string of jism which oozed from my excited member. I began with the garter belt, adjusting the elastic waist to fit properly. The stockings followed. As I pulled then on I my excitement increased. The black stockings caressed my legs and I pulled then up and I secured the lacy top with the garters.
Next the panties. The material stretched enough so that they hugged me firmly and fit very comfortably. Remembering that my mistress instructed me to get rid of my manly bulge I tucked it between my legs and as I did I found my right ball settled up in my abdomen. Experimenting I found I could also push the other one up which further reduced the bulge. The panty was snug enough to hold everything in place. I examined my profile in the mirror and was satisfied with the result.
To my delight the panty caught the light and would shimmer as I moved. I put on the bra next. It felt a bit tight and actually did push up my tiny breasts making them more pronounced. I caught myself wishing that I had larger breasts and wondered if this was going to far. Too late, I though, I was committed! For a few minutes I teased myself by making tiny circles around my nipples and found them responding by standing up at attention. I was brought back to reality when I heard a impatient voice call out not to keep my mistress waiting. I then pulled up my mini skirt which stretched to fit me snuggle outlining my small hips. I put on the sweater and a pair of heels I found at the base of the bed. With the high heels on my calves looked more defined. I stopped for a moment to examine myself in the mirror, pleased with what I saw. Before making my debut I noticed a tube of lipstick on the dresser in front of the mirror. Wanting to look my best I applied the lipstick, not a professional job, but adequate. Straightening my seams and pulling down my skirt I was ready.
I entered the dimly lit room. It felt warm and I was sweating. I walk awkwardly to the center of the room standing before my mistress. Looking at my crimson lips she said, "I'm glad you are so attentive to the fine details. Not a very good job, but I'm sure practice will make perfect." She got up and walked around me. I saw that she carried a riding crop, an instrument I would soon become familiar with. She examined my seams with satisfaction then abruptly pulled up my skirt. "From now on I insist that you will only wear ladies panties. Also so that you don't soil them you will wear a panty shield every day, understood?" She punctuated her sentence with a firm swat of the crop across my ass. Involuntarily I stepped forward. "Don't move again!" she instructed and continued her inspection. "Mmmmm. I like how you arranged yourself in front. The hair will simply have to go". I was stunned, what have I gotten myself into. At the same time I was incredibly excited and knew I would do whatever she required of me.
She bound my wrists behind my back with plastic quick ties. Next she secured a rope through a D ring in my collar and pulled up my bound hands leaving me exposed and totally helpless. I stood there with growing fear and excitement. I could not move my hands at all. She then attached a long lease to the front of my collar and sat on the sofa. The music was load and sensual. She then instructed me to walk back and forth in front of her, insisting I swing my hips. I could do nothing but obey.
She made me do this for what seemed a long time. If I was sloppy she would swat me on my thighs with her riding crop or give a yank to my lease. My feet were sore, this was the first time in high heels and I was not use to it. The muscles in my calves were being worked hard. When the CD finished she said she was not happy with the unnatural way I carried myself nor with the shoddy job I did dusting her place. She made me face away from her and pulled up my skirt revealing my panty clad ass. I could feel her cup my checks and rub them gently giving them a firm squeeze. I responded with a tiny moan. She then pulled down my panty and made me bend forward. It was difficult to hold my balance but I managed. She then made me spread my legs by tapping on my inner thighs with her cursed riding crop. She then spread my cheeks exposing my virgin hole. Instinctly I contracted as I felt a cool sensation around my ass hole.
Slowly, teasingly she made me relax by gently yet firmly massaging my hole. I could not see what she was doing but it felt like she was using something on me. I could feel some sort of lubricant. She knew what she was doing since in no time at all she had me squirming and purring like a kitten in heat. I found myself pushing back against the object as she pushed it in. To my disappointment she was not going to let me have it all just yet.
After a few minutes when she was pleased with my response she thrust the object firmly inside of me. This time I let out a load moan, my cock erect and pushing against it's silky trap. I was breathing deeply now, fully enjoying the new sensation. She told me to hold it in and as I straightened up I could feel the gently caressing of soft feathers on the back of my legs. I realized she had used the feather duster on me. I must have looked quite amusing standing there with such a colorful tail, like some exotic bird. She changed the CD and went back to her seat on the couch. I had difficulty holding the duster in and was afraid it would squirm out. She then told me that I had to dust the coffee table for her to the rhythm of the music. I was completely embarrassed but unable to do anything with my hands bound. I backed up a few steps until I was closer to the coffee table and squatted down a bit so the duster would touch the table. The duster had a large ball at the end which help keep the devilish instrument in place. I wiggled my ass back and forth trying my best to dust the table. I heard a sharp crack before I felt a stinging pain.
I was within striking distance of that blasted riding crop. I was beginning to respect her instrument of dissapline and the punishment it could inflict. I continued to dust the table trying to do it in tune with the music. I am sure she was much amused seeing me suffer like that, who wouldn't be? occasionally I would get swats of encouragement if I slowed down or seemed to lose enthusiasm. As I moved I could feel the handle of the duster pushing against the base of my cock, probing deep inside me and found that I could stimulate myself if I moved just right.
The torture continued for several songs and it seemed I was entranced by the combination of the music and the self probing I was receiving. Suddenly I felt a particularly stinging blow to my ass which snapped my out of my dream state. "Enough fun" she said and instructed me to get on my knees, "Now for your punishment!". With some difficulty I kneeled down and lowered my head to the floor.
The duster was still stuck in me and my ass was high in th air. I never felt more exposed or humiliated. She stood before me, with the toe of her foot against my face. She removed her panty which fell around her gorgeous ankle. I felt the material against my cheek, soft and still warm. She stepped out of the panty and with the tip of the crop caressing my ass she instructed me to take it in my mouth.
This was to be my gag for what was to follow. I did so, rather clumsily and when I finished she secured it in place with a piece of rope. I was trembling when she said "I don't want you to disturb the neighbors". I could only mumble a muffled protest as she took her place behind me. She began by touching my cock with the riding crop, teasing me until I was fully erect. Without mercy she began to strike my ass. It stung! She applied her punishment to both cheeks. At the end of it I was sobbing. She again worked on my cock with her crop until I was showing signs of excitement. She removed my gag and helped me kneel in an upright position. "You understand you deserved your punishment don't you?" I was surprised at my own reply "Yes, thank you". "Now if you do better we won't have to have so many punishment sessions", she held my head against her and caressed me.
The music was still playing and she surprised me when she freed my hands and after returning to her seat said "As a reward for holding up so well to your first punishment, I will allow you to dance for me." I did not know what she wanted but I knew better than to hesitate. I removed the feather duster and after pulling up my panties straighten out my short skirt. I then began moving around in front of her mimicking the dancers I had seen back in my university days. I found myself becoming aroused and would watch my tormentress to try to find out what she liked. I played with my nipples through the thin sweater and found that they responded to me touch. I pinched then until they stood up to attention. I then turned around to show her my ass as I pulled up the skirt.
I would sooth my burning ass with caresses though the silky panty. I even went as far as to give myself a spanking which seemed to amuse the audience. I closed my eyes and began to work on my pussy - or cock, I don't know which I was so confused. I rubbed my self becoming more daring as I tried to get a response from her. She sensed I was close to orgasm and much to my disappointment made me stop. "Ok - time for you to leave" she said UN expectantly. She instructed me to gather my stuff and said I passed the second test and I was expected to appear next Thursday to clean up. She told me that I had to give back her panties and bra and that I was expected to purchase my own as soon as possible. She also instructed me to start wearing them on a daily basis.
Saturday morning I was doing some chores around the apartment when I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to find my mistress standing there. Brushing past me she announced that this was a surprise inspection. She stood in my living room watching me still standing at the open door. "Come here and strip for inspection!". I stood before her and pulled my track pants down to my knees. She noticed with disappointment that I was wearing my old underwear and told me I disobeyed. "You know what happens when you disobey, don't you?" I weakly mumbled yes. She sat on the couch and said "Get me something to punish you with". With my pants still pulled half down I went into the kitchen to fetch a wooden spoon. My mistress instructed me to position myself over her knees. Humiliated, I felt like a misbehaved child. "Tell me why you are being punished" she instructed as I felt the wooden spoon caressing my bare ass. Hesitating since I could not think of a reason I felt a sharp swap across my ass. "Why?!" she asked again in a more firm voice. I suddenly remembered, "because I'm not wearing panties like you told me". Another swat, "that's correct my pet. Now beg for your punishment".
Another stinging blow. "Uggg, please, stop". "No dear, ask for it" again another swat this one a little harder. "Mmmmph, please spank me for disobey." She granted my wish with another swat and said "Beg for forgiveness you little worm!". "Please", I begged, "forgive me, please!" She continued administering her punishment making me ask for more swats and begging her to forgive me." After some time she stopped. "Now I want you to your room and bring me your old underwear". She gathered them up saying, "I want you to go shopping today to replace these with something more appropriate". She abruptly left after telling me to present myself at her place tonight at 7pm for another inspection.
I sat on the couch fully aware of my stinging ass. For a moment I wondered if I should stop this relationship. My erect cock didn't like that prospect and convinced me I should accept my fate and continue. I quickly got ready for my shopping spree. I felt both excited and nervous. It was 4:30 when I returned to my apartment with my new purchases. I had gotten carried away somewhat and bought nail polish and makeup while I was at it hoping to please my mistress with my initiative. My wardrobe now included 4 panties of different styles and colors. I chose the one I thought was the most sexy and put it on. I had remembered what my mistress told me about soiling my panties and had purchased a box of carefree panty shields. Taking one out I taped it to the crotch of my panty. Next I applied the nail polish on my toes and was delighted with the effect. I then tried on the makeup, the eye shadow, eye liner and mascara and finished off with bright red lipstick. I was surprised at the change in my appearance and continued my chores in the apartment.
The time passed agonizingly slowly - I could not wait for for my next inspection.
In my rush while shopping I had forgotten to purchase nail polish remover. Well I guess I will just have to wear the polish for a couple of days I thought, smiling to myself. The panty I chose had some lace in the front and I found that the sensitive skin of my penis pushed through the lace and would rub painfully against my track pants as I walked.
I solved the problem by tucking myself in. I pushed my ball up into my abdomen and folded over my penis between my legs. I was happy with the effect seeing my smooth front. Now ready I took a deep breath and went to keep my appointment. I made the short trip down the hall to apartment 507 terrified that someone would see me in my makeup.
I knocked on the door of apartment 507 and waited. As soon as I was let in I was handed my collar which I respectfully put on with trembling hands. I was then led to the kitchen and told I looked thirsty. My mistress held a large glass of water to my lips. Instinctively I was about to reach for the glass but then it occurred to me that if she wanted me to drink by myself she would have instructed me to do so. I began gulping the liquid as she tilted the glass. "Don't spill any", she warned as she continued to feed me. She did not let up and I had difficulty keeping up the pace but luckily I managed without spilling any. She then filled the glass half way and fed it to me again. I felt rather full and slightly uncomfortable after all that water. Being forced to drink like that was mildly exciting although I am still unable to explain why. Only later was I was to discover what her intentions were from this seemingly innocent task she forced on me.
I was then led to the living room where I was instructed to strip for inspection. I removed all my clothes except my panty and stood trembling before her. She walked around me and looked at my hairy legs with distaste. "If you intend to continue to serve me I expect you to maintain smooth legs", she said as she stroked then with her riding crop, causing goose bumps to form. Only a second passed before making up my mind and I said "Yes Ma'am" in a timid voice. I know then I was committed to serving her and with some trepidation accepted my fate. She was pleased with the fact I was wearing a panty shield as instructed and commented on my enthusiasm when seeing my cherry red toes. I blushed and lowered my eyes when she gave me a smile of approval. "Now lets go to the bathroom to do something about those unsightly legs of yours", she said, "our guest will arrive shortly." "Our guest!" I thought in horror, what could she have planned for this evening. I felt faint from a mix of embarrassment and fear for what lay ahead. All kinds of thoughts passed through my head. I imagined the guest was the pasta lady down the hall and she would present me to her as a gift. I was standing in the bathtub now still imagining terrible scenarios. She applied some foamy material from a spray can all over my legs. "Now wait here until I return and don't you dare move an inch", she said as leaving. I stood there trembling. She did say guest and not guests didn't she?
My mistress returned carrying a bundle of clothes. I tried to get a look at them as she placed them on the counter. She noticed me examining at the clothes with interest and smiling she commented "Patience dear, you'll be dressed up in no time". She then rinsed my legs off and I saw my hair disappear down the drain. She told me to dry off and get dressed. "I expect you to present your self in five minutes" she instructed, noting the time on her watch "and remove your makeup dear it looks positively ghastly!".
I quickly rubbed my legs with a towel and found that a few of the more stubborn hairs could be removed in this way. Once I was dry I examined the pile of clothes. I saw that on top there was a fresh napkin. Next I saw a pretty pair of emerald green panties neatly folded and catching the light
in an inviting manner. They were followed by a pair of shimmering brown panty hose. Just picking them up and feeling the silky material was enough to arouse me. I realized I did not have much time and I quickly began dressing. First the panty. I pulled it up part way then fitted the napkin. After tucking myself I pulled up the panty and looked at myself in the mirror. I was delighted with what I saw, a feminine crotch and smooth sexy legs. Next I pulled up the panty hose careful not to cause a run. I sat on the edge of the tub as I did this, first the left leg then the right. The fit was fantastic and without the hair my legs felt more alive and sensitive than ever before. The sensations were greatly enhanced by the sexy pantyhose I was wearing. I could not resist admiring my legs in the mirror. Next the bra and the then a thin white long sleeve blouse. The blouse had seven pearl buttons on the cuffs and somewhat baggy sleeves. The bra matched the panty and I was a bit self conscious when I noticed that one could see through the blouse. I could clearly see the bra I was wearing. Next I put on a short stretch skirt to compliment my outfit. At the bottom of the pile was a frilly apron which I put on after slipping into my high heels. The top of the apron managed to hide my bra somewhat but from behind I could clearly see the darker colored straps through the blouse. After straightening out my skirt with a wiggle of the hips I took a deep breath and went to the living room to present myself.
