This is the first story on this blog.. Hope you all like it..
June 12th
Dear Eve:
Your son’s potential arrival has the whole place in a tizzy!
I can’t truthfully say that he’ll be welcomed by the three girls though. When
Mattie, my most recent maid, heard that the household was going to be increased
by one more, she actually tried to blackmail me into increasing her wages! As
she was worthless, I let her go. The girls didn’t like her anyway, so there was
no problem there. The shit hit the proverbial fan though, when I told them that
when David arrived, he’d take over the outside chores, and they could split the
housekeeping stuff that Mattie was doing. Naturally, they’re blaming him a
little, but I’m sure they’ll back off after he kicks a little ass – it’s about
time, they had a man around here!)
I guess I should admit now that all three of my girls aren’t quite the docile
little creatures I’ve been describing since we got back together again. All of
them more like you than me I guess. Which reminds me. You still coaching your
old Girl’s Basketball team at your old college? I used to boast how you almost
lead them to the National Championship. Changed days, huh?
But with the girls all demanding that I have to pitch in too? I’ll be doing the
cooking. Which is the reason for this little note. They all eat like their life
will end in the next ten minutes if they don’t put some food – any food – in
their mouths! (Something like you used to be). I’m assuming David will be the
same? Just thought I’d better check and make sure he doesn’t have any allergies
or whatever. So get back to me A.S.A.P. Okay?
Your loving sister (The Pretty one!)
* * *
June 14,
Dear Eve:
Okay, Okay! I’ve been just as guilty as you have! But I keep asking myself
why we continue to lie to each other. Can’t say as I find any answers though.
Maybe that’s what caused our long estrangement? Anyway? I’m somewhat at a loss
as to what I do next, so let me put my cards on the table – face UP!
Neither Patricia nor either of the twins, despite what I may have implied, are
quite the dainty, feminine, ladylike kids I may have described, accidentally of
course, to you. Patricia is almost made in your image – tall, blonde, athletic
and aggressive. The other two are following closely in her footsteps. When they
were younger I was able to teach them some of the basics of becoming young
women, but these days seem long gone, it being difficult to impress your will on
three teenagers who tower over you.
You, on the other hand, definitely gave me the impression that David was “all
boy”, rambunctious and difficult to control. I’ll admit that you said nothing
specifically, about his height, but I know I got the impression of him being at
least muscular. I’ll agree that he has an imperious air about him that seems to
have my girls impressed for the moment, but in all honesty? I don’t know how
long he can carry this off. I’m already seeing sly little glances from one girl
to the others and have the feeling that any awe I may have generated in them
regarding him may be wearing off rapidly – and the poor little dear is already
starting to look around him nervously as the girls encircle him.
I mean to say, Eve! The boy is almost a mirror image of me when I was that age!
Petite and slim – almost dainty! His peaches and cream complexion! Those
silky, curling, eyelashes! I haven’t seen him in shorts yet – but if his legs
are in the same shape as his arms? I think it’s safe to assume that he hasn’t
any muscles – anywhere! And his hair being that long? Small, plump, hands and
feet. Eve? I hate to say this, but he looks almost like a dainty little girl!
So here’s my problem sister. He seems like a nice little boy. Kinda bossy
perhaps and that may help keep my three monsters at bay for a little while. They
really don’t care for boys overmuch. I suppose I could protect him from them
but I couldn’t possibly do it twenty four hours a day. I don’t think they’d
bully him too much, but I’ve the feeling that humiliation is awaiting him in one
fashion or another. Now, from what you’ve told me, you need this time
desperately to ready your team for some big competition and to cement
relationships with your new significant other – but for David’s sake? It may be
best if I return him to you, post haste. I’ll be glad to pay his fare as I know
that you’re kinda strapped financially.
Let me suggest that if this is okay by you, wire me immediately – one word
“Yes”. Will be all that’s needed – and I promise he’ll get back to you safe and
sound. If it’s not convenient for you? Don’t bother doing anything. I’m
sending this Express Delivery to hurry things up.
Your loving sister
* * *
June 18th
Dear Eve:
I know that me not having a phone is a pain – but YOU try living in a house with
three teenage girls! The incoming calls at all hours. The constant fighting
when we had only the one phone – and then the BILLS when I got them individual
cell phones! I told them what was going to happen if they didn’t cut me some
slack. They didn’t listen – and this is how it’s going to be until school
starts in September. They may get their way in most things – but it’s ME that
pays the bills, so this is the way it is going to be! And anyway? I didn’t see
you being in any great hurry to reply to my last letter, so if you don’t care
for what happens? Don’t blame me..
