The Don shook his head. “Dumshit! I have to kill you. You see that, don’t
As always, his expression didn’t change. I was shocked, changed my position on
the comfy chair and tried to smile, hoping like hell he was kidding. “Hey
father Don! Knock it off, would you? Okay, I stole. Gotta admit it – but it
was small-time. Piddly stuff. No ways tied into your main rackets.” I
finished lamely. Looked at Pauline, his daughter, my wife.
She shook her gorgeous head. Spoke to him. “Dad? Told you he wouldn’t get it.
The fact that word is almost certain to get out – and that he disrespected you?
Probably isn’t getting through to him at all!”
He shook his head. “And? I gotta make it public. That’s what I hate! In
front of everybody! Thought I’d got past all this bloodshedding and suchlike,
but people gotta know it was ME. Really pisses me OFF! The more I make it
obvious it was ME, the more chance there are that leaks will get out – and I
don’t care what anybody says – the cops ain’t stupid!”
I looked from one to the other. He wasn’t kidding, and neither was she! I
licked my lips, they were dry. Tried to laugh. “Hey! It was Sal gave me the
idea! Talk to him! Okay, I was. ..”
”He’s been sleeping with the fishes since last night,” my wife said.
“Huh?” I managed.
“He’s dead!” she said, nodding her head at her dad.
“Can’t believe you Eric!” he said to me. “Okay, it wasn’t much. But you and
Pauline lived comfortably, did you not? Had all the comforts? With more coming
as I advanced you from one group to another?”
He was serious! “Don?” I got on my knees and scrambled forward. Kissed his
ring. “It was all a mistake, believe me! I probably wanted some money all of
my own! Not as a present from YOU!”
He left his hand where it was – something that gave me hope. “Eric? You’re a
nice kid. A sweet kid. Maybe too gentle for the rackets. Wish there was
something I could do.”
“Dad.” Pauline spoke up. “I think he’s wiser now. There may be something we
can do.”
“Such as?” Her father asked.
Pauline’s no dummy. “Have I ever asked a favor before?” she asked.
He snorted. “Sure you have! Who are you wanting to kid?”
She smiled. “Not like this. He can stay of his own free will. Does nothing –
and you'll kill him I suppose." Both the don and I looked at her as if she were
nuts. "Or, he can TRY to leave. If he tries, but is still here in five
minurtes – he's mine. Just mine. You won't kill him without I approve!"
"And what happens if he goes?" the don asked.
"He's free to do what he wants. I'd suggest that he gets his ass ouit of town,
but you'll leave him alone. I want to add though dad – that I don't WANT him to
I want you to let him know that he has five minutes to leave this room – and if
he tries - that you will NOT kill him under any circumstances.”
“You’re kidding,” he said, but interested, sitting up in his chair. “Right now?
I'm gonna kill him. But what do you have in mind?”
She ignored the question. ”But if he stays? Then you can kill him in any way,
in any shape, but only once I give my approval?”
“I don’t get it!” he said. “You want this of me? You love your husband that
“Nah dad. It’s just . .” she looked at me. “Well, I’ll have to modify him a
little and a lot faster now, but he’s got all the makings of a husband that I
want. That's why I married him in the first place.” She laughed. "Certainly
not for his manly charms!"
He shook his head. “Pauline? You’re asking too much. Got me confused. Want me
to let him go? Just like that?”
She surprised both him and me. Stood up, smiling, removed her pretty short
jacket. Kicked off her shoes and went and stood by the door. Faced us. “What
I meant was this. If he stays, he’s all yours – and you should kill him
quickly. If he tries to, and gets out of this room in five minutes, and gets
passed ME? Then he’s free to do what he wants – you won’t touch him. I just
neglected to stress that I don’t want him leaving. Not at all. Basically, if
he so much as tries to leave, but doesn’t? He belongs to ME. That’s all.” She
smiled. “Okay?”
The Don considered for a moment and a little smile broke over his face. “Sounds
interesting.,” he said.
“We got a deal?” she asked seriously.
He looked at both of us. Nodded. “Yeah. I don't know what you have in mind
but it's about time I trusted you.”