My mistress was pleased with how I looked and led me to the bedroom for the finishing touches. She first applied eye shadow, then eyeliner with skill and care. Next, mascara to define my lashes and emphasized my eyes. I was increasingly excited as she continued applying my makeup. She ended by painting my lips a pretty candy apple red which glistened seductively in the light. She crowned her work with a wig. All during this I was seated with my back to the mirror, she now let me turn around to have a look at the new me. I was trying to find my reflection in the mirror with some difficulty until I realized that the woman staring at me was in fact myself. I was astonished. Could I really look like that? I experimented with my reflection, first smiling at myself then licking my lips tasting the lipstick in the process. I got up and Instinctively glanced at the legs of the woman in the mirror, not bad I thought seeing the reflection of my smooth legs in the mirror. With my physical transformation came a subtle psychological one as well. My movements were more fluid and elegant. I was brought back to my senses when I heard my mistress say, "Enough of admiring yourself, you need to learn your place in this household. Into the kitchen and get the snacks ready. Take a bottle of champagne out of the fridge and put it in the ice bucket".
I had finished preparing the snacks and drinks relieved that there were only two glasses set out when I heard the door bell ring. I heard my mistress call out, "Answer the door!". Trembling, I went to obey my command. I opened the door to find a very attractive lady dressed in a light pink
skirt suit. The skirt ended mid thigh and she wore shiny ivory pantyhose. I was at a loss with what to do and I could only think of curtsying. "Welcome", I said in my best maid's voice. My mistress approached from behind and greeted our guest. "What a surprise", said our guest, "is she properly trained? She looks a bit green. "I'm sure she looked at my bra as she said this. I was so embarrassed and self conscious. "No training at all", I'm afraid, "but she shows signs of being a quick learner. She does have a fancy for feet as I have found out already", No I don't I though to myself turning a bright red upon remembering our last session. "Really? then I insist I be properly greeted" our guest responded and extended her right foot towards me. I knew what was required. Both ladies waited for my response. I was excited, there was not denying it. I edged forward and knelt before our guest. Taking her foot in my hand with the greatest of tenderness I removed her damp foot from her shoe. I saw tiny beads of perspiration gathered on the sole. After delicately collected them with the tip of my tongue I turned my attention to her shapely foot. With increasing excitement I examined how the light silky material of her stockings encased her foot. She held her foot so that I could run my hand along the underside which caused the material to wrinkle a bit. I found the sensual slippery feel of her stockings to be extremely arousing.
My tongue gently reached to meet her toe. The salty taste encouraged me to extend my tongue further to probe the underside of her delicious foot. I could feel the different texture of material forming the reinforced toe as I continued my licking. Careful not to stain her stockings with my
lipstick I only used my tongue. Did I really harbor these desires before meeting my mistress or did she instill them in me? It did not matter now, they were present and begging to be fulfilled. After a few minutes of the sensual worship I was commanded to put the shoe back on. My mistress then told me to fetch them some champagne. After pouring I was made to stand off to the side holding the tray of snacks. I waited patiently listening to their conversation. I found out that out guest was a professional dancer who also had maidservants and they were chatting about problems she had training a particular one. I found out our guest had a job at "The Latin Quarter", a classy strip club in the city center. My mistress had asked our guest if she could help me with some dance techniques. Our guest was happy to oblige on the condition that she could borrow me once my training was completed. My mistress added the further condition that I was to get further dance training when I was serving her. Both parties were content with the deal. I felt degraded being bargained over, but accepted it with what remaining dignity I had as part of my new position.
I was told to place the tray down and instructed to stand in the middle of the floor. A blindfold was fitted over my eyes, to help me overcome my shyness I was told. With the blindfold I did in fact lose some of my inhibition since I could not see them watch me. I heard music from the
stereo start up and then the command "Dance for us". I started by swaying my hips to the music and caressing myself. Soon I unbuttoned my blouse to reveal my tiny breasts and pointy nipples. I pulled and pinched them though my sexy bra and made tiny noises of pleasure. I found this act of exhibitionism highly stimulating and continued my caresses. I was given some suggestions, more like commands as it would be unthinkable to disobey, to turn around and show some ass or pull up my skirt. Being the center of attention was very exciting. Part way into the second song my blindfold was removed and I was told to interact with the audience some more. I was happy to oblige since I was now getting into it and loved playing the role of a stripper.
I walked towards them with swinging hips. My blouse fully unbuttoned and partially pulled down my shoulders. My skirt was pulled up revealing my crotch. I was still wearing the pantyhose and you could see my cute panty through the material. I could feel myself getting wetter as I continued to dance for them. As the act progressed I would approach very close trying to tease then with my body. I knew they could take me any time they desired and I wanted to build up their lust for me. I felt so feminine and devilish teasing them. I would roll on the ground spreading my legs wide for them to have a good look as I played with my pussy. At one point I was on my hands and knees crawling towards them, being careful to avoid ruining my stockings, when suddenly our guest got up and mounted me like I was a horse. She told me to carry her towards my mistress which I did with some difficulty. When we got to the couch she let her legs down releasing some of her weight and by pulling my hair forced my head back until I was staring at a rubber dildo inches from my face. My mistress rubbed it across my cheek and informed
me it was time for some oral training. I was taken aback. The head of the cock crossed my lips smudging the lipstick. "Kiss it!" she instructed. I was reluctant to do so and my mistress again pressed the head against my lips. "Come on, kiss it!" I reluctantly puckered up and placed a kiss on the head leaving a tell tale red smudge. With encouragement from both of them I parted my lips letting a bit in. My mistress pushed the cock in further than I would have liked and made me gag. Sensing this, she withdrew a bit but my mouth was still filled with the dildo. "Suck it with passion!" I was told and I tried my best. I was getting increasingly aroused as I continued which made me squirm. I tried taking more of the cock in and found I was able to control my gaging reflex if I went slowly. My breathing increased and my reluctance decreased as I continued my lesson. I was now able to take all six inches in with the head deep in my throat. I was panting with excitement and moaning as I worked on the cock. I felt a intense pleasant sensation starting in my groin and spread through my entire body in warm waves. Just as I heard my mistress say "Don't cum!", I felt a sticky warm wetness spreading in my crotch. This was unlike any orgasm I had before. My penis was not actually erect, it was still tucked between my legs. The orgasm involved my entire body. My napkin managed to absorb most of my cum but I did feel some overflow. My pussy was still twitching with each heart beat and I was breathing with some difficulty as I still had the dildo in my mouth. When I regained some of my composure I recalled what I heard before my orgasm and was immediately worried about the consequences for disobeying. It turned out my mistress was only mildly displeased since she was very happy with response to my training session. I was told I would have to wear the soiled panty for the rest of the day. I did not mind the squishy warm feeling between my legs as I performed my duties.
My mistress left the living room and as I was fussing over something on the table with my back to our guest I was startled when I felt her warm hands caress my legs and expertly pull up my skirt. I responded immediately to the sensual caresses. She pushed me forward with ease as I offered no resistance. I was bent at my waist with my body sprawled over the table. My skirt was pushed up and my bottom was exposed. Such a delicious feeling as she massaged my bum. I heard her say she wanted to take me here and now, and I was wishing she did. I was panting as she continued working on me. She parted my cheeks and pushed the damp pad partially into my
hole. Ummmm I was grinding my ass against her and squirming in ecstasy. When my mistress returned she said to our guest, "She is quite a yummy piece isn't she?". Our guest replied by saying, "I can hardly wait to borrow her. I'm sure she could benefit from some specialized training". She pulled down my skirt. I felt my pad was still delightfully wedged in my bum as I
carried on my tasks.
Back in my maid's role I was ordered to refresh their drinks. I still felt weak after my intense orgasm and still a bit awkward in my high heels. My pussy was still pleasantly throbbing. I poured too quickly and the bubbling champagne spilled over. It dawned on me that I did a bad thing and snuck a peek at my mistress hoping she did not see the spilled champagne. No luck,
she was staring at me with an intensity that made me blush and lower my eyes.
She got up and attached the leash to my collar. She then lead me to the center of the room, leaving me standing there. She returned with a fresh pair of panties, garter belt and stockings. After returning to her seat I was instructed to change into the new clothes. First I removed my pumps. I was instructed to get on my knees and kiss the toe of my shoe. I felt excited just at the thought. I could smell leather and saw beads of sweet on the inside just like from our guest. I kissed the toe leaving a red lipstick mark. I was instructed to lick it clean which I eagerly did. I felt somewhat embarrassed at my show of enthusiasm but I was beyond the point of being able to control it.
After my show of submission I removed the pantyhose, which were a damp around the edges of the crotch. Next the panty with the pad heavy with my cum. There was still some sticky jism on my balls and ass hole which I wiped with the panty. I then put on the garter belt and began pulling up the stockings. I was given instruction on how to properly put them on and how to adjust the straps. Ummmm much more sexy I thought. I was surprised to find that the panty was in fact a g-string and put it on again tucking myself to achieve a more feminine crotch. I stood before them, smiling. The way they looked at me made me stop smiling and I sensed I was in for a severe punishment.
My mistress approached and pulling down on the leash forced me to kneel. She stepped on the leash so that it passed under the space between the spiked heel and the toes. By pulling up
on it she forced my head down further until my cheek was pressed against her shoe. "I will now punish you for your sloppy work. This time I will go easy but if you ever spill my champagne again I will give you a canning to remember, understood?". "Yes Ma'am" I respectfully replied. She left me there for several minutes. The redness from my spanking I received earlier this
afternoon during my surprise inspection had faded but my cheeks were still sensitive. My ass was up in the air exposed and vulnerable. The thin strip of the g-string fit snugly in the crack of my bum parting my bare cheeks.
When she returned I saw that she was carrying a wooden spoon and the glass of champagne which I has caused to overflow. "Hands behind your back" she commanded. I responded quickly and without thinking. She placed the cool glass on the small of my back making me hold it. She then got the bottle and slowly filled it up to the rim.
"Remember what I said about spilling any more champagne, darling". I could imagine her
smiling as she said this. When she finished pouring she positioned herself behind me and caressed my bum with the wooden spoon. She gave me a sudden swat - not too hard. I managed to hold the glass without spilling a drop.
I let out an yelp of pain, somewhat exaggerated in the hopes that she would take mercy on me. As I would soon learn she could not be fooled so easily. The next swat was a bit harder and again I succeeded to prevent any spillage. The next was harder still and with this one I moved slightly but luckily nothing was spilled. She alternated cheeks as she continued my test making them glow quite red. The next one was harder still but I was expecting it and did not flinch this time. I was surprised by the next one - it was considerably harder and stung quite a bit. It seems she was tiring of this game.
I jerked forward and felt cool bubbly liquid make its way between my cheeks. She accomplished what she had intended, making me earn a severe canning. She took the glass from my hand and walked to the front of me and motioned me to kneel upright. As I did more of the champagne trickled over my stinging buns soothing them for the moment. She held the glass to my lips forcing me to drink the remaining champagne. My bladder was full from the water I drank earlier and this extra drink made me very uncomfortable. It was difficult to keep myself from peeing.
She stood before me watching, forcing me to averted my eyes towards the ground. Using her riding crop she lifted my chin and stared at me, waiting. "I'm sorry Ma'am" I groveled, "I know I can be a more suitable servant. Please let me prove it". She continued watching me and I knew what was required of me. "I request that I be punished for my sloppiness. Please give me the canning I have earned so that I can achieve perfection in my service to you." What am I saying!! I thought. I was shaking in anticipation of my punishment. With I lowered voice I begged, "Mark me with your crop so that I will remember the lesson I learned today". I humbly lowered my head and continued "I am deserving and ready for my punishment, Ma'am."
"If you insist" was the reply I got. She held the tip of the riding crop near enough so that I could kiss it. Satisfied she removed the sodden pad from my soiled panty. This was to be my gag. I was made to open my mouth and she pushed the napkin in. I dared not resist. When I closed my mouth some of my jism squeezed out and I swallowed by reflex. She tied my hands behind my
back and secured them to a D ring in my collar. In this position I was unable to protect my bum with my hands. I was made to lean forward head down and rear end high in the air. Any question as to who was in control was answered. I was helpless. I could not move and I knew I had to receive
my punishment with grace if I was to be retained as her maid. I waited, trembling for what was going to be the most severe punishment I have receive from her so far. In fact the most severe punishment I have received from anybody, at least up until that day.
Instead of starting out slowly each swat was of equally fierce intensity. There was a mixture of pain and curiously enough a pinch of pleasure in the ordeal. Pleasure in knowing that I have learned a lesson today and through my punishment I was being forgiven. I knew this would help me to better serve my mistress. My semi-swollen member trapped in the front of the panty expressed
a sense of pleasure in my humiliation. I counted twelve swats before she stopped. My bum was on fire and I was sobbing. She examined my cheeks and concluded with an extra sway to the left one to ensure both received equal attention.
She released me. I was then made to continue serving them with my skirt pulled up exposing my burning bum to my great humiliation. I imagined that all four of my cheeks were equally red.
By now my bladder was bursting. I still had the napkin in my mouth and was unable to ask permission to relieve myself. In fact I realized that I was instructed not to talk unless spoken to and even without the gag I would be virtually gagged. Desperately, I squirmed squeezing my legs together making whimpering noises. This amused them greatly and laughing my mistress commented
"Seems my pet needs to relieve herself. Well I'm not ready yet." They went back to their conversation discussing different training methods. I was in agony. Occasionally a droplet of pee escaped to be absorbed in my g-string. I could not hold it for much more.
I then got on my hands and knees and crawled whimpering to my mistress like a puppy. I really had to go and this was the only way I could think of to convince her. She finally gave in not for my sake but to prevent me from peeing on her carpet. She took the leash and made me crawl to the bathroom. Our guest followed. I pulled down my panty while facing the toilet and immediately got a stinging swat across my buns. "That's not how we do it, pull them back up!". I knew what she wanted. After pulling my panty back up I turned around. I was required to sit when I pee. I caught a glimpse of my bum in the mirror and could see the beginning of purple bruises forming on both cheeks. When I sat I could feel a bitter sweet pain. I had some trouble since my erect cock was pointing up. Both ladies watched me with amusement and told me I had two minutes to finish. I had to push my
penis between my legs in order to pee. I was terribly embarrassed as I heard the trickle of my pee while these ladies stood there. When I finished I wiped my pussy and pulled my g-string back up.
The night ended abruptly after that. I was dismissed for the evening as the two ladies when out for dinner. At first I though I would be dismissed for good and was looking at my mistress with begging eyes. I was relieved to hear she wanted me back next Thursday and I said "Thank you, Ma'am!" as I left apartment 507.