There’s been one major change, I suppose. As it appears to be one that David is
all in favor of, I’ve gone along with it.
The day after I wrote, I saw him outside with the girls. (He was wearing
shorts. I was right about his legs – pretty and smooth – just like his arms).
Patricia was introducing him to the vagaries of the lawn mower, while Breanne
and Tiffany looked on. I should have thought – the mower is a power one, but it
takes some strength. Patricia wheeled it around the lawns as if it were a push
toy, then turned it over to David. The poor thing struggled and struggled for a
little while, then gave up, blushing. Then my three monsters led him off
towards the pool – no doubt to show him how to clean it. I didn’t think of them
for a while.
When they showed up again, Breanne and Tiffany were on both sides of him, and
Patricia was right behind him. The poor little thing looked flushed and there
was a trapped expression in his eyes, but other than that, he seemed okay.
“Hey mom!” Breanne said. “Guess what?”
“What?” I asked.
“David’s swapping chores with us!” Tiffany replied.
“Yeah mom!” Patricia said, smiling happily. “He’s not used to the mower,” so
swapped me for the vacuuming and dusting.”
“And gonna do the dinner dishes for me, if I do the pool!” Tiffany added.
“And the washing and ironing for me – if I’ll do his weeding!” Breanne said,
I was going to object, until I realized that by staying close to me in the
house, David might be under my protection more, but I had to ask. “Are you sure
this is what you want to do, David? If you do this? I’ll make you do as good a
job as I expect from the girls!”
“Yes ma’am,” he said meekly.
“Y’see mom? The mower’s too heavy for him” Patricia said.
“And he’s scared he’ll get a bad sunburn!” from Tiffany.
“And he didn’t like getting his knees all dirty!” Breanne chimed in.
What was I supposed to do? Complain? Now way dear. I’ve always demanded that
my children have chores to do. David has made his choice. I’ll keep you
informed as to how he works out.
* * *
June 21st.
Dear Eve:
Well, I suppose I have to tell you that David is working out very well about the
The only thing is this. Somehow or other, he’s been convinced (Probably by
either blackmail or threats of force) that he should be wearing Mattie’s aprons
and dust caps while he’s doing the housework. When I first saw him wear them,
I’ll admit that I thought he looked terribly cute, but suggested that they might
be considered a little feminine for a young man to be wearing? He blushed (very
prettily I must add) and took them off. A little while later, Patricia came
into the house for something. Nothing was said, but he looked very nervous then
scurried away. The next time I saw him, he was wearing the apron and cap again.
I rarely see him without them if he’s doing housework now – which is a lot of
the time.
That said? He’s an excellent help around the house. Doesn’t complain about
picking up after the girls the way that Mattie did – and it didn’t take him long
to learn the rudiments of laundry. He does a lovely job of hand washing and
ironing my lingerie! I even discovered him sewing a button on a blouse for
Tiffany the other evening! She was SO delighted! Pulled him onto her lap and
gave him a nice big kiss! He looked so shy and helpless, sitting there, her
lipstick all over his lips!
But talking about cosmetics and suchlike? Yesterday, I was making alterations
to a skirt and asked him in to give me a helping hand. (You should have seen
the blushes! You’d think he’d never seen a lady in a slip before!). As a
matter of fact, I must giggle a little when I tell you that looking down on him
as he knelt beside me pinning up the hem? I forgot who was actually helping me –
and actually called him Mattie! Isn’t that hilarious? Though now that I think
on it? What I’d intended to say here was that I think he may have taken to
wearing perfume! I can’t say for sure – you know how perfume can stay on the
frills of an apron? It may have even came from my skirt, I don’t know, but when
I sniffed? I could see the back of his neck turning SO red! So it may have
been the scent that made me think he was a female.
Then? It sounds silly, I know, but it was only seeing his bare neck that I
realized that his hair was pinned up neatly under his gauzy maid’s cap.
“David?” I said gently.
“Yes?” he said, turning his face up to me.
I gave him a nice smile and slowly untied the dainty velvet bow that tied his
mob cap in place. As if hypnotized, he kept on staring up at me as I pulled the
gauzy fabric up and off his head.. He looked so different with his hair in a
center part and two gold barrettes holding each side in place – and it took me a
few seconds to realize that he looked almost exactly like me when I’d had that
photo taken when I was sixteen!
“You look very nice, David!” I told him as I adjusted one of the barrettes
slightly. Then, for some unknown reason? He started to cry!