She smiled even broader now. Looked at her watch and spoke to me. “Okay
sweetie. Starting now, you have exactly five minutes to walk out of this room.
You do that? You can clean out or bank account, take all your clothes and go. I
won’t touch you, my dad won’t touch you – and none of his people will.”
“I don’t get this,” I said, but stood up.
Pauline smiled again, although there was a menacing look to her now. “You don’t
have to, sweetie. But if you DO decide to stay here and don’t do anything? And
I LET him? My dad’ll kill you, just like you deserve. If you try to leave, but
are still here five minutes later? You’ll belong to ME dear. That’s all.” She
stuck her lovely soft arms up in a pugilistic pose even though she smiled. “But
you have to get through me, lover!”
I laughed of course. Looked at the Don. A broad – to stop me? There had to be
a joke somewhere. But he was leaning back in his chair now, a look of something
close to enjoyment on his face. He shrugged. Spoke to her ” I’ve been curious
about you Pauline. Is this where I find out?”
“Only if he takes me up on it, dad. But yes. I’m kinda curious about it
myself.” She said this, looked at her watch on her wrist, then spoke to me
again. “Time’s a’wasting honey bun. You’d better make up your mind.”
“But if I go outside within the five minutes, or whatever – that doesn’t mean
that our marriage is over, does it?” I asked.
Her eyebrows lifted. “Absolutely not! Not if you don’t want to. I don’t know
if dad will have you work on something else – but I’d strongly advise you never
to steal from him again.”
“That’s for sure,” he laughed. “But? If he gets out that door? I think I’ll
keep him on at the same job. Don’t see the need for a change. That okay by
you, Pauline?”
“Seems more than fair to me,” she grinned and looked at her watch again.
“Well?” she said to me.
I shook my head. “Can’t we say that I just went out that door – then came back
in?” Sighed. “Seems like an awful lot of work to me.”
She shook her head. “Sorry my little lamb. But you’ll have to get out of that
door first.”
“Your dad’ll kill me!” I said. “If I lay a finger on you. Think I’m nuts?” But
I started heading for the door, walking towards her.
“No he won’t” she said. “You have our word on that.” Her arms changed position
“This is silly!” I said and went to push her aside with my left arm.
A jolt of pain shot under my left armpit. Stupidly, I looked at her and
realized that she had punched me under my left arm – ME!. I didn’t know what to
do, then her left arm flicked out now, and I discovered that she’d punched me on
my right bicep. It was SORE! I took a half hearted swing at her with my
disabled right hand, but she stepped inside me – and slapped my face! I
blinked, and she slapped the other side of my face! Then, her fist found my
left bicep and both of my arms were pretty helpless now.
Then my upper arms were punched again and my face was slapped as she advanced,
and I retreated. Finally, unable to stop myself, I cried out. “Please Pauline.
Enough! I’m, sorry!”
She sneered and stepped right in to me. Pulled my shirt collar by her fist
towards her, so that our faces almost touched. “Say, I’m sorry pretty Pauline?
Don’t hit me any more!”
“Aw! C’mon!” I started, then found myself under a barrage of blows again. Near
crying now, I managed. “Pretty please, Pauline. I’m VERY sorry. Please don’t
hit me any more!”
The Don looked at me scornfully. “Jesus Christ! This is a MAN? What did you
marry, there Pauline?”
“Don’t know if it’s a man, dad,” Pauline said. “But it’s what I want.” She
turned to me. “You’re not going to try anything stupid like leave the room now
are you?”
I kept my eyes away from the man who’d been my boss, at the same time, didn’t
want to look at her “No Pauline,” I said.
“Good. Then kick off your shoes,” she said.
As hers were just lying there, her meaning was pretty clear.
“Now your pants and underpants!” she said, reaching up under her skirt and
pulling down her panties – a sort of mauve color, then stepping out of them. I
took my pants down, slowly.
“Now your underpants – and be quick about it!” she snarled, her voice brooking
no argument.
As my shirt tail covered my modesty, I was able to follow her directions
immediately. “Now get these on,” she said, tossing me the panties and reaching
under her skirt to remove her lace topped thigh highs.