19 April 2011
By: Bea
“Mary?” Alice said. “Stop fussing about the bloody weather. Come here and
help me into my dress” I looked at the rain beating against the windows. Shook
my head.
“No way love!” I laughed. “Just trying to seduce me. Got your new satin
uniform on and feeling all sexy. Is that what this is? A rainy day seduction?”
She laughed. “Away with you! Who’d want a kiss from a grumpy old broad like
you? huh?”
I tossed my head. “Not what you were saying last night, was it?”
She giggled. “You’re no gentleman. No gentleman at all.! Bet you’d kiss and
tell the first chance you got.”
“You need some sex education girl.” I told her. “If I don’t have the necessary
plumbing, I can’t be a gentleman now, can I? Any kind of man, for that matter,
“Stop it!” she giggled. “Getting me all sexed up. That’s what you’re doing.
You do all right with what you got. Now behave, and come here, and zip up my
As I walked towards her, she turned her back. I couldn’t help but admire the
womanly curves under her uniform - and she knew it. Looked back over her
shoulder at me and got her eyes all dreamy. I went and put my arms around her
waist, loving the feel of her under the satin. Nuzzled her neck. She let out a
contented little whimper. I bit her gently. She snaked her right hand out
behind her, and up under my petticoats. Started stroking my inner thighs.
Gently stuck her fingers down between the top of my nylons and the flesh
I sighed, and widened the gap of her unfastened dress at the back. Kissed her
there, right between the shoulder blades. Slid my hands up to cup her full
breasts. Her hand found it’s way to my centre. I gasped a little with delight.
“You feel all nice and moist” she whispered. “Thought you didn’t want to fool
As she said this, she turned around to face me, the dreamy look still there, but
mixed with the confidence that she’d got me going again. We kissed, nice and
slow, nice and soft. Her hands worked their way up my back, started unzipping
my dress. It finally fell away from me. I did the same to her. We both
stepped out of our dresses at the same time, then kicked off our shoes -
starting to kiss with some heat now, tongues probing with a little more strength
- lips starting to meet together with a little more firmness.
Our petticoats were too full and got in the way, so they were the next things to
go. A few seconds later, we were on top of her bed, both seeking consumnation
of the sex needs that drove us. It took us a while though - a nice leisurely
voyage of discovery for both. About an hour later, we were both sated. Lay
there on our backs, arms around each others shoulders, the rain still pounding
on the windows.
“Got to tell you Mary. Love our little get togethers. Never thought I’d enjoy
it so much with another woman. You’re scrumptious!” she was saying her words
softly, but happily.
She was a great lay. Not my first girl, but luscious. Womanly, soft, sweet.
It had taken me a long time to get her to bed the first time- she was SO scared
of what others might think. We were both under-maids in a big house though - so
had lots of chances for ‘accidental’ meetings - and I took advantage. Then ,
some time later, I’d seen the ad for a house needing two maids - and the money
was much better. We checked it out - a young man and wife, newly wed - not too
experienced in the hiring of ‘domestics’ - and, I thought more importantly, the
‘firing’ of domestics - were looking for servants who would combine the usual
maid duties with that of ‘cook’. Alice is a great cook - and loves cooking. I
think we were both surprised to get the job. Had a nice big room to share. Had
our own bathroom, a nice big color TV, and a sofa that was deep and comfy - and
just right for two girls to cuddle on.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walsh. Both shy, and obviously unused to hiring servants.
Had money. Hers I thought. The minute I saw them - right before our interview -
I whispered to Alice “Play it soft and young. They won’t be looking for lots
of experience - trust me. Smile a lot and tell then we’re just learning!”
I was dead on. I think all the other, more experienced servants, they
interviewed scared them. Now that I think on it? They should have been scared
of ME!
“Mary?” Alice was saying lazily.
“Yes love?”
“What got you onto girls? Did you always prefer them?”
I thought for a minute. “Yes - and no. Chased boys, like everybody else. Just
when I caught them? They seemed - I don’t know? Missing something? Always
rushing! Fumbling around. I don’t know. And HAIRY! God, I hate hairy! Maybe
that what it was. Girls are nice and soft - smell nicer - and never, ever, need
a shave!”
Alice laughed, rubbed her smooth ass up against me for a second. “I think you
just like to be boss. Play the male role.”
I shrugged. “Maybe. Don’t know.”
“C’mon Mary! I think you’re more macho than our boss - Mr. George Walsh!” She
giggled again. “Ever wonder who’s on top when they make love?”
I laughed. “Maybe not that exactly. I wonder if they make love at all! Does
either one have the nerve to start coming on to the other?”
Alice snuggled into me. “You never had much of a problem that way, did you?
Not the way you came on to me?”
I laid back further, smiling. All of a sudden, an idea came to me.
“Is George in the library?”
“The Missus? When’s she due back?’
“God knows. No earlier than eight o’clock. Some volunteer meeting.”
“And it’s what now? About three?”
“About. What you got on your mind?” she drawled lazily.
“Some fun!” I answered. “ Where’s that nice red lipstick of yours?”
“The REAL REAL red?” she laughed.
“You guessed it babe. I want to borrow it.” I said.
“Over on the dresser there. Telling me you’re gonna borrow MY lipstick? Girl
“Damn tootin’” I said. “Now how’s about lashing up some tea and crumpets?”
“Hungry darlin’?” she asked.
“Not really - about a half hour?”
“Sure thing honey.” she said
“Last thing? “ I said, stepping back into my petticoats. “Help me on with my
dress, would you love?”
I looked at the rain pounding against the window panes. God, I was bored!
Leslie off at some stupid meeting or another. Me stuck here in this ridiculous
big house - with nothing to do! Sure - I could work on my illustrations for the
kiddies books - but did anyone think that someone would EVER pay me for these
amateurish scribbles? What had I got myself into? I sighed. Watched the water
run down the windows. Boy, this was fun!
I jumped when the knock came to the door. “Yes?” I called out.
“It’s me sir - Mary. May I come in?”
“Of course. What do you want? The mistress is out at the moment.” I said, as
she swept into the library.
She curtsied - most gracefully, I thought, her eyes downcast. “Oh yes sir. But
we were wondering....?”
“WE? Who are ‘WE’?” I answered - pleased with the forcefulness of my voice.
“Why, me and Alice sir?” She looked scared, so I relented somewhat.
“Well? Speak up girl! What are ‘WE’ wondering about?”
“About our uniforms sir?”
“Your uniforms? What are you blethering about?” I asked loudly.
It must have been a lightning flash - or just the way the light hit her face -
but was that a flash of resentment I saw there? I had to be mistaken, because
she gave me the sweetest, most apologetic smile.
“Sir?” she said. “ We know that everything pertaining to us maids is the
mistresses bailliewick, so to speak....?”
“Yes. That’s true.” I admitted. “Has to do with the house? It’s Leslie’s
She nodded subserviently. “But sir? You live here as well?” Then she
curtsied! I felt wonderful! This beautiful, lithe, girl was subordinating
herself to me so nicely!
“Yes girl!” I snapped. “Get it out!”
“Well sir? Don’t know if you’re aware of it? But Alice - you know, the other
“Of course I know who Alice is!” I answered.
“Well, she made our new uniforms and ... we thought....?”
“For goodness sake! Would you get ON with it?” I was starting to laugh.
She smiled back at me. Never could describe this girl as pretty, I thought -
more handsome than anything else. “ Well? See what your opinion was sir.” she
was saying. “Make sure that you approve as well.”
“That’s very nice of you Mary, but I’m afraid I don’t know anything about
“Well, you’re a man sir. You’re not expected to know anything about women’s
clothes, but I’ll bet you know what you like.” she said, coming towards me,
around the back of my desk “See? the outer dress is satin. Here, feel it.
Doesn’t it feel lovely?”
She was literally crowding up against me now. “No need to get embarrassed sir.
Just feel it. It feels lovely!”
I had to do something. Put my hand out, touched the silky material. “Yes, yes!”
I said. Very nice! Lovely!” Snatched my hand back again.
She was laughing at me now. “Sir? It won’t bite! Here, take it between your
thumb and finger Yes! doesn’t it feel good? Have you ever worn satin?” She
tutted “What am I saying? You’re a man! Of course you haven’t. Now feel the
materials in the petticoats...”
To my horror, she had lifted her skirt to reveal the layers of petticoat
underneath. I was beginning to feel most intimidated by this crazy maid. Took
the materials in my hand. “Yes Mary. Very pretty!”
I was hoping that my ordeal was over, but it wasn’t. She now lifted all of the
petticoat layers. I could see the tops of her stockings, the lacy edge of her
panties. “Yes” she was saying “Alice made the petticoats too. I hope you
appreciate the workmanship. Look at the seams - and all these layers!” And she
was now so close to me that her underskirts actually were over the arm of my
“Yes Mary. Lovely work. She’s very talented. Thank you for showing this to
me.” I was babbling now, just wanting this lunatic girl to back away from me.
My prayers were answered. She stepped back and allowed her clothes to return to
their proper configuration. She also dropped her eyes demurely.
“Thank you sir. So you like this dress? Like the petticoat?”
“Absolutely Mary. Please tell Alice that in my humble opinion she did an
excellent job.” I said, starting to feel less pressured.
“You are SO kind sir! I’ll be sure to tell her that.” She started to curtsey,
then paused. “Sir? It’s been a rotten day. Very Gloomy. Alice is preparing
some tea and crumpets. Would you like some? It’ll pass the time?”
“That sounds wonderful Mary. Yes, I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Good
She beamed at me. “Oh wonderful sir! You’ve no idea how much a couple of young
girls like us need a man to talk to every so often. How nice of you to join
I swallowed quickly. “Join you? Oh, I’m afraid I misunderstood....”
Her face fell. “Oh.” she said. Then she put a patently false smile on her
face. “I’m sorry for being so stupid sir. What was I thinking of. You are the
owner - the master of the house. Why would I expect you to join a couple of
stupid servant girls? And? What would the mistress say? I’m sorry sir. Truly
I am.”
She curtsied quickly and started to move away. “I’ll bring your tea and
crumpets up here, shall I sir?” she added sadly.
I felt such a SNOB! Here was this young girl reaching out to me in friendship -
and I was rejecting her because she was a social inferior! Impulsively, I held
up my hand. “Mary? Where are you ladies going to have your tea and crumpets?”
“The kitchen sir. May I ask why you want to know?”
“With your permission? May I join you there in, say, fifteen minutes?”
Her face was illuminated by a wide grin. “Why certainly sir! It would be our
pleasure!” She curtsied and, beaming, left the room.
Alice was humming one of her little tunes when I went into the kitchen. “You
look like the cat that ate the cream.” she said. “Why the smug look?”
“Got enough tea and crumpets for three?” I asked instead of answering.
“Yeah. Why?” she asked, then grimaced. “Aw dammit Mary! If he wants tea and
crumpets, you’ll be the one that serves him in the library, not me. What did
you go and do a thing like that for?”
“No serving required, my darling,” I said snootily. “He is coming to join us -
as MY guest of course.”
She gawked at me. “Here? In the kitchen? What are you up to?”
“I don’t really know,” I admitted. “Just a little feeling I have about our
lord and master. Think I’m going to have - no let me rephrase that - think
that WE’RE going to have some fun with him before we’re done. He should be here
in a few minutes. Now, just follow my lead, eh?”
“Sure!” she laughed. “Say this for you Mary, life isn’t dull around you.
Where do you want him to sit?”
“The couch I think.” Then a thought struck me. “Yes - the couch! and when you
come to sit - you take one side of him. I’ll take the other. Okay!”
I was regretting my actions almost before Mary left the room. What was I
thinking of? I’d never been anywhere that servants were used until now, but I
had a very good idea that it wasn’t considered too smart to be hob-nobbing with
them. But, there again, Leslie had been accusing me somewhat of being too
stand-offish with the girls, so I could always say it was because of her
comments that I was following the path that I was.
I thought of putting on a fresh shirt, but decided against it. Wasn’t a formal
tea party I giggled to myself. A short sleeve polo shirt and slacks would be
fine. I did go to our bathroom and give my face a rinse and combed my hair.
Hope the girls will be properly honored , I mused.
As I did all of this, I had this funny feeling. Couldn’t quite put my finger on
it. Almost as if I were frightened? No, it couldn’t be that. All my life I’d
been small, and often teased by girls who were bigger than me. But it couldn’t
be that, could it? Surely I wasn’t scared of a couple of MAIDS for god’s sake!
But I could feel the tenseness in my body. Couldn’t seem to be able to take a
deep breath. I finally shook my head to clear the nonsense away and walked
downstairs to the kitchen. Could hear the friendly, girlish, chatter as I got
there. Appreciated the friendly smiles when I knocked on the door and said
“Safe to come in, girls?”
“Of course sir!” they said in unison. “Would you like to sit here sir?” Mary
suggested, pointing to a bench/sofa type thing. “You have the place of honor!
Right in the middle there!”
“Thank you very much.” I replied, smiling, and sat down in the middle - then
noticed that there were cups and saucers set up on a long low table in front of
where I sat - and that I was going to have a girl on each side of me! My
nervousness returned.
Both girls were extremely well turned out in identical uniforms. Black satin
overdresses that occasionally allowed flashes of full tiered petticoats of
pristine white underneath. Lacy white aprons - immaculate, and matching caps,
frilled and feminine. At the same time, they seemed so large. Took up so much
room. I felt surrounded by femininity. This was increased when they finally
finished pouring the teas and setting the crumpets on the table, and settled in
beside me - with a great deal of silken rustling from their dresses. When Mary
leaned forward to get a drink of her tea, it was if any spatial territory I had
the expectation of was further reduced, as I now seemed to be sitting almost
directly behind her.
“Isn’t this cozy?” Alice laughed. “It’s good that you’re so tiny sir. That
big lump on the other side of you is always hogging the room. I’m always
yelling at her.”
But, as she spoke, she did almost the same thing! I felt as if I was being
“The master was admiring your dress Alice earlier on.” Mary said. “Weren’t you
“Oh? Do you like dresses sir?” Alice asked me.
“Well. Pretty ones like you’ve made here. The uniforms I mean. I mean .. I
don’t like dresses for me...”