“I wasn’t meaning to be critical of how you’d done your hair dear, Please don’t
be offended!” I said sincerely, and taking his face between my hands, gave him a
nice kiss.
Then I asked him if anything was the matter. His lips trembled but he shook his
head and said that everything was all right. I asked him how he was getting on
with the girls – and if they were treating him decently, because I’d heard them
teasing him now and then. His eyes filled with tears, but he whispered that the
girls were extremely nice to him – very affectionate. What else could I think?
I just assumed that he’d got some implied criticism from me adjusting his nice
new hairdo.
Then, I had to admire the apt way that he fitted the muslin cap to his head and
tied the tiny bow at the front. Almost laughed at how girlishly he surveyed
himself in the mirror and pulled some fine curl tendrils down from under the cap
to show on his brow – VERY fetching! Yet, when he turned and found me admiring
his technique? Instead of accepting my obvious admiration (I mean, how many boys
can tie a pretty bow at their own forehead, with or without a mirror, huh?) he
blushed a very deep shade of red.
But apart from his regular blushing, it would appear that he is settling down
quite nicely amongst us. I’ll keep you abreast of future developments.
* * *
June 30th,
Dear Eve:
My sincere apologies for the delay. I’ve meant and meant to write almost on a
daily basis to let you know what was happening here, but each day seemed to
bring new developments and, although I was frightened that you might take my
lack of writing to assume that nothing had changed, I still felt that things
were in transition and that anything I put down in writing might cause undue
consternation, or worrying, on your part.
Let me start off by saying that by the time I wrote the last letter, my fears
about the girls disliking David had been laid to rest. They adore their cousin!
Almost came to blows with each other as to whose lap he sat on at night watching
TV – well, they’d be watching the boob tube, but him? He’s such a treasure!
Would sit quietly there making repairs to their clothes or crocheting – has even
taken up embroidery! He was obviously embarrassed by their lavish displays of
affection and actually tried to dissuade the girls by saying he was busy – but I
think that they finally learned that they were making him uncomfortable so
stopped arguing in front of him. They simply started being sensible and taking
turns. He now simply brings his work with him, puts it on a table beside the
“Girl du nuit” as I laughingly call my daughters, then settles decorously into
her lap, smoothing his apron skirts around him as he does so, then leans
backwards into an embrace. It’s such a lovely thing to see!
But then – I don’t know how to describe what happened, so hope you’ll forgive me
if I waffle a little bit – I had an epiphany sort of thing. I had been writing
a letter to a friend in my bedroom and decided to go downstairs. On the way
there, I passed David’s room and, as his door was open, looked in to see him
ironing away there – the picture of contentment as he was carefully ironing
lingerie while paying a little attention to a soap opera on a small TV in his
room. I thought I’d drop in on him and pass the time of day.
I laughed at him a little – I mean, blushing furiously when I complimented him
on how nicely he kept his aprons and his caps – told him he had to learn how to
accept a compliment.
But he seemed disconcerted for some reason. Gave every indication that he
wanted to stop ironing my scanties – my girls are into Jockey and sports undies
– but I told him not to be silly, I wasn’t there to distract him from his
chores. Then, I noticed something rather peculiar – the quantity of my lingerie
items that had been ironed already or were visible in the basket. Now, as you
know, I’ve always been a wearer of pretty underthings and have no hesitancy in
changing often – but what I was seeing puzzled me. I started counting the
panties that were folded, already ironed.
David was fidgeting and blushing, practically hopping from one foot to the
other. “It isn’t me, aunt Donna!” He blurted out suddenly.
“Isn’t you what, darling?” I asked, still counting.
“It’s the girls!” he said quite loudly.
“The girls that what?”
“That – That – That make . .”
“What’s all this racket?” Patricia asked sticking her head in through the door.
“And what are the girls making, David?”
She must have given the poor boy a scare for, although she was smiling, he
turned ashen white and stopped talking.
“That’s very rude Patricia!” I admonished her. “Now! You were saying, David?”
As he stammered and stuttered that he’d forgotten what he had been taking about,
I suddenly noticed a black bra, garter belt, and panties had been ironed – now I
knew that I hadn’t worn black undies that week. And then it dawned on me!
“David darling? Turn your back to me, would you please?” I asked him softly.
“Please, aunt Donna, do I have to?” he pleaded, his eyes filling with tears.
“Yes David, you do!” Patricia said quickly. “I thought you’d learned that much
“Oh, I have, Miss Patricia! I have!” he said submissively and turned quickly.