“Aw Pauline,” I started to protest, but then cowered away in fright as she
lifted her hand, well aware of the snorting disbelief coming from her dad. Eyes
downcast, I put the panties on, followed by the thigh high stockings she handed
me. “Stand still now! Don’t want to make a mess,” she said then came to me
with her lipstick in her hand. Stood compliantly now as she made my lips up.
“There! Quite pretty. Now down on your hands and knees,” she said.
On my hands and knees, with her on my back, smacking me on my panties and
laughing, I crawled to my don.
“Take his right shoe and sock off!” she ordered. “Now take your pretty red lips
and suck his big toe!”
He started to giggle as I followed her order. Waggled his toe inside my mouth.
“Can’t believe this Pauline!” he said. “This used to be one of my men? Wearing
panties and stockings and lipstick? Now, I can’t really put him back in charge
of anybody. I donn't give a shit what you want to do.You see that, don’t you?”
“Makes sense to me, dad,” she said, giving me a few more hard spanks on my
backside. “So why don’t you just give me his job? I’ll figure out something
for him to do Keep him occupied.”
There was a pause, and his toe went still. “A girl? In a man’s job? I don’t
know, sweetie. The guys might object. You know?”
She took a hold of my hair and pulled my face up to look at his. “You had this
sweet little thing doing it before, did you not?” she quizzed him.
I saw his contemptuous gaze pass over me, taking in my mouth, my lipstick all
messed up now. Then he smiled. “Guess you’re right, Pauline. Let’s see how
you do. But I'll pull you out of there if you mess up!”
She relaxed her hold. “And he’s mine, right? You won’t kill him, unless I say
it’s okay?”
A small pause transpired, then he said. “You ever got me in the position you
just put him? I’d die. You know that?”
“Of course I know that! But you’re all man, dad. He’s mine,” she said, patting
my panties softly.
In the office, I was allowed to put my pants, no socks, or shoes on. It was SO
embarrassing, both of them talking business now as if I weren’t there, though I
was allowed to clean the red mess off my lips. I had my first taste of what
Pauline had in mind for me when she smiled sweetly at me. “Ready sweetheart?”
she asked.
“Yes dear,” I answered humbly, and went to follow her from the room, my eyes
still averted from the don.
“You forgot your handbag,” she said, pointing to the black patent leather bag
lying on the table. “Go and get it, huh?”
And carrying a black handbag, I followed her from that office, through some
clerical people, to the parking lot and then allowed her to usher me into the
car –as if I were the lady!
“Now darling?” she said softly as we were well underway. “Take your money out
of the clip and wallet and the license as well and put them in your handbag.
Give me the wallet and clip. I’ll take care of them.”
I didn’t like the sound of “MY” handbag, but what was I to do? Figured that she
was mad at me and the best thing I could do to keep the peace was just go along
with her, so did as I was told. She didn’t seem to expect anything else.
I felt like rebelling when she drove to a mall and had me join her, first in a
lingerie boutique where I’d to buy a dozed pair of multi-colored panties and
lace topped thigh highs, making no secret of whom I was buying for. Not only
that, when I got the payment from my handbag, the salesgirl had to smile.
Pauline smiled at her and shared it – nodding her head as if somewhat ashamed of
me as I put the receipt into my handbag.
But to go into a women’s shoe store! And buy three pair of shoes? Right
enough, they were very masculine in cut, though they had a heel – but to have a
woman try shoes on my nylon-shod feet was very embarrassing – and then to leave
my own shoes while I wore one of my purchases? What can I say? Pauline making
me join her in a ladies tea room later, then pay out of my handbag was no fun
either, I can tell you. On the way to the car, she surprised me. Stopped then
turned me around. Gazed into my eyes, then pulled me to her. Hampered as I was
by my parcels, I found myself pulled into her arms and kissed thoroughly. Found
myself blushing furiously. “You are just SO nice!” she said approvingly when
she finished with me!
At home, I tried to take advantage of this change in her attitude. “Darling,
can we talk?” I asked her deferentially.
“Sure sweetie. In a minute. But first? I’d like you to throw out all those
horrible old male undies and socks of yours, shoes as well. Take the labels off
your new stuff and put your panties and stockings away.” She patted my cheek..