I was blushing and stammering dreadfully. To make things worse, Mary patted my
knee gently. “No need to be embarrassed sir. I don’t think that Alice was
asking if you liked to wear dresses. Though it would be all right if you
“Of course it would be sir.” Alice stated firmly. “Frankly? I think its a
shame that a man can’t be allowed to put on a pretty dress now and then...and
with your build...?”
I coughed. Tried to recover my composure. Struggled up out of the satin cocoon
that seemed to be forming about me. Was suddenly aware of my companion's
perfume. Not overmuch, just pleasant, but I was in the middle of it! Managed
to get my hands on my cup. Gratefully took a sip of tea.
“Delicious!” I croaked.
“And Alice? He was admiring the petticoats you made as well!” Mary added.
Alice blushed prettily and lifted her dress to reveal her own petticoats.
“Thank you sir! It was nice of you to say that! Did you notice the seams? I
was very proud of them...”
“Oh yes! Very well done! Though I’m not an expert of course!”
“Well I think it’s very nice of you sir! You’re the very first man I’ve ever
met that was interested in sewing women’s lingerie. I could teach you some time
if you’re interested?”
I was speechless. I seemed to have got into some sort of position with TWO
lunatic girls where they assumed I was interested in this feminine frippery!
And, before I could think of an answer, Mary was unpinning her cap - and handing
it to me!
“Yes sir! Just look at the detail on this cap here. Yes, I know it just looks
like a piece of twisted ribbon, but have a look at the cunning construction..”
And Alice was now leaning in on me even more, her fingernail tracing out areas
of the cap, showing how she had re-inforced that to do this - all sorts of
things that I had no interest in. At the same time, manners dictated that I
listen to my hostess. I surrendered and sank into a sea of feminine sights and
Our little tea party didn’t last much longer, thank goodness. I hope my delight
at getting out of their clutches didn’t show too much. Though there was a tiny
little incident that bothered me. After we had finished discussing the cap,
Mary reached in and took it from me. As she lifted it to re-affix it to her
hair, she paused and a strange look came into her eyes. I honestly felt as if
she was considering putting it on me!
That moment passed though, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief, back in the
safety of my own bedroom.
He wasn’t thirty seconds out of the kitchen when Alice burst out laughing.
“Mary! What are you doing to that poor man?” she managed to say finally. “He’s
like a little rabbit in front of a snake!”
I went and bumped foreheads with her. Threw my arms around her neck. “Me?
What about your ‘Do you like dresses sir?’ Oh Alice that was precious! His
face! Ooooh! I think I need to go to the bathroom!”
When I got back, we had both sobered up - a little anyway.
“I don’t know. Is he scared of you?” Alice asked. “He acts funny - almost as
if he’s expecting you to hit him.”
“That’s the impression he gives me as well” I answered “But I think he’s
scared of you too.”
“Think he’s frightened of women in general” Alice asked.
“Seems fond enough of his wife. Doesn’t seem scared of her.” I said. “Can’t
figure it out.”
“You’ll figure it out. I’m sure of that.” Alice told me.
I’ll admit to being a little upset by the time I got home. That Mrs. Robinson
on the steering committee for the library volunteers. She was really bossy.
Had wasted so much time in the afternoon spouting off her opinions instead of
letting us all do what we were there for. Then Jenny being late for our dinner
date - and whining about her new boyfriend the whole meal. I couldn’t see how
she could always act the part of the more experienced ‘woman’ when we were
together. Laughing at George - making snide comments. Calling him ‘Rambo’ with
that sneer in her voice. What had she done that was so great? A whole mess of
boyfriends - and I’m pretty sure that some had beaten her a few times.
George would never do that to me, that was for sure. He is SO nice. Wouldn’t
hurt a fly. Very considerate and .. well ... cuddly. Not mean and aggressive.
Nice and ... soft ... gentle. Sometimes I wished....
And that waitress! Slow and insolent. I just have to learn how to demand
things. We were there first - and all she did was spend most of her time
flirting with that hunk who was by himself in the booth... Well, maybe I
couldn’t blame her. But I really don’t care for my meal to be cold. I have to
learn to speak up I guess.
Then all this rain. They’re forecasting it for another week! It’s so
And then George acting all funny when I did get home. Guilty or something.
Almost as if he was ashamed. When he kissed me ‘hello’ I could feel the heat
coming from his cheeks. Wonder if he’s coming down with a cold?
But bless Alice. How did she know I was starving? What a lovely omelette she
made for me - just perfect! She is such a pretty girl - and I loved her new
uniform! Told her she could make as many as she wanted - I’ll be more than glad
to pay for the materials. When I touched her arm that time? Under the satin
she felt lovely. Warm and ... stop it Leslie!
Maybe I’m cursed with feminine intuition? I DID try and keep Leslie at home
today, but she wouldn’t listen! More concerned about that stupid library than
“George!” she said firmly. “I’m the youngest - and the newest Board member.”
“And you also live the furthest out of town Leslie. Nobody’ll blame you for not
driving into town in this kind of weather.” I protested.
“But I’ve nothing to DO here!”
“You could keep me company!” I moaned.
“Oh George - you silly doofus!” she laughed and gave me a kiss.
“Gonna be home for dinner tonight?” I whined.
“Yes - of course darling. I told Alice that we’ll be a little later though.
Drinks at six, dinner at seven fifteen? Okay darling?”
“Yes Leslie. Have a nice day.”
“How come you’re taking so much care with your makeup?” Alice asked. “Some
more devilment on your mind?”
“Moi? Never! You gonna be sewing this morning - right?”
She brightened up - Alice is a girl that just loves to do feminine things -
“Yeah! I’ve got two more petticoats almost wrapped up. You should see what I’m
going to do ....” She faltered to a stop. “As if you were interested. Right?”
she added, but smiled.
“You got that right kid!” I said, putting the top on the lipstick tube. “Gonna
be starting soon?”
“Soon as I can get my cute little buns up there” she answered, heading for the
door. Stopped. “I can feel it! You’ve got something on your evil mind, don’t
I widened my eyes, innocence all over my face.
“Knew it!” she said, going out of the door.
She caught me doing the crossword. She did knock, but didn’t wait for me to
answer. Just came right on into the room. “Good morning sir! Glad to see
you’re not busy.” Curtsied. “Alice will be delighted!”
“About what?” I was stupid enough to ask.
“Well? She’s sewing petticoats this morning. She thinks that they’re probably
complicated things for you to understand, but even just watching? You’ll pick
up a lot. She’s just setting up now. Want to come along?”
“To watch her sewing? I don’t think so.” I said this firmly, but she fixed an
unblinking stare on me.
“I thought you were fairer than that sir! You told her of your interest
yesterday. Got her all excited? Now you’re saying you don’t want to? She’s my
friend - my very best friend - and I hate to see her hurt! It’s not that she’s
expecting a lot. Just a little bit of your time?”
“But I’ve got things to do!” I said, but could hear the defensive tone in my
“Of course sir. That’s understood. But you don’t want to hurt Alice’s
feelings, do you?”
“Of course not. All right then - but just for a few minutes. Understood!”
“Thank you sir. You won’t regret it.”
Don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on Alice’s face when I led him into her
sewing room. To tell the truth, I think she was a little disgusted at being
interrupted by my shenanigans - but saw the potential for fun.
I spoke before she had a chance to screw it up “He just can’t stay away Alice!
Bursting for you to show him your sewing secrets!”
“Wonderful! Come in sir. Let me get you a smock. Don’t want you getting your
clothes all thready and stuff..”
He started to give out some kind of protest, but I shut him up. “Oh sir! Don’t
be silly. You really need one if you’re to help Alice - hell, even I have to
put one on when I help. Nobody’ll laugh. Here’s a nice blue one!” And I have
him in a pretty velvet smock - blue, with pink flowers on the Peter Pan collars
and am buttoning him down the back before he knows it!
And, all morning, my feminine girlfriend is a tiger! Won’t let him get away!
Tells him that he’s doing SO well, that he must have a natural talent for
dressmaking! When I go in to tell them that lunch is ready - naturally, he’s
eating with us now - she has him crawling around her, pinning up something or
other while she’s standing there in her petticoats giving him orders!
Still wearing his cute smock, he eats lunch with us. He’s somewhat embarrassed I
think, but gradually settling into the role I want for him - one of us girls. I
can’t believe how docile and sweet he’s become. I tell him this and he blushes.
Then I call him Georgette. He looks as if he’s going to cry, so I go and give
him a hug - then kiss him as if he was a girl. Naturally, I leave some of my
lipstick on his mouth. Take my fingertip and spread it just a touch. Tell him
how nice the color is on him. He does cry. Alice comforts him with hugs.
Tells him that I’m just an old meanie - but then agrees that the color would
look nice on him too. I’m laughing inside, seeing him squirm as Alice and I
then discuss what type of cosmetics would make him ‘prettier’. He even agrees
that he should take ‘his turn’ at doing the lunch dishes. Stands all meek and
mild as I put an apron on him to protect his pretty smock!
I am so ashamed! Humiliated! How can I possibly explain allowing these servant
girls to treat me the way they did yesterday? Putting a woman's smock on me.
Allowing myself to be taught how to sew woman’s lingerie! Clearing up dishes
for maids! Crying! Accepting being called Georgette! I can’t let this go any
further. Must put my foot down! Starting now!
I found little Georgette hiding in the library. He looked so nice and cute. So
scared. Wanting to be so manly ! It was easy to see that he had every
intention of revolting against my authority - tight lips, holding himself very
erect in his chair. Thought I’d play with him for a while.
“Good morning sir!” I said cheerily. “Another ugly day?” and gave him a sweet
curtsey. I think I threw him off by being so cheerful and maid-like.
“Yes. Dreadful!” He said. (I almost died! He’d dropped the tone of his voice
about two levels - he was being macho-man!)
I went over to the window that looked out over the garden. “Yes sir and if I
may say so sir?”
“Yes?” (voice still down in the lower registers)
“A man of your energy! To be cooped up like this! If you don’t mind me saying?
You should have a hobby sir - something physical. Something to keep your body
“Never have been a man for hobbies. Would rather do something constructive -
you know, build things - do things. Hate the thought of exercise for
exercise’s sake. Seems so narcissistic.” (His voice was still deeper than
normal, but getting back up to the normal soft voice he used).
“Yes sir. Very pragmatic sir.” Curtsied again. “I’m just going to vacuum the
hallway outside here sir. Just wanted to ask if it would disturb you sir?”
The relief that washed over his face was almost funny. He waved his hand
dismissively. “No Mary. You won’t disturb me. Just carry on.”
“Thank you sir.” Curtsey again. Walk to door. Open door. Start to leave.
Turn back to face him. “Sir? Sorry. Quite forgot. Lunch at usual time?”
He looked a little nervous. “Yes. Would one of you girls bring it up here? I
think I’ll work through lunch”
(He’s back to his normal voice I notice).
“Oh sir! Please don’t ask that! Alice and me? We’ll be SO disappointed.” I
look at the floor, then shyly back up at him again. “We thought of doing
something ‘special’. Alice has put a LOT of thought into it. Please don’t
disappoint us?”
As I come to the end of what I’m saying, I let the smile disappear, and start
giving him the ‘stare’. He starts to fidget. Won’t look at me.
“Well Mary. I don’t mean to sound...”
“SIR!” I say firmly, interrupting him. Stare coldly.
He blushes a deep red. “Well - if it means that much to you girls. But just
this last time. Understood?”
I give him my best smile. “Perfectly sir! And thank you so much. Eleven
thirty in the kitchen then?”
He nods - a sickly expression on his face. I smile then go outside the room.
Do not start the vacuum. About three minutes later, the library door opens -
very slowly, very quietly. He peeked out - like a frightened little mouse.
“Looking for something sir?” I asked loudly. The poor dear jumped about a foot
in the air, stuttered something, then closed the door. ‘Think you can escape
Mary that easily darling?’ I said to myself.
I knew something awful was waiting for me in that kitchen. But what was I to
do? I had really tried to stop that she-devil Mary from continuing her program
of humiliation, but didn’t seem to have the strength of will or purpose to stop
her. I consoled my self somewhat. I had acted firmly with her at the beginning
of the conversation. Maybe had given her a sign that I wasn’t that much of a
pushover? I wished with all my heart that I hadn’t given in to her forceful
invitation - but maybe it would be something normal - one of my favorite dishes
perhaps? Alice had been asking me what foods I preferred while we’d been sewing
the previous day - maybe it was just that? I brightened up.
It wasn’t that, or anything like it. When I entered the kitchen, both girls had
kind - but condescending looks on their faces. Mary stepped in behind me, and
shut the door quietly, cutting of any chance I had of retreat.
They were wearing uniforms similar to the ones of the previous day, and again,
even though standing, I got the same sense of claustrophobia, of being drawn
into and smothered in femininity.
Alice came forward to greet me. Kissed me on the cheek. “Thank you for coming
dear. You’ve been so nice, we thought we’d give you a nice reward. Shut your
eyes please?”
“No reward is necessary Alice! Please. I was just trying...”
“Georgette! Shut your eyes please. Don’t open them until we tell you!” This
came for Mary, behind me.
“Please girls? Please don’t...” I started to plead helplessly, but closed my
“Just shush dear!” came from Alice in front and close to me. And I felt
something go over my head. Then something was tied at my back.
“Just a sec more dear.” Alice said, and I felt something being clipped into my
hair, then adjusted.
“Very nice Alice. Looks good.” Mary said. “C’mon Georgette. Don’t open your
eyes now, until I tell you.” She pulled me about for or five feet. “Okay
dear. Open up!”
The mirror in front of me reflected a tiny man in a full, frilled apron, and a
matching maid’s cap.
“Welcome - Honorary Maid Georgette!
“Ahem?” Came from Alice. “Junior, Mary - Junior!”
Mary looked puzzled, then laughed softly. “Oh Alice - such a stickler for
titles! Sorry - Junior Honorary Maid Georgette!” Then she added “I don’t see
what difference it makes.”
Alice made a little ‘huff’ of indignation. “Maybe you don’t care if she
curtseys you or not, but I care for her to curtsey me!”
I listened indignantly - they were talking about me! It seemed that my name was
now permanently Georgette, I was now a ‘her’ - and supposed to curtsey THEM? I
coughed to draw their attention. They smiled at me. “Ladies?...” I started.
“Oh no Georgette!” Alice interrupted. “We’re maids - not ladies. Just use
“Miss” when you talk to us.”
“Yes - like ‘Miss Alice’ when you talk to me. ‘Miss Mary’ when you talk to
Mary. See? Not that hard, is it?”