I wondered what the ‘Miss Patricia’ was all about, but ignored it as I took the
tip of my fingernail and ran it up along David’s right buttock- and then
horizontally across. Wasn’t too surprised to feel the panty line – nor the
suspender straps of a garter belt. I took a hold of his pant leg and lifted it
to reveal the tops of his shoes – and the nylon stockings he was wearing. Then
I slid my hand between his shirt and the back of his apron. Felt the bra strap
there. Couldn’t help giving it a little tug, and heard the slight snapping noise
as I released it. Took my hand away. “David? Why didn’t you tell me? I’d
have understood!”
“Tell you what?” He asked.
“That you’re a transvestite!”
“What’s that, mom?” Patricia asked innocently.
“Some males just love to wear women’s clothes,” I informed her.
“Like dresses and skirts? I’ve never seen him wear any of these.” She said.
“He’s probably shy about it,” I informed her. “But he’s been wearing my undies.
Haven’t you David?” I asked him.
He looked at me almost as if I’d astonished him. “But auntie Eve . .” he
started, but got interrupted by Patricia who spoke up. “David! You been
wearing moms panties – and her bras?”
The poor boy started to sniffle. “But . . But . . But . .” he started, but I
saved him further embarrassment by putting a comforting arm around his shoulder
and pulling him close. “It’s all right David! It’s perfectly okay to like pretty
things to wear! Now why don’t you just finish your ironing, and I’ll go back to
my room and look you out some more nice stuff to wear when you feel like it.
That way you won’t feel so guilty at borrowing my stuff without telling me.
Come back to my bedroom when you’re finished and I’ll give them to you.”
He actually started to wail! “But . . But . .”
“David! How often must you be told?” Patricia said sharply. “Honestly! Some
times I just want to . .”
“I’m sorry Miss Patricia,” he gulped. “I’ll only be a few minutes before I
“That’s better!” Patricia said.
Again I wondered about him calling her ‘Miss’, but was too engrossed in planning
what clothing items to give him. He’s almost exactly my size and though my hair
has been colored now, I was pretty sure that our complexions were close enough
that anything that would suit me, would suit him.
“Can I come and help you mom?” Patricia asked.
“Don’t see why not.” I replied.
The poor boy could hardly speak for gratitude when he saw the lovely sets of
lingerie, the four skirts, the three dresses – the stockings, the sweaters and
the shoes that Patricia and I had such fun looking out for him. He cried real
tears when Patricia suggested that as we were only guessing that he and I were
the same size, so maybe he should try a dress on before he took all of the stuff
to his bedroom? Then, when he was too slow in choosing what outfit to try on,
she laughingly picked one out for him – a sweet little bouffant cocktail dress
that I’d worn a number of times.
It was a little large for him in the bodice, but some tissues in his bra cups
soon fixed that. When the twins heard the discussions we were having about what
shoes he should wear with the dress and came in to find out what was going on,
they were delighted! It was them that suggested that he keep the dress on all
day – just so that he’d get accustomed to being dressed properly. I think he was
shy and wanted to argue, but all three girls just pleaded with him – and he gave
in. That night Breanne and Tiffany made his face up while he sat on Patricia’s
knees. As they’re not that good with makeup, I had to step in and give them a
hand. He made such a pretty girl!
Then later that night, at bed time they put some of his hair up in rollers and
asked for a nightgown for him (I’d forgotten about sleepwear) so we got him a
few nightgowns and baby dolls from my room. Again the poor boy cried with
gratitude as he modeled them for us.
And since then Eve? He’s turned into the daughter I’ve always wanted – which
may explain the rest of my delay in writing. You see, I was wondering. If you
and your new girlfriend are just setting up house? Might not having David stay
here with us girls let you both get used to each other? I’ve been checking with
the twin’s school. I know it’s a girl’s school – but it really would be easy to
get him breast implants – and I’m pretty sure I could get him enrolled so that
he could graduate from there next year. If they won’t take him, I’m sure he
could stay at home with me – he just LOVES housework now. As a matter of fact,
he’s taken to wearing Mattie’s uniforms now and then – just loves to act the
maid for my girls when they have friends over. So? If you and your new friend
ever decide to make an unexpected call? Just make sure you check out the maid
who answers the door – it may be your son!
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This story is way out there, my solution, take away his clothes, keep him naked, for a long,long time. Then get a couple of girlfriends, waxed or shave all body off? Armpits too be baby smooth, bubble bath time? Don't forget pedicure time paint his toesy red,or pink? More later on Veronica's ideas?