“Then, you can make some tea, and we’ll talk. Okay?”
I licked my lips. “But that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.”
Her eyes grew very stormy and her tone cold. “Are you being naughty again?
This soon?”
My will buckled. “No darling. I just wanted to get some issues out of the way.”
She mellowed a little. “Then why don’t you do as I say? Then we’ll talk.”
I reported to her a little later. “My old stuff has been thrown out and my new
stuff packed. Okay?”
“That’s a good little hubby. Going to make tea now?”
“Yes dear.”
She handed me one of her diaphanous half aprons, with a butterfly motif. “You
need this, darling. A pretty bow now!”
It’s very hard to sit and try to defend your masculinity when you’re wearing a
pretty apron, your nylon-shod ankles visible and wearing ladies shoes.
Especially, when your wife is sitting close to you, holding your hands in hers
and regarding you with a faint smile – but that’s what it was like after I made
the tea.
After I finished asking her how long I was to be subject to her whim, she simply
raised her eyebrows. “But darling? I don’t quite see where you’re coming
from. Don’t you think that I’ve tried to be subject to your whim on the likes
of looks and behavior for a long time?” she spoke mildly, giving me hope.
I had to agree. She had fitted in with all the mafia wives, like a duck to
water. She hung with them, almost exclusively and had seemed happy in every
respect. I nodded.
She nodded agreeably in return. “And you were the one that transgressed, did
you not?”
“Wasn’t that much, not really darling?” I argued a little.
She shook her head. “Not much? You don’t think that my dad would have killed
you? Be honest now.”
“Well, don’t you think he’s biased?” I said. “ Just a little,” I added hastily
“But dear? If I hadn’t stepped in – do you think he’d have had you killed or
“I suppose so,” I had to acknowledge.
“So?” she brightened. “I saved your life. Because of that, I exact a simple
rule. You do as I say. I’ve proved that I can beat you up physically – like a
man beats up ona woman!. If you don’t do as I say, I beat you to get you to
behave. Doesn’t that make sense?”
“Yes. I guess so,” I admitted. “But . .”
“I think I’d like a cup of tea now darling,” she interrupted. “Why don’t you
just pour it for me – huh?"
There was no sense in arguing with her at that point. Even I could see that.
I’d got my masculine point across, that was all that was needed then – like
plant the little seed, you know? “Yes dear. Tea it is.” I said with a smile,
pouring it.
“And darling?” she said later as I went to leave.
“Yes pet?”
“I like you in aprons around the house from now on – so don’t forget, will you
dear? You’ll find a bunch of nice feminine ones in the kitchen. There’s a
Yes dear,” I said weakly.
That evening – in a prettier apron – I served up dinner to quite a lot of
scathing remarks from Pauline, and a lot of negative headshaking. “This is
awful! Talk to Claire. She’s a good cook, and I won’t have this rubbish to put
up with too much longer,” she said at one point.
“But I’m a guy!” I protested. “We’re just not trained that way, the way that
girls are!”
She stared at me until my eyes dropped. “What did I just tell you to do?” she
asked in a dangerous tone of voice.”
“See Claire.”
“Learn to cook.”
“You’ll see her probably tonight – so you won’t forget to ask her nicely, will
“No dear.”
Later, she shook her head. Would not allow me to wear a jacket, just a plain
white shirt with black pants: a pair of my new black shoes and smoky stockings
(dark panties of course). Then she thought of something that pleased her
considerably, a black, patent leather belt, pretty wide, with an ornate gold
buckle. “That does something for your hips. Not much, but it’s something,” she
said once it was on. “Now? Your black patent leather handbag,” she added.
“Should help considerably!”
I looked at her friendly, but implacable face.
“Dear?” I said. “I’m not being difficult. But a handbag?” Then a touch of
genius came on me. “I mean, it’s not like I need money or anything? You want
to drive, and that’s obvious – so I really don’t need it for anything. Right?”
She sighed. “Suppose I don’t want you to carry a handbag just now. Let you off.
– okay?”
“Thank you dear,” I said quickly and gratefully.
“And you don’t want to carry a handbag at the moment – right?”
I smiled ruefully. “Not really darling.”