“And don’t forget to curtsey Miss Alice” Mary added sarcastically.
“But.. but... “ I stammered.
“Georgette!” Alice cautioned me. “You’re forgetting ! Already!”
“Alice! Stop being so mean!” Mary said. “Georgette probably doesn’t even know
how to curtsey properly. Is that what it is dear?”
I grasped at the straw. “Yes. I don’t know how .. “ I was going to add ‘nor
want to’ but got interrupted again by Mary. “Well? Let me show you.”
It took me less than five minutes to learn how to curtsey to their satisfaction
- and when (which seemed to be just about any time one of them spoke to me) -
but ONLY when I was wearing my honorary ‘insignia’ of course - the maids cap and
Lunch was a pleasant enough meal - I was allowed to go into an ‘informal’ mode
while we ate together - I had to serve it up of course, and do the clean up
afterwards - ‘“That’s the bad side of being an honorary maid” Mary chuckled.
I was allowed to leave after that, but only after I was warned to make sure I
kept my cap and apron sparkling clean and ironed at all times. I had to curtsey
them as I left.
I looked at Alice knowing the awestruck expression was showing on my face.
“Junior Honorary Maid! Where did you come up with that one? Bloody brilliant!
Miss Alice! You are a holy terror girl! That’s what you are!”
She smiled complacently. “I thought I did a nice job on the cap and apron,
didn’t you? Fitted our little Georgette to a ‘t’, wouldn’t you say?”
“Maybe dear - but it was nothing like the number you worked on him, I’d say.”
She smirked. “Don’t you mean ‘her’?”
I said, “Seriously? I think you maybe have a ‘thing’ for our feminine little
She looked thoughtful. “Seriously? I wouldn’t mind taking her in hand for a
The day after my ‘induction’ I awoke with dread. What humiliations were to be
piled on my head that day? As it happened though, Leslie decided that she
needed a break from her volunteer work and suggested we take a short trip into
the nearest big town for some shopping. I think she was surprised at my
eagerness to join her, as I had usually refused all like offers in the past.
Once there, I didn’t have any problems in convincing her that we should maybe
stay and have dinner? Take in a show? Get a hotel room for the night?
George’s behaviour keeps puzzling me. He seems strangely nervous all the time.
Looks like he’s about to jump out of his skin. I saw him talking to Mary and
Alice - he kept making funny little gestures with his hands - sort of grabbing
the sides of his pants. Did the same thing with me a few times. He seems - I
don’t know - frightened? Timid?
I had a dog once. A good size, but the biggest scaredy cat. He’d run in behind
my skirts if another dog even looked at him. George has something the same look
about him.
And, here’s a man who usually sneers if I even think of inviting him on a
shopping trip - just jumping at the chance. And so obviously scared of going
home after we’re finished - acting all cute and cuddly - kinda girlish? to get
me to agree to stay in town for the night. Neither of us had any nightwear of
course, but we bought toothbrushes and stuff at a drugstore. In the hotel, he
was SO shy at being in the nude in front of me, that it really turned me on!
For the first time in our married life, I was the aggressor. The sex was great!
I really enjoyed being on top - and truthfully? I think he seemed glad to give
up that position. I may just try that again.
It was such a relief to finally have sex again. I’d been getting a little horny
(such an UN-ladylike word) over the last few days. For some reason I’ve been
getting flashes of Mary - the maid for goodness sake! - flashing in behind my
eyes. Maybe I’m turning gay?
Alice and I had a great time after Leslie called to say they wouldn’t be home
that night. I put on my terry robe and my royal blue pajamas. Alice was
stunning in a lace and nylon nightgown she’d made. She’d pre-made dinner -
which I served up. After we’d finished, I started in on doing the dishes, but
she got her ‘dreamy’ expression on again, and smiled seductively from the couch.
“Aw come on Alice!” I complained. “These dishes will be a bitch if we don’t get
them done right away, and...”
“Georgette won’t mind doing them tomorrow. Will she? I think she needs the
practice. And me? I need something else, I think.” She lay back in the couch
and lifted her lovely arms invitingly.
“That’s a thought.” I said “But I think I don’t care whether she minds doing
the dishes or not.” I laughed and put the dishcloth down. Walked slowly
towards her, savoring what was to come.
Leslie just had a quick shower when we got home, got dressed and took off after
giving me a quick kiss. She seemed different somehow. Stronger? More
It wasn’t five minutes after she left that I heard Mary’s voice calling
“Georgette? Little Georgette? Where are you? We’re waaaiiittttiinnng! Come
out, come out, wherever you are!”
I rushed into my apron and pinned my cap in place. Ran out of my door. “Coming
Miss Mary! Coming!”
She was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. “Alice thought you might
not want to come and help us this morning. Was going to ask me to come up and
get you. I told her that you were just getting ready and that there was no need
to get upset with you. You really do want to come and help, don’t you
Georgette? Learn how to be a proper maid?”
“Yes Miss Mary” I said, and curtseyed.
“Lovely! Now just let me adjust your cap, and your apron bow? You’ll really
need to learn how to tie a pretty bow. Honestly - you young girls!”
She laughed when I blushed at her reprimand.
It seemed that Alice was busy sewing something, so I didn’t see her for a while.
There was an awful pile of dirty dishes that hadn’t been soaked or anything and
it took me a long time to get them all done and put in the dishwasher. Then I
was given dusting, then vacuuming to do. That kept me occupied until lunchtime.
I gave Alice a hand in the kitchen, setting up the table and washing the lettuce
for a small salad she was making. She was very nice to me, and I actually
enjoyed her company. I couldn’t quite figure out why she was at her meanest
when Mary was around, but was too scared to ask why.
I had to polish the silver before I was finished for the day. Just as I was
finished, Mary came into the room and struck up a conversation. She made a
request - no, that’s not correct - ordered me to do something that night. I
started to cry in fear and humiliation,and threatened not to do it. She just
smiled a terrible smile, and told me what the consequences would be. She ended
this awful talk by presenting me with a small, very light parcel, wrapped in
pink paper. “This is from Alice. She’s worked very hard at making them for you
today. You might want to go and thank her?”
Curtseying and blushing, eyes tearful with the shame, I thanked Miss Alice for
the seven pair of lace-edged satin panties she’d made for me. Assured her that
I could hardly wait to try them on - and that I realized now that I should have
been wearing panties for a long time - and would start correcting that situation
immediately. Shattered at the conversations with both women, I climbed the
stairs totally subjugated.
I could feel ‘something’ in the air the minute I got home that afternoon.
George was even more fearful and nervous. I saw that the ‘twitching’ of his
hands was even more prevalent. I seriously thought that it might be an idea to
get him to a doctor’s. Alice had made a marvellous dinner - what a find she is!
I even had a few drinks before, and after, dinner. Could hardly keep my eyes
off of Mary. Gosh, she’s a handsome woman! I could feel myself get all squirmy
and moist sometimes when she looked at me!
Something funny happened at dinner. Just for conversation, I asked “George?
What did you do all day?”
He jumped as if he’d been shot! But what was strange? He looked at Mary, as if
he was looking for permission to speak? She also had a peculiar expression on
her face. ‘What in god’s name was going on?’ I thought. If I didn’t know my
shy little husband, I’d swear that something.....
We watched TV for a while, but it was boring. On top of that? To tell the
truth, I don’t know if it was the drinks, or George’s ‘scared’ act - but I was
getting turned on!
I made a phony yawn. “Sack time George. Wanna come?”
“It’s kinda early dear, don’t you think?” he said.
I don’t know whether it was his servile manner or what, but something possessed
me to stare at him and say firmly “Bed time George!”
The look of fear in his eyes was genuine I thought, a tiny jolt of pleasure
coursing through me. Again, he made that funny gesture with his hands, almost
as if he was grabbing for something at his thighs. Mary giggled! I actually
heard her, but by the time I’d turned to look, there was no evidence on her
face. Her eyes were bright though. ‘What a smashing looking woman’ came
through my head like lightning. ‘Wonder if she’d mind coming to bed?’
In our bedroom I stripped off and got into my slinkiest nightie quickly. Lay
squirming inside it, waiting for my dolt of a husband. He had stripped himself
down to everything but his pants.
“George? Am I going to have to drag you into bed?” I asked in a honeyed,
sarcastic, tone.
He looked at me, his eyes haunted. “Leslie?” Licked his lips nervously.
“What darling?”
“I’d like to borrow .. may I?... I don’t suppose you’d mind...? Sounds
“Borrow what, for god’s sake! Would you stop dithering like a stupid woman!” I
He looked at the floor. Blushed. “You know that teal nightgown of yours?”
I shrugged. “Guess I should. It’s mine, isn’t it?”
He lifted his eyes. Looked at me pleadingly. The light went on in my brain!
“You want to borrow - wear? My teal nightgown? Why?”
He looked down at the carpet. Didn’t answer me.
I was absolutely blind with fury for a few seconds, then the thought struck me.
This might be fun!
“Want to be pretty for Leslie? My little Georgy Porgy want to play dress up?
Oooo! Bet you’ll look nice. But first? Take these silly pants and your
underpants off. I want to see you get my - I mean your - nightie from the
closet - in the nude. Come on now!”
The speed he dropped his pants amazed me - actually stripped both his pants and
underpants at the same time. he almost got away with it - would have, except I
got a glimpse - just a flash of color - or texture, that jangled in my brain.
“What was that dear?” I asked. “Show me these underpants please?”
His face was pale when he showed me the yellow satin, white lace edged, panties
he’s been wearing.
“We’ll talk about them later darling.” I said slowly. “Just go and put your
nightie on.” I noticed he’d an erection.
‘He’s enjoying this humiliation’ I thought. ‘maybe give him a little more?”
I could see his hands shake as he slipped my nightdress over his head, and let
it cascade down his body. It fitted him just fine. Maybe needed a little
padding for the bust, but not absolutely necessary. I slipped out of bed and
went up to him. Wrapped my arms about him, the silken materials of our
nightgowns coming together in a very stimulating way.
“Hi pretty girl, “ I whispered. “Let’s make you really pretty for Leslie.”
He cried when I put some lipstick - not much, and a few dabs of perfume on him
- my little sissy husband, then I took him - or should I say ‘her’? to bed.
Great sex! Best ever! Three times during the night! Guess who was on top all
three times?
I woke up. Everything felt strange, smelled strange. A soft, warm, arm was
draped over my chest. It felt possessive somehow. As if it ‘owned’ me. I had
an erection, which wasn’t unusual this early in the morning - but I felt raw,
and ‘used’ down there, which was. Sleepily, I slid my hand down to scratch
myself. felt something silky and nice under my fingers. The underside of my
upper arm seemed to be rubbing against something nice - but, scratchy? I
squeezed my eyes open, saw the teal lace covering my breasts. What the hell?
My eyes opened wide, some of the events from the previous night forcing
themselves back into my memory. Oh god! What had I done! What had I allowed
to be done to me?
I sensed that Leslie was awake, before my eyes saw her wide stare looking at me.
“Morning sweetie! Thought you’d never wake up!” She gave me a big smile, a
contented expression behind her eyes. “Gonna go grab me a cup of coffee? It’s
almost seven. Alice will have made it by now.”
I inhaled deeply. “Sure. Think I can smell it. Hold on.” I got up and padded
to my closet. Started pulling my nightdress over my head. Heard Leslie call
“Sweetie? What are you doin’?”
“Goin’ for your coffee honeybun.” I replied cheerfully.
“That’s GOOD lover! Just leave your nightgown on. There’s a pretty matching
peignoir inn the closet. Just put that on instead, Okay?”
Then she added. “On second thoughts? Why don’t you come and tell me what’s
been going on?”
“Hey Mary? Wake up! Come get a gander at our little Georgette!” Alice was
whispering in my ear.
“Wha..? Eh? Georgette?”
“Shut up! Come and see out little girl. She’s getting coffee for the
I staggered out of bed and pulled my terry robe over my pajamas. Went towards
the kitchen, Alice tugging me along by the sleeve of my robe. I wasn’t awake by
the time we’d got to the kitchen, but what waited for me there opened my eyes
quickly enough.
“Caught her here. Told her to wait until I fetched you.” Alice said. “Isn’t she
just the cutest thing you ever did see?”
I had to agree. Our erstwhile employer - George - stood there in a matching
nightgown and peignoir set, the negligee tied at the neck with a narrow ribbon -
in a neat little bow of course. His lipstick was smudged, and there was an aura
of perfume surrounding him. I blinked.
“So? You did ask to borrow her nightgown?”
“Yes Mary - she did. According to Georgette, it’s you I have to thank?”
Leslie’s voice came from the doorway.
I did jump a little, but wasn’t really surprised. What she said next, did make
me smile.
I waited a few minutes after Georgette left the room. It hadn’t taken much for
me to force the truth out of her. She looked so pretty after I tied her in her
peignoir that I was seriously tempted to take her back to bed. At the same
time, I figured I had other fish to fry - and there was no time like the
present. I slipped into my own negligee, ran a brush through my hair quickly,
freshened my lipstick - and applied a hasty splash of perfume. Slid my slippers
on to my feet, and followed my husband downstairs - quietly.
I heard Alice catch him in the kitchen and peeked around the door. She had him
in her arms and was kissing him - as if she was a man, and he was a woman. I’d
suspected as much from what he’d told me. I heard her tell him to wait while
she got Mary, so pulled myself out of sight again until the two maids returned.
Heard Mary ask if he’d followed her instructions to humiliate himslf by asking
to wear my clothes. I stepped into the doorway where I could be seen.
“Yes Mary - she did. According to Georgette, it’s you I have to thank?”
She was surprised, but for a portion of a second only. Turned and smiled
invitingly at me. I returned her smile. “Alice?” I said.” How’s about taking
Georgette with you down to your room? You can have her for, say, a few weeks?
Make her into a real girl? Mary? Want to join me upstairs? We can..” I
paused “Talk?”
She smiled beautifully and walked towards me.
Alice put her arm around me, pulled me to her and gave me a quick kiss on the
cheek. “Well, those two look like they’re a match, don’t they? Why don’t you
come along with me? You can be MY girlfriend. I think I’ve got some old
uniforms of Mary’s that won’t need much in the way of alterations. Isn’t it
wonderful how quickly you’ve promoted from being an Honorary - Junior Maid at
that, into the real thing?”
I nodded shyly.
“Mary?” Alice said. “Stop fussing about the bloody weather. Come here and
help me into my dress” I looked at the rain beating against the windows. Shook
my head.
“No way love!” I laughed. “Just trying to seduce me. Got your new satin
uniform on and feeling all sexy. Is that what this is? A rainy day seduction?”
She laughed. “Away with you! Who’d want a kiss from a grumpy old broad like
you? huh?”
I tossed my head. “Not what you were saying last night, was it?”
She giggled. “You’re no gentleman. No gentleman at all.! Bet you’d kiss and
tell the first chance you got.”
“You need some sex education girl.” I told her. “If I don’t have the necessary
plumbing, I can’t be a gentleman now, can I? Any kind of man, for that matter,
“Stop it!” she giggled. “Getting me all sexed up. That’s what you’re doing.
You do all right with what you got. Now behave, and come here, and zip up my
As I walked towards her, she turned her back. I couldn’t help but admire the
womanly curves under her uniform - and she knew it. Looked back over her
shoulder at me and got her eyes all dreamy. I went and put my arms around her
waist, loving the feel of her under the satin. Nuzzled her neck. She let out a
contented little whimper. I bit her gently. She snaked her right hand out
behind her, and up under my petticoats. Started stroking my inner thighs.
Gently stuck her fingers down between the top of my nylons and the flesh
I sighed, and widened the gap of her unfastened dress at the back. Kissed her
there, right between the shoulder blades. Slid my hands up to cup her full
breasts. Her hand found it’s way to my centre. I gasped a little with delight.
“You feel all nice and moist” she whispered. “Thought you didn’t want to fool
As she said this, she turned around to face me, the dreamy look still there, but
mixed with the confidence that she’d got me going again. We kissed, nice and
slow, nice and soft. Her hands worked their way up my back, started unzipping
my dress. It finally fell away from me. I did the same to her. We both
stepped out of our dresses at the same time, then kicked off our shoes -
starting to kiss with some heat now, tongues probing with a little more strength
- lips starting to meet together with a little more firmness.
Our petticoats were too full and got in the way, so they were the next things to
go. A few seconds later, we were on top of her bed, both seeking consumnation
of the sex needs that drove us. It took us a while though - a nice leisurely
voyage of discovery for both. About an hour later, we were both sated. Lay
there on our backs, arms around each others shoulders, the rain still pounding
on the windows.
“Got to tell you Mary. Love our little get togethers. Never thought I’d enjoy
it so much with another woman. You’re scrumptious!” she was saying her words
softly, but happily.
She was a great lay. Not my first girl, but luscious. Womanly, soft, sweet.
It had taken me a long time to get her to bed the first time- she was SO scared
of what others might think. We were both under-maids in a big house though - so
had lots of chances for ‘accidental’ meetings - and I took advantage. Then ,
some time later, I’d seen the ad for a house needing two maids - and the money
was much better. We checked it out - a young man and wife, newly wed - not too
experienced in the hiring of ‘domestics’ - and, I thought more importantly, the
‘firing’ of domestics - were looking for servants who would combine the usual
maid duties with that of ‘cook’. Alice is a great cook - and loves cooking. I
think we were both surprised to get the job. Had a nice big room to share. Had
our own bathroom, a nice big color TV, and a sofa that was deep and comfy - and
just right for two girls to cuddle on.
Mr. and Mrs. George Walsh. Both shy, and obviously unused to hiring servants.
Had money. Hers I thought. The minute I saw them - right before our interview -
I whispered to Alice “Play it soft and young. They won’t be looking for lots
of experience - trust me. Smile a lot and tell then we’re just learning!”
I was dead on. I think all the other, more experienced servants, they
interviewed scared them. Now that I think on it? They should have been scared
of ME!
“Mary?” Alice was saying lazily.
“Yes love?”
“What got you onto girls? Did you always prefer them?”
I thought for a minute. “Yes - and no. Chased boys, like everybody else. Just
when I caught them? They seemed - I don’t know? Missing something? Always
rushing! Fumbling around. I don’t know. And HAIRY! God, I hate hairy! Maybe
that what it was. Girls are nice and soft - smell nicer - and never, ever, need
a shave!”
Alice laughed, rubbed her smooth ass up against me for a second. “I think you
just like to be boss. Play the male role.”
I shrugged. “Maybe. Don’t know.”
“C’mon Mary! I think you’re more macho than our boss - Mr. George Walsh!” She
giggled again. “Ever wonder who’s on top when they make love?”
I laughed. “Maybe not that exactly. I wonder if they make love at all! Does
either one have the nerve to start coming on to the other?”
Alice snuggled into me. “You never had much of a problem that way, did you?
Not the way you came on to me?”
I laid back further, smiling. All of a sudden, an idea came to me.
“Is George in the library?”
“The Missus? When’s she due back?’
“God knows. No earlier than eight o’clock. Some volunteer meeting.”
“And it’s what now? About three?”
“About. What you got on your mind?” she drawled lazily.
“Some fun!” I answered. “ Where’s that nice red lipstick of yours?”
“The REAL REAL red?” she laughed.
“You guessed it babe. I want to borrow it.” I said.
“Over on the dresser there. Telling me you’re gonna borrow MY lipstick? Girl
“Damn tootin’” I said. “Now how’s about lashing up some tea and crumpets?”
“Hungry darlin’?” she asked.
“Not really - about a half hour?”
“Sure thing honey.” she said
“Last thing? “ I said, stepping back into my petticoats. “Help me on with my
dress, would you love?”
I looked at the rain pounding against the window panes. God, I was bored!
Leslie off at some stupid meeting or another. Me stuck here in this ridiculous
big house - with nothing to do! Sure - I could work on my illustrations for the
kiddies books - but did anyone think that someone would EVER pay me for these
amateurish scribbles? What had I got myself into? I sighed. Watched the water
run down the windows. Boy, this was fun!
I jumped when the knock came to the door. “Yes?” I called out.
“It’s me sir - Mary. May I come in?”
“Of course. What do you want? The mistress is out at the moment.” I said, as
she swept into the library.
She curtsied - most gracefully, I thought, her eyes downcast. “Oh yes sir. But
we were wondering....?”
“WE? Who are ‘WE’?” I answered - pleased with the forcefulness of my voice.
“Why, me and Alice sir?” She looked scared, so I relented somewhat.
“Well? Speak up girl! What are ‘WE’ wondering about?”
“About our uniforms sir?”
“Your uniforms? What are you blethering about?” I asked loudly.
It must have been a lightning flash - or just the way the light hit her face -
but was that a flash of resentment I saw there? I had to be mistaken, because
she gave me the sweetest, most apologetic smile.
“Sir?” she said. “ We know that everything pertaining to us maids is the
mistresses bailliewick, so to speak....?”
“Yes. That’s true.” I admitted. “Has to do with the house? It’s Leslie’s
She nodded subserviently. “But sir? You live here as well?” Then she
curtsied! I felt wonderful! This beautiful, lithe, girl was subordinating
herself to me so nicely!
“Yes girl!” I snapped. “Get it out!”
“Well sir? Don’t know if you’re aware of it? But Alice - you know, the other
“Of course I know who Alice is!” I answered.
“Well, she made our new uniforms and ... we thought....?”
“For goodness sake! Would you get ON with it?” I was starting to laugh.
She smiled back at me. Never could describe this girl as pretty, I thought -
more handsome than anything else. “ Well? See what your opinion was sir.” she
was saying. “Make sure that you approve as well.”
“That’s very nice of you Mary, but I’m afraid I don’t know anything about
“Well, you’re a man sir. You’re not expected to know anything about women’s
clothes, but I’ll bet you know what you like.” she said, coming towards me,
around the back of my desk “See? the outer dress is satin. Here, feel it.
Doesn’t it feel lovely?”
She was literally crowding up against me now. “No need to get embarrassed sir.
Just feel it. It feels lovely!”
I had to do something. Put my hand out, touched the silky material. “Yes, yes!”
I said. Very nice! Lovely!” Snatched my hand back again.
She was laughing at me now. “Sir? It won’t bite! Here, take it between your
thumb and finger Yes! doesn’t it feel good? Have you ever worn satin?” She
tutted “What am I saying? You’re a man! Of course you haven’t. Now feel the
materials in the petticoats...”
To my horror, she had lifted her skirt to reveal the layers of petticoat
underneath. I was beginning to feel most intimidated by this crazy maid. Took
the materials in my hand. “Yes Mary. Very pretty!”
I was hoping that my ordeal was over, but it wasn’t. She now lifted all of the
petticoat layers. I could see the tops of her stockings, the lacy edge of her
panties. “Yes” she was saying “Alice made the petticoats too. I hope you
appreciate the workmanship. Look at the seams - and all these layers!” And she
was now so close to me that her underskirts actually were over the arm of my
“Yes Mary. Lovely work. She’s very talented. Thank you for showing this to
me.” I was babbling now, just wanting this lunatic girl to back away from me.
My prayers were answered. She stepped back and allowed her clothes to return to
their proper configuration. She also dropped her eyes demurely.
“Thank you sir. So you like this dress? Like the petticoat?”
“Absolutely Mary. Please tell Alice that in my humble opinion she did an
excellent job.” I said, starting to feel less pressured.
“You are SO kind sir! I’ll be sure to tell her that.” She started to curtsey,
then paused. “Sir? It’s been a rotten day. Very Gloomy. Alice is preparing
some tea and crumpets. Would you like some? It’ll pass the time?”
“That sounds wonderful Mary. Yes, I think I’ll take you up on that offer. Good
She beamed at me. “Oh wonderful sir! You’ve no idea how much a couple of young
girls like us need a man to talk to every so often. How nice of you to join
I swallowed quickly. “Join you? Oh, I’m afraid I misunderstood....”
Her face fell. “Oh.” she said. Then she put a patently false smile on her
face. “I’m sorry for being so stupid sir. What was I thinking of. You are the
owner - the master of the house. Why would I expect you to join a couple of
stupid servant girls? And? What would the mistress say? I’m sorry sir. Truly
I am.”
She curtsied quickly and started to move away. “I’ll bring your tea and
crumpets up here, shall I sir?” she added sadly.
I felt such a SNOB! Here was this young girl reaching out to me in friendship -
and I was rejecting her because she was a social inferior! Impulsively, I held
up my hand. “Mary? Where are you ladies going to have your tea and crumpets?”
“The kitchen sir. May I ask why you want to know?”
“With your permission? May I join you there in, say, fifteen minutes?”
Her face was illuminated by a wide grin. “Why certainly sir! It would be our
pleasure!” She curtsied and, beaming, left the room.
Alice was humming one of her little tunes when I went into the kitchen. “You
look like the cat that ate the cream.” she said. “Why the smug look?”
“Got enough tea and crumpets for three?” I asked instead of answering.
“Yeah. Why?” she asked, then grimaced. “Aw dammit Mary! If he wants tea and
crumpets, you’ll be the one that serves him in the library, not me. What did
you go and do a thing like that for?”
“No serving required, my darling,” I said snootily. “He is coming to join us -
as MY guest of course.”
She gawked at me. “Here? In the kitchen? What are you up to?”
“I don’t really know,” I admitted. “Just a little feeling I have about our
lord and master. Think I’m going to have - no let me rephrase that - think
that WE’RE going to have some fun with him before we’re done. He should be here
in a few minutes. Now, just follow my lead, eh?”
“Sure!” she laughed. “Say this for you Mary, life isn’t dull around you.
Where do you want him to sit?”
“The couch I think.” Then a thought struck me. “Yes - the couch! and when you
come to sit - you take one side of him. I’ll take the other. Okay!”
I was regretting my actions almost before Mary left the room. What was I
thinking of? I’d never been anywhere that servants were used until now, but I
had a very good idea that it wasn’t considered too smart to be hob-nobbing with
them. But, there again, Leslie had been accusing me somewhat of being too
stand-offish with the girls, so I could always say it was because of her
comments that I was following the path that I was.
I thought of putting on a fresh shirt, but decided against it. Wasn’t a formal
tea party I giggled to myself. A short sleeve polo shirt and slacks would be
fine. I did go to our bathroom and give my face a rinse and combed my hair.
Hope the girls will be properly honored , I mused.
As I did all of this, I had this funny feeling. Couldn’t quite put my finger on
it. Almost as if I were frightened? No, it couldn’t be that. All my life I’d
been small, and often teased by girls who were bigger than me. But it couldn’t
be that, could it? Surely I wasn’t scared of a couple of MAIDS for god’s sake!
But I could feel the tenseness in my body. Couldn’t seem to be able to take a
deep breath. I finally shook my head to clear the nonsense away and walked
downstairs to the kitchen. Could hear the friendly, girlish, chatter as I got
there. Appreciated the friendly smiles when I knocked on the door and said
“Safe to come in, girls?”
“Of course sir!” they said in unison. “Would you like to sit here sir?” Mary
suggested, pointing to a bench/sofa type thing. “You have the place of honor!
Right in the middle there!”
“Thank you very much.” I replied, smiling, and sat down in the middle - then
noticed that there were cups and saucers set up on a long low table in front of
where I sat - and that I was going to have a girl on each side of me! My
nervousness returned.
Both girls were extremely well turned out in identical uniforms. Black satin
overdresses that occasionally allowed flashes of full tiered petticoats of
pristine white underneath. Lacy white aprons - immaculate, and matching caps,
frilled and feminine. At the same time, they seemed so large. Took up so much
room. I felt surrounded by femininity. This was increased when they finally
finished pouring the teas and setting the crumpets on the table, and settled in
beside me - with a great deal of silken rustling from their dresses. When Mary
leaned forward to get a drink of her tea, it was if any spatial territory I had
the expectation of was further reduced, as I now seemed to be sitting almost
directly behind her.
“Isn’t this cozy?” Alice laughed. “It’s good that you’re so tiny sir. That
big lump on the other side of you is always hogging the room. I’m always
yelling at her.”
But, as she spoke, she did almost the same thing! I felt as if I was being
“The master was admiring your dress Alice earlier on.” Mary said. “Weren’t you
“Oh? Do you like dresses sir?” Alice asked me.
“Well. Pretty ones like you’ve made here. The uniforms I mean. I mean .. I
don’t like dresses for me...”
I was blushing and stammering dreadfully. To make things worse, Mary patted my
knee gently. “No need to be embarrassed sir. I don’t think that Alice was
asking if you liked to wear dresses. Though it would be all right if you
“Of course it would be sir.” Alice stated firmly. “Frankly? I think its a
shame that a man can’t be allowed to put on a pretty dress now and then...and
with your build...?”