She pursed her lops, just a little. “But suppose I told you to go and get that
handbag you had this afternoon, right now? What would you do?”
“Go and get it, I guess.”
“So? Go and get it darling, would you?”
Sheepishly, carrying the bag, I presented myself to her a few minutes later.
She smiled. “Very good. Now c’mere, would you?”
She had me stand still in front of her as she applied a little mascara to my
eyelashes. “That’s it!” she said happily after a moment and handed me a small
bottle. “Now why don’t you put just a little of this behind each ear – not too
much now!”
She watched as I put a small amount of perfume behind each ear. “Very good!”
she said, handing me the mascara wand when I’d finished. “Now put this and your
perfume in your bag. I started thinking that you had a point. Wasn’t much
sense in having a handbag for nothing – was there? Now put your bag down for a
minute. I think I want to do something with your hair!”
Pleading didn’t do any good. She was adamant. Didn’t do much with it as she
promised but my hair is fairly long and pliable. Long enough for a pony tail,
it just did her for a modified bun at the back, then a diagonal slant over one
eye, the whole thing being held in place by a few strategically placed
bobbi-pins. I may not have looked tremendously feminine when we left the house
together, but I certainly didn’t look overly masculine either. I almost fainted
with fear when she mused about how nice I’d look in a hat, but she didn’t make
me wear one It was amazing to me. I may not have looked entirely like a girl
but as Pauline led me down to the car and helped me into the passenger side, I
certainly felt like one.
When she drove up in front of Carmine’s and Rae’s house and I saw Ernest and
Cheri in the driveway ahead of us, I started to panic. “Please Pauline!” I
said. “Not in front of the guys, huh?”
She patted my thigh. “It’s all right sweetheart! Hang in there baby. Maybe a
little shameful at first, but once it’s over? You’ll be fine. Trust me!”
“Oh please darling!” I moaned, but she stopped the car, got out then had me link
my arm in hers and started to lead me up the driveway Just then, Joe and Daphne
drove up, naturally, we had to wait for them. We all said “Hi” as we walked up
to the door together, but there were some curious glances from our companions as
they took in my appearance and accoutrements – and that I was linked to Pauline
in exactly the same way that Daphne had her arm in Joe’s.
There was a lot of confusion with my handbag as Carmine met us, but this was
solved somewhat with the fact that Joe and Daphne were with us and that other
couples were coming in directly behind us. Carmine took my handbag, seemingly
surprised now that Pauline didn’t have one. Finally took mine with a confused
look on her face.
Let me explain that a mafia relationship is about as male chauvinistic as you
can get. Of course there are words for ‘fairy’, ‘pansy’ and suchlike, but
they’re never used in male company. It’s as if a very mention of these words
brings down the masculinity of the person uttering the words. Not only that, I
was the son in law of a man known for his quick action when offended and up
until that point I had shown no instances of feminine behavior. Now, all the
guys who’d worked for me were puzzled, as were their wives. Why had this
meeting been called?
Naturally, the guys asked me – but truthfully, I had about as much idea as they
had. The women though, must gave had a more accurate sense of smell. Could
discern perfume around me – and was that mascara I was wearing? Then Dago asked
me if he could have a drink – did we have enough time? Not knowing why not, I
simply answered in the affirmative, so he shouted over to Claire to get him a
drink – a typical request for a husband to make of a wife. At that point,
Pauline looked over at me. “Sounds like a good deal. Erica – get me a short
drink, would you?”
The silence that greeted this remark was next to comical, but it lasted all the
time I poured Pauline a short Scotch. (Remember, this is a society where the
male does all the public demanding and the female shows her doing it.) Claire
had to take a few seconds at the bar so I was right behind her. Both of us
delivered our drinks together.
“Thanks honey” Dago said to Claire.
“Thanks doll,” Pauline said to me, taking the drink in one hand and putting the
other about my shoulders. She took a gulp at it, then spoke over the top of her
glass. “Okay guys. We’ve the need for a meeting. Let’s get into my SUV and get
All six of the guys looked at her, grins of confusion on their faces as I stood
there in her embrace. Then they looked at me, obviously confused by this broad
talking in this manner, and waiting for my approval – keep it mind that they
also knew that Pauline was the bosses daughter – the real boss!