I coughed. Tried to recover my composure. Struggled up out of the satin cocoon
that seemed to be forming about me. Was suddenly aware of my companion's
perfume. Not overmuch, just pleasant, but I was in the middle of it! Managed
to get my hands on my cup. Gratefully took a sip of tea.
“Delicious!” I croaked.
“And Alice? He was admiring the petticoats you made as well!” Mary added.
Alice blushed prettily and lifted her dress to reveal her own petticoats.
“Thank you sir! It was nice of you to say that! Did you notice the seams? I
was very proud of them...”
“Oh yes! Very well done! Though I’m not an expert of course!”
“Well I think it’s very nice of you sir! You’re the very first man I’ve ever
met that was interested in sewing women’s lingerie. I could teach you some time
if you’re interested?”
I was speechless. I seemed to have got into some sort of position with TWO
lunatic girls where they assumed I was interested in this feminine frippery!
And, before I could think of an answer, Mary was unpinning her cap - and handing
it to me!
“Yes sir! Just look at the detail on this cap here. Yes, I know it just looks
like a piece of twisted ribbon, but have a look at the cunning construction..”
And Alice was now leaning in on me even more, her fingernail tracing out areas
of the cap, showing how she had re-inforced that to do this - all sorts of
things that I had no interest in. At the same time, manners dictated that I
listen to my hostess. I surrendered and sank into a sea of feminine sights and
Our little tea party didn’t last much longer, thank goodness. I hope my delight
at getting out of their clutches didn’t show too much. Though there was a tiny
little incident that bothered me. After we had finished discussing the cap,
Mary reached in and took it from me. As she lifted it to re-affix it to her
hair, she paused and a strange look came into her eyes. I honestly felt as if
she was considering putting it on me!
That moment passed though, and I breathed a huge sigh of relief, back in the
safety of my own bedroom.
He wasn’t thirty seconds out of the kitchen when Alice burst out laughing.
“Mary! What are you doing to that poor man?” she managed to say finally. “He’s
like a little rabbit in front of a snake!”
I went and bumped foreheads with her. Threw my arms around her neck. “Me?
What about your ‘Do you like dresses sir?’ Oh Alice that was precious! His
face! Ooooh! I think I need to go to the bathroom!”
When I got back, we had both sobered up - a little anyway.
“I don’t know. Is he scared of you?” Alice asked. “He acts funny - almost as
if he’s expecting you to hit him.”
“That’s the impression he gives me as well” I answered “But I think he’s
scared of you too.”
“Think he’s frightened of women in general” Alice asked.
“Seems fond enough of his wife. Doesn’t seem scared of her.” I said. “Can’t
figure it out.”
“You’ll figure it out. I’m sure of that.” Alice told me.
I’ll admit to being a little upset by the time I got home. That Mrs. Robinson
on the steering committee for the library volunteers. She was really bossy.
Had wasted so much time in the afternoon spouting off her opinions instead of
letting us all do what we were there for. Then Jenny being late for our dinner
date - and whining about her new boyfriend the whole meal. I couldn’t see how
she could always act the part of the more experienced ‘woman’ when we were
together. Laughing at George - making snide comments. Calling him ‘Rambo’ with
that sneer in her voice. What had she done that was so great? A whole mess of
boyfriends - and I’m pretty sure that some had beaten her a few times.
George would never do that to me, that was for sure. He is SO nice. Wouldn’t
hurt a fly. Very considerate and .. well ... cuddly. Not mean and aggressive.
Nice and ... soft ... gentle. Sometimes I wished....
And that waitress! Slow and insolent. I just have to learn how to demand
things. We were there first - and all she did was spend most of her time
flirting with that hunk who was by himself in the booth... Well, maybe I
couldn’t blame her. But I really don’t care for my meal to be cold. I have to
learn to speak up I guess.
Then all this rain. They’re forecasting it for another week! It’s so
And then George acting all funny when I did get home. Guilty or something.
Almost as if he was ashamed. When he kissed me ‘hello’ I could feel the heat
coming from his cheeks. Wonder if he’s coming down with a cold?
But bless Alice. How did she know I was starving? What a lovely omelette she
made for me - just perfect! She is such a pretty girl - and I loved her new
uniform! Told her she could make as many as she wanted - I’ll be more than glad
to pay for the materials. When I touched her arm that time? Under the satin
she felt lovely. Warm and ... stop it Leslie!
Maybe I’m cursed with feminine intuition? I DID try and keep Leslie at home
today, but she wouldn’t listen! More concerned about that stupid library than
“George!” she said firmly. “I’m the youngest - and the newest Board member.”
“And you also live the furthest out of town Leslie. Nobody’ll blame you for not
driving into town in this kind of weather.” I protested.
“But I’ve nothing to DO here!”
“You could keep me company!” I moaned.
“Oh George - you silly doofus!” she laughed and gave me a kiss.
“Gonna be home for dinner tonight?” I whined.
“Yes - of course darling. I told Alice that we’ll be a little later though.
Drinks at six, dinner at seven fifteen? Okay darling?”
“Yes Leslie. Have a nice day.”
“How come you’re taking so much care with your makeup?” Alice asked. “Some
more devilment on your mind?”
“Moi? Never! You gonna be sewing this morning - right?”
She brightened up - Alice is a girl that just loves to do feminine things -
“Yeah! I’ve got two more petticoats almost wrapped up. You should see what I’m
going to do ....” She faltered to a stop. “As if you were interested. Right?”
she added, but smiled.
“You got that right kid!” I said, putting the top on the lipstick tube. “Gonna
be starting soon?”
“Soon as I can get my cute little buns up there” she answered, heading for the
door. Stopped. “I can feel it! You’ve got something on your evil mind, don’t
I widened my eyes, innocence all over my face.
“Knew it!” she said, going out of the door.
She caught me doing the crossword. She did knock, but didn’t wait for me to
answer. Just came right on into the room. “Good morning sir! Glad to see
you’re not busy.” Curtsied. “Alice will be delighted!”
“About what?” I was stupid enough to ask.
“Well? She’s sewing petticoats this morning. She thinks that they’re probably
complicated things for you to understand, but even just watching? You’ll pick
up a lot. She’s just setting up now. Want to come along?”
“To watch her sewing? I don’t think so.” I said this firmly, but she fixed an
unblinking stare on me.
“I thought you were fairer than that sir! You told her of your interest
yesterday. Got her all excited? Now you’re saying you don’t want to? She’s my
friend - my very best friend - and I hate to see her hurt! It’s not that she’s
expecting a lot. Just a little bit of your time?”
“But I’ve got things to do!” I said, but could hear the defensive tone in my
“Of course sir. That’s understood. But you don’t want to hurt Alice’s
feelings, do you?”
“Of course not. All right then - but just for a few minutes. Understood!”
“Thank you sir. You won’t regret it.”
Don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on Alice’s face when I led him into her
sewing room. To tell the truth, I think she was a little disgusted at being
interrupted by my shenanigans - but saw the potential for fun.
I spoke before she had a chance to screw it up “He just can’t stay away Alice!
Bursting for you to show him your sewing secrets!”
“Wonderful! Come in sir. Let me get you a smock. Don’t want you getting your
clothes all thready and stuff..”
He started to give out some kind of protest, but I shut him up. “Oh sir! Don’t
be silly. You really need one if you’re to help Alice - hell, even I have to
put one on when I help. Nobody’ll laugh. Here’s a nice blue one!” And I have
him in a pretty velvet smock - blue, with pink flowers on the Peter Pan collars
and am buttoning him down the back before he knows it!
And, all morning, my feminine girlfriend is a tiger! Won’t let him get away!
Tells him that he’s doing SO well, that he must have a natural talent for
dressmaking! When I go in to tell them that lunch is ready - naturally, he’s
eating with us now - she has him crawling around her, pinning up something or
other while she’s standing there in her petticoats giving him orders!
Still wearing his cute smock, he eats lunch with us. He’s somewhat embarrassed I
think, but gradually settling into the role I want for him - one of us girls. I
can’t believe how docile and sweet he’s become. I tell him this and he blushes.
Then I call him Georgette. He looks as if he’s going to cry, so I go and give
him a hug - then kiss him as if he was a girl. Naturally, I leave some of my
lipstick on his mouth. Take my fingertip and spread it just a touch. Tell him
how nice the color is on him. He does cry. Alice comforts him with hugs.
Tells him that I’m just an old meanie - but then agrees that the color would
look nice on him too. I’m laughing inside, seeing him squirm as Alice and I
then discuss what type of cosmetics would make him ‘prettier’. He even agrees
that he should take ‘his turn’ at doing the lunch dishes. Stands all meek and
mild as I put an apron on him to protect his pretty smock!
I am so ashamed! Humiliated! How can I possibly explain allowing these servant
girls to treat me the way they did yesterday? Putting a woman's smock on me.
Allowing myself to be taught how to sew woman’s lingerie! Clearing up dishes
for maids! Crying! Accepting being called Georgette! I can’t let this go any
further. Must put my foot down! Starting now!
I found little Georgette hiding in the library. He looked so nice and cute. So
scared. Wanting to be so manly ! It was easy to see that he had every
intention of revolting against my authority - tight lips, holding himself very
erect in his chair. Thought I’d play with him for a while.
“Good morning sir!” I said cheerily. “Another ugly day?” and gave him a sweet
curtsey. I think I threw him off by being so cheerful and maid-like.
“Yes. Dreadful!” He said. (I almost died! He’d dropped the tone of his voice
about two levels - he was being macho-man!)
I went over to the window that looked out over the garden. “Yes sir and if I
may say so sir?”
“Yes?” (voice still down in the lower registers)
“A man of your energy! To be cooped up like this! If you don’t mind me saying?
You should have a hobby sir - something physical. Something to keep your body
“Never have been a man for hobbies. Would rather do something constructive -
you know, build things - do things. Hate the thought of exercise for
exercise’s sake. Seems so narcissistic.” (His voice was still deeper than
normal, but getting back up to the normal soft voice he used).
“Yes sir. Very pragmatic sir.” Curtsied again. “I’m just going to vacuum the
hallway outside here sir. Just wanted to ask if it would disturb you sir?”
The relief that washed over his face was almost funny. He waved his hand
dismissively. “No Mary. You won’t disturb me. Just carry on.”
“Thank you sir.” Curtsey again. Walk to door. Open door. Start to leave.
Turn back to face him. “Sir? Sorry. Quite forgot. Lunch at usual time?”
He looked a little nervous. “Yes. Would one of you girls bring it up here? I
think I’ll work through lunch”
(He’s back to his normal voice I notice).
“Oh sir! Please don’t ask that! Alice and me? We’ll be SO disappointed.” I
look at the floor, then shyly back up at him again. “We thought of doing
something ‘special’. Alice has put a LOT of thought into it. Please don’t
disappoint us?”
As I come to the end of what I’m saying, I let the smile disappear, and start
giving him the ‘stare’. He starts to fidget. Won’t look at me.
“Well Mary. I don’t mean to sound...”
“SIR!” I say firmly, interrupting him. Stare coldly.
He blushes a deep red. “Well - if it means that much to you girls. But just
this last time. Understood?”
I give him my best smile. “Perfectly sir! And thank you so much. Eleven
thirty in the kitchen then?”
He nods - a sickly expression on his face. I smile then go outside the room.
Do not start the vacuum. About three minutes later, the library door opens -
very slowly, very quietly. He peeked out - like a frightened little mouse.
“Looking for something sir?” I asked loudly. The poor dear jumped about a foot
in the air, stuttered something, then closed the door. ‘Think you can escape
Mary that easily darling?’ I said to myself.
I knew something awful was waiting for me in that kitchen. But what was I to
do? I had really tried to stop that she-devil Mary from continuing her program
of humiliation, but didn’t seem to have the strength of will or purpose to stop
her. I consoled my self somewhat. I had acted firmly with her at the beginning
of the conversation. Maybe had given her a sign that I wasn’t that much of a
pushover? I wished with all my heart that I hadn’t given in to her forceful
invitation - but maybe it would be something normal - one of my favorite dishes
perhaps? Alice had been asking me what foods I preferred while we’d been sewing
the previous day - maybe it was just that? I brightened up.
It wasn’t that, or anything like it. When I entered the kitchen, both girls had
kind - but condescending looks on their faces. Mary stepped in behind me, and
shut the door quietly, cutting of any chance I had of retreat.
They were wearing uniforms similar to the ones of the previous day, and again,
even though standing, I got the same sense of claustrophobia, of being drawn
into and smothered in femininity.
Alice came forward to greet me. Kissed me on the cheek. “Thank you for coming
dear. You’ve been so nice, we thought we’d give you a nice reward. Shut your
eyes please?”
“No reward is necessary Alice! Please. I was just trying...”
“Georgette! Shut your eyes please. Don’t open them until we tell you!” This
came for Mary, behind me.
“Please girls? Please don’t...” I started to plead helplessly, but closed my
“Just shush dear!” came from Alice in front and close to me. And I felt
something go over my head. Then something was tied at my back.
“Just a sec more dear.” Alice said, and I felt something being clipped into my
hair, then adjusted.
“Very nice Alice. Looks good.” Mary said. “C’mon Georgette. Don’t open your
eyes now, until I tell you.” She pulled me about for or five feet. “Okay
dear. Open up!”
The mirror in front of me reflected a tiny man in a full, frilled apron, and a
matching maid’s cap.
“Welcome - Honorary Maid Georgette!
“Ahem?” Came from Alice. “Junior, Mary - Junior!”
Mary looked puzzled, then laughed softly. “Oh Alice - such a stickler for
titles! Sorry - Junior Honorary Maid Georgette!” Then she added “I don’t see
what difference it makes.”
Alice made a little ‘huff’ of indignation. “Maybe you don’t care if she
curtseys you or not, but I care for her to curtsey me!”
I listened indignantly - they were talking about me! It seemed that my name was
now permanently Georgette, I was now a ‘her’ - and supposed to curtsey THEM? I
coughed to draw their attention. They smiled at me. “Ladies?...” I started.
“Oh no Georgette!” Alice interrupted. “We’re maids - not ladies. Just use
“Miss” when you talk to us.”
“Yes - like ‘Miss Alice’ when you talk to me. ‘Miss Mary’ when you talk to
Mary. See? Not that hard, is it?”