I tried to maintain my dignity as long as I could. “Guess we better get a move
on!” I said. “Let’s go, fellas!”
And my wife looked directly at me. Smiled and kissed me gently on the cheek as
she let my shoulder go. “I was talking to the men here, darling,” she said.
Then she paused a second. “Why don’t you stay – with the girls? We’ll pick
you all up later. Have a nice time.”
Seconds later, I was surrounded by six women! They were still confused, after
all, Pauline and myself had just shattered the male/female relationships
established after many years of Mafia relationships. But they were curious!
After all, wasn’t I wearing some female things? Hadn’t my very own wife treated
me as if I were one of the girls - and hadn’t I responded? What was going ON?
Their curiosity was inflamed!
They didn’t exactly surround me like sharks, but that is how I felt. Keep in
mind that up until that moment I’d been the captain of all their husbands. Now
there was every evidence that I had been demoted to that of a mere woman – and
that by my own wife! Each of them was dying to find out what was going on, yet
frightened out of their minds to take the first bite – after all, I might bite
back! Keep in mind that these are all good looking women whose simple job in
life was to look good for their husbands – and provide them with a nice place to
stay. They’re whole function in life was to make everything look good,
especially themselves – let’s face it money was no problem. Yet suddenly? A
male, who was giving evidence of wounds to his ego, had been thrown in the water
beside them. What were they to do, or say?
And, like an idiot, who gave them the chance for the first bite? Me.
I was getting nervous by all of these good looking women surrounding me and
closing in. Suddenly thought of a way of breaking the ice. “Oh Claire?” I
said. “Pauline was wondering. Do you think you could teach me to cook?” It
was as much a change of subject as anything else.
Now cooking is not altogether an Italian female aptitude. Many Italian males
take great pride in their cooking – but it’s something they grow UP with. Don’t
acquire it in middle age – and naturally, I had to make things worse.
“A special dish?” Claire asked proudly but curiously.
“No. Not really. Just teach me to cook meals.” I managed.
The women all looked at each other now, though I was too thick to understand
why. “A particular meal – like dinner or lunch?” Claire asked silkily.
“Never thought about that,” I replied. “Don’t think so. Everything. Breakfast,
lunch and dinner. Anything you think I should know.”
She sat beside me on the couch now. Patted me on the cheek now. “Like you’re
to do all the cooking now?” She asked. “That what Pauline wants?”
I saw the trap now. But what could I say? “Yeah. Kinda,” I mumbled. “Make a
bit of a change, eh?”
She wouldn’t let up. Not now. “So that’s why you’re here with us gals –
instead of all these rough tough guys?”
Another woman, Joan, had sat beside me now. Sniffed audibly. “That’s a lovely
perfume smell about you Eric. Normally? That’s what Pauline uses.” She put a
nice warm hand on my thigh. “But if you’re gonna join us girls here – even it’s
just for a little time? Welcome!” And she gave me a small kiss!
Helplessly now, I had to sit there as women crowded around me happily and kissed
and fondled me as they wished me welcome – I was SURE that someone checked my
chest to see if I was wearing a bra in the meantime. Finally, they drew back a
bit. “Oh lookit girls! We’ve got his face in an awful mess! Here!” and
Tiffany was wiping my face, softly, with a tissue – but she did it in such a
way that I felt as if she was re-arranging the makeup on my face now, to make it
appear as if my lips had lipstick on them.
“Oh that’s much better!” they cried, beaming on their new, female creation.
“Want me to start showing you your way about the kitchen now?” Claire asked me.
“Oh NO Claire,” they chimed in. “The guys will probably be a while yet and
though this is a special meeting, I’m sure Eric won’t mind taking clean up duty
along with Tiffany tonight?”
Of course I didn’t mind, and it wasn’t long before Tiffany and me, both were
decked out in pretty floral half aprons, with the girls making absolutely sure
that I was tied in properly – and oh the gleaming of eyes as I gradually became
feminized in front of them, flitting around getting the other girl’s drinks or
doing some general clean up for Carmine. It was just friendship when friendly
soft hands patted my backside fondly. At the same time, I found it kind of
sexy. All the girls laughed when I blushed. Many of them found excuses to slip
an arm around my slim shoulders and give me friendly kisses. After an hour had
passed, any signs of me being different were diminishing rapidly.