“And don’t forget to curtsey Miss Alice” Mary added sarcastically.
“But.. but... “ I stammered.
“Georgette!” Alice cautioned me. “You’re forgetting ! Already!”
“Alice! Stop being so mean!” Mary said. “Georgette probably doesn’t even know
how to curtsey properly. Is that what it is dear?”
I grasped at the straw. “Yes. I don’t know how .. “ I was going to add ‘nor
want to’ but got interrupted again by Mary. “Well? Let me show you.”
It took me less than five minutes to learn how to curtsey to their satisfaction
- and when (which seemed to be just about any time one of them spoke to me) -
but ONLY when I was wearing my honorary ‘insignia’ of course - the maids cap and
Lunch was a pleasant enough meal - I was allowed to go into an ‘informal’ mode
while we ate together - I had to serve it up of course, and do the clean up
afterwards - ‘“That’s the bad side of being an honorary maid” Mary chuckled.
I was allowed to leave after that, but only after I was warned to make sure I
kept my cap and apron sparkling clean and ironed at all times. I had to curtsey
them as I left.
I looked at Alice knowing the awestruck expression was showing on my face.
“Junior Honorary Maid! Where did you come up with that one? Bloody brilliant!
Miss Alice! You are a holy terror girl! That’s what you are!”
She smiled complacently. “I thought I did a nice job on the cap and apron,
didn’t you? Fitted our little Georgette to a ‘t’, wouldn’t you say?”
“Maybe dear - but it was nothing like the number you worked on him, I’d say.”
She smirked. “Don’t you mean ‘her’?”
I said, “Seriously? I think you maybe have a ‘thing’ for our feminine little
She looked thoughtful. “Seriously? I wouldn’t mind taking her in hand for a
The day after my ‘induction’ I awoke with dread. What humiliations were to be
piled on my head that day? As it happened though, Leslie decided that she
needed a break from her volunteer work and suggested we take a short trip into
the nearest big town for some shopping. I think she was surprised at my
eagerness to join her, as I had usually refused all like offers in the past.
Once there, I didn’t have any problems in convincing her that we should maybe
stay and have dinner? Take in a show? Get a hotel room for the night?
George’s behaviour keeps puzzling me. He seems strangely nervous all the time.
Looks like he’s about to jump out of his skin. I saw him talking to Mary and
Alice - he kept making funny little gestures with his hands - sort of grabbing
the sides of his pants. Did the same thing with me a few times. He seems - I
don’t know - frightened? Timid?
I had a dog once. A good size, but the biggest scaredy cat. He’d run in behind
my skirts if another dog even looked at him. George has something the same look
about him.
And, here’s a man who usually sneers if I even think of inviting him on a
shopping trip - just jumping at the chance. And so obviously scared of going
home after we’re finished - acting all cute and cuddly - kinda girlish? to get
me to agree to stay in town for the night. Neither of us had any nightwear of
course, but we bought toothbrushes and stuff at a drugstore. In the hotel, he
was SO shy at being in the nude in front of me, that it really turned me on!
For the first time in our married life, I was the aggressor. The sex was great!
I really enjoyed being on top - and truthfully? I think he seemed glad to give
up that position. I may just try that again.
It was such a relief to finally have sex again. I’d been getting a little horny
(such an UN-ladylike word) over the last few days. For some reason I’ve been
getting flashes of Mary - the maid for goodness sake! - flashing in behind my
eyes. Maybe I’m turning gay?
Alice and I had a great time after Leslie called to say they wouldn’t be home
that night. I put on my terry robe and my royal blue pajamas. Alice was
stunning in a lace and nylon nightgown she’d made. She’d pre-made dinner -
which I served up. After we’d finished, I started in on doing the dishes, but
she got her ‘dreamy’ expression on again, and smiled seductively from the couch.
“Aw come on Alice!” I complained. “These dishes will be a bitch if we don’t get
them done right away, and...”
“Georgette won’t mind doing them tomorrow. Will she? I think she needs the
practice. And me? I need something else, I think.” She lay back in the couch
and lifted her lovely arms invitingly.
“That’s a thought.” I said “But I think I don’t care whether she minds doing
the dishes or not.” I laughed and put the dishcloth down. Walked slowly
towards her, savoring what was to come.
Leslie just had a quick shower when we got home, got dressed and took off after
giving me a quick kiss. She seemed different somehow. Stronger? More
It wasn’t five minutes after she left that I heard Mary’s voice calling
“Georgette? Little Georgette? Where are you? We’re waaaiiittttiinnng! Come
out, come out, wherever you are!”
I rushed into my apron and pinned my cap in place. Ran out of my door. “Coming
Miss Mary! Coming!”
She was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. “Alice thought you might
not want to come and help us this morning. Was going to ask me to come up and
get you. I told her that you were just getting ready and that there was no need
to get upset with you. You really do want to come and help, don’t you
Georgette? Learn how to be a proper maid?”
“Yes Miss Mary” I said, and curtseyed.
“Lovely! Now just let me adjust your cap, and your apron bow? You’ll really
need to learn how to tie a pretty bow. Honestly - you young girls!”
She laughed when I blushed at her reprimand.
It seemed that Alice was busy sewing something, so I didn’t see her for a while.
There was an awful pile of dirty dishes that hadn’t been soaked or anything and
it took me a long time to get them all done and put in the dishwasher. Then I
was given dusting, then vacuuming to do. That kept me occupied until lunchtime.
I gave Alice a hand in the kitchen, setting up the table and washing the lettuce
for a small salad she was making. She was very nice to me, and I actually
enjoyed her company. I couldn’t quite figure out why she was at her meanest
when Mary was around, but was too scared to ask why.
I had to polish the silver before I was finished for the day. Just as I was
finished, Mary came into the room and struck up a conversation. She made a
request - no, that’s not correct - ordered me to do something that night. I
started to cry in fear and humiliation,and threatened not to do it. She just
smiled a terrible smile, and told me what the consequences would be. She ended
this awful talk by presenting me with a small, very light parcel, wrapped in
pink paper. “This is from Alice. She’s worked very hard at making them for you
today. You might want to go and thank her?”
Curtseying and blushing, eyes tearful with the shame, I thanked Miss Alice for
the seven pair of lace-edged satin panties she’d made for me. Assured her that
I could hardly wait to try them on - and that I realized now that I should have
been wearing panties for a long time - and would start correcting that situation
immediately. Shattered at the conversations with both women, I climbed the
stairs totally subjugated.
I could feel ‘something’ in the air the minute I got home that afternoon.
George was even more fearful and nervous. I saw that the ‘twitching’ of his
hands was even more prevalent. I seriously thought that it might be an idea to
get him to a doctor’s. Alice had made a marvellous dinner - what a find she is!
I even had a few drinks before, and after, dinner. Could hardly keep my eyes
off of Mary. Gosh, she’s a handsome woman! I could feel myself get all squirmy
and moist sometimes when she looked at me!
Something funny happened at dinner. Just for conversation, I asked “George?
What did you do all day?”
He jumped as if he’d been shot! But what was strange? He looked at Mary, as if
he was looking for permission to speak? She also had a peculiar expression on
her face. ‘What in god’s name was going on?’ I thought. If I didn’t know my
shy little husband, I’d swear that something.....
We watched TV for a while, but it was boring. On top of that? To tell the
truth, I don’t know if it was the drinks, or George’s ‘scared’ act - but I was
getting turned on!
I made a phony yawn. “Sack time George. Wanna come?”
“It’s kinda early dear, don’t you think?” he said.
I don’t know whether it was his servile manner or what, but something possessed
me to stare at him and say firmly “Bed time George!”
The look of fear in his eyes was genuine I thought, a tiny jolt of pleasure
coursing through me. Again, he made that funny gesture with his hands, almost
as if he was grabbing for something at his thighs. Mary giggled! I actually
heard her, but by the time I’d turned to look, there was no evidence on her
face. Her eyes were bright though. ‘What a smashing looking woman’ came
through my head like lightning. ‘Wonder if she’d mind coming to bed?’
In our bedroom I stripped off and got into my slinkiest nightie quickly. Lay
squirming inside it, waiting for my dolt of a husband. He had stripped himself
down to everything but his pants.
“George? Am I going to have to drag you into bed?” I asked in a honeyed,
sarcastic, tone.
He looked at me, his eyes haunted. “Leslie?” Licked his lips nervously.
“What darling?”
“I’d like to borrow .. may I?... I don’t suppose you’d mind...? Sounds
“Borrow what, for god’s sake! Would you stop dithering like a stupid woman!” I
He looked at the floor. Blushed. “You know that teal nightgown of yours?”
I shrugged. “Guess I should. It’s mine, isn’t it?”
He lifted his eyes. Looked at me pleadingly. The light went on in my brain!
“You want to borrow - wear? My teal nightgown? Why?”
He looked down at the carpet. Didn’t answer me.
I was absolutely blind with fury for a few seconds, then the thought struck me.
This might be fun!
“Want to be pretty for Leslie? My little Georgy Porgy want to play dress up?
Oooo! Bet you’ll look nice. But first? Take these silly pants and your
underpants off. I want to see you get my - I mean your - nightie from the
closet - in the nude. Come on now!”
The speed he dropped his pants amazed me - actually stripped both his pants and
underpants at the same time. he almost got away with it - would have, except I
got a glimpse - just a flash of color - or texture, that jangled in my brain.
“What was that dear?” I asked. “Show me these underpants please?”
His face was pale when he showed me the yellow satin, white lace edged, panties
he’s been wearing.
“We’ll talk about them later darling.” I said slowly. “Just go and put your
nightie on.” I noticed he’d an erection.
‘He’s enjoying this humiliation’ I thought. ‘maybe give him a little more?”
I could see his hands shake as he slipped my nightdress over his head, and let
it cascade down his body. It fitted him just fine. Maybe needed a little
padding for the bust, but not absolutely necessary. I slipped out of bed and
went up to him. Wrapped my arms about him, the silken materials of our
nightgowns coming together in a very stimulating way.
“Hi pretty girl, “ I whispered. “Let’s make you really pretty for Leslie.”
He cried when I put some lipstick - not much, and a few dabs of perfume on him
- my little sissy husband, then I took him - or should I say ‘her’? to bed.
Great sex! Best ever! Three times during the night! Guess who was on top all
three times?
I woke up. Everything felt strange, smelled strange. A soft, warm, arm was
draped over my chest. It felt possessive somehow. As if it ‘owned’ me. I had
an erection, which wasn’t unusual this early in the morning - but I felt raw,
and ‘used’ down there, which was. Sleepily, I slid my hand down to scratch
myself. felt something silky and nice under my fingers. The underside of my
upper arm seemed to be rubbing against something nice - but, scratchy? I
squeezed my eyes open, saw the teal lace covering my breasts. What the hell?
My eyes opened wide, some of the events from the previous night forcing
themselves back into my memory. Oh god! What had I done! What had I allowed
to be done to me?
I sensed that Leslie was awake, before my eyes saw her wide stare looking at me.
“Morning sweetie! Thought you’d never wake up!” She gave me a big smile, a
contented expression behind her eyes. “Gonna go grab me a cup of coffee? It’s
almost seven. Alice will have made it by now.”
I inhaled deeply. “Sure. Think I can smell it. Hold on.” I got up and padded
to my closet. Started pulling my nightdress over my head. Heard Leslie call
“Sweetie? What are you doin’?”
“Goin’ for your coffee honeybun.” I replied cheerfully.
“That’s GOOD lover! Just leave your nightgown on. There’s a pretty matching
peignoir inn the closet. Just put that on instead, Okay?”
Then she added. “On second thoughts? Why don’t you come and tell me what’s
been going on?”
“Hey Mary? Wake up! Come get a gander at our little Georgette!” Alice was
whispering in my ear.
“Wha..? Eh? Georgette?”
“Shut up! Come and see out little girl. She’s getting coffee for the
I staggered out of bed and pulled my terry robe over my pajamas. Went towards
the kitchen, Alice tugging me along by the sleeve of my robe. I wasn’t awake by
the time we’d got to the kitchen, but what waited for me there opened my eyes
quickly enough.
“Caught her here. Told her to wait until I fetched you.” Alice said. “Isn’t she
just the cutest thing you ever did see?”
I had to agree. Our erstwhile employer - George - stood there in a matching
nightgown and peignoir set, the negligee tied at the neck with a narrow ribbon -
in a neat little bow of course. His lipstick was smudged, and there was an aura
of perfume surrounding him. I blinked.
“So? You did ask to borrow her nightgown?”
“Yes Mary - she did. According to Georgette, it’s you I have to thank?”
Leslie’s voice came from the doorway.
I did jump a little, but wasn’t really surprised. What she said next, did make
me smile.
I waited a few minutes after Georgette left the room. It hadn’t taken much for
me to force the truth out of her. She looked so pretty after I tied her in her
peignoir that I was seriously tempted to take her back to bed. At the same
time, I figured I had other fish to fry - and there was no time like the
present. I slipped into my own negligee, ran a brush through my hair quickly,
freshened my lipstick - and applied a hasty splash of perfume. Slid my slippers
on to my feet, and followed my husband downstairs - quietly.
I heard Alice catch him in the kitchen and peeked around the door. She had him
in her arms and was kissing him - as if she was a man, and he was a woman. I’d
suspected as much from what he’d told me. I heard her tell him to wait while
she got Mary, so pulled myself out of sight again until the two maids returned.
Heard Mary ask if he’d followed her instructions to humiliate himslf by asking
to wear my clothes. I stepped into the doorway where I could be seen.
“Yes Mary - she did. According to Georgette, it’s you I have to thank?”
She was surprised, but for a portion of a second only. Turned and smiled
invitingly at me. I returned her smile. “Alice?” I said.” How’s about taking
Georgette with you down to your room? You can have her for, say, a few weeks?
Make her into a real girl? Mary? Want to join me upstairs? We can..” I
paused “Talk?”
She smiled beautifully and walked towards me.
Alice put her arm around me, pulled me to her and gave me a quick kiss on the
cheek. “Well, those two look like they’re a match, don’t they? Why don’t you
come along with me? You can be MY girlfriend. I think I’ve got some old
uniforms of Mary’s that won’t need much in the way of alterations. Isn’t it
wonderful how quickly you’ve promoted from being an Honorary - Junior Maid at
that, into the real thing?”
I nodded shyly.
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