I was glad when Carmine produced a new beauty masque for the girls. Tiffany and
I chopped some cucumbers for their eyes, then helped dab on the masque and place
the cucumbers on top of eyelids. I thought that I had got out of it, but
Carmine, being the hostess, demanded ‘rights’, so Tiffany and myself caved in.
That’s how my wife found me, my face all covered in beauty masque and cucumber
over my eyes, in amongst a bunch of women and wearing a pretty apron As time
had gone by, a lot of the women had been excused and Carmine had cleaned their
faces off. With me being a male? I’d been left until last to get the full
benefit of the beauty effects. When Pauline came in, with just a few of the
guys, I had to keep lying there. It was really embarrassing, but the few guys
that did come in didn’t seem to want to talk to me. As I didn’t want to talk to
them either, this didn’t work out too bad.
All of the women said goodnight to Pauline. It was funny. They talked to her a
different way now, but a few came and kissed me goodnight. Said what a gem I’d
been. I heard Pauline come and stand beside me. Felt her take my apron in her
fingers. “My! This is SO pretty Carmine! Was it his turn to be one of the
house girls tonight?”
“Yes!” Carmine said. “Raised a little bit of a fuss, but then was as good as
“See honey!” Pauline said, speaking to me. “I said you’d fit right in!”
“And he asked me if I’d teach him to cook,” Claire added. “When’s a good time?”
“Isn’t he such a sweetheart!” Pauline gurgled. “Can you start coming around in
the mornings?”
“Lovely!” Claire added.
“Think we’ll take the masque off now,” Carmine said, and I sat still as the
slices were removed from my eyes and the stuff washed, then creamed, from my
“Ooooh Lovely!” Pauline exclaimed looking closely at my face. “But do you
have a pair if tweezers Carmine?”
Carmine did, and I had to stand there, while Pauline plucked a few eyebrows from
between mine. “There! Much better,” she exclaimed. “Men are such babies,
aren’t they!” as I made a few ouches.
“Just wait until you have him get a full wax job!” Claire added, giggling.
“What a lovely idea!” laughed Pauline.
Looks like you had a nice time with the girls,” Pauline added on the way home.
“The guys were kinda shocked, finding that I’m the one to be leading the group
from now on. Men are really SUCH a bunch of babies – aren’t they?” She patted
my thigh. I mumbled something.
There was a slight pause and then she said. “I asked you a question doll. I
said that men are such babies! Aren’t they?”
“Yes, Pauline,” I said.
“And you’re my little sissy baby. That not right?” She patted my thigh again,
I felt a little pinch this time.
“I am,” I said.
“Better. Now cuddle your head into my shoulder.”
I did so. ”Now dear? WHY are you my little sissy baby?” she asked silkily.
“Because you can beat me up?” I replied after a moments thought.
“Mmmm. That’s good. Anything else?”
“I wear panties and thigh-highs – and some makeup too!” I whimpered.
“And fit in with all the girls – right?” she cooed.
“Yes.” I admitted.
At home, I discovered that it was now my job to do the minor tidying up so that
she was sitting up in bed when I arrived in the bedroom. She looked very saucy,
sitting up in a pink ruffled nightdress. I changed into my royal blue pajamas
and made for bed. Before I got there, she held up an arresting hand. Smiled at
me. “I was just thinking pet,” she said.
“Yes?” I asked carefully.
“We’re dressed all wrong!” she said triumphantly, pulling the bedclothes aside
and getting out of bed, walking toward me and pulling on her nightdress as she
did so.
“Aw, c’mon Pauline!” I said, catching her drift as she advanced on me, now
completely nude and holding the nightdress out towards me.
I finally put up a fight, but now she knew she was my master. Giggled and
laughed as I struggled against her. Showed her amusement openly as she undid my
pajama jacket during our struggle. And laughed slowly as she gradually slipped
the nightdress over my head. “Come over to the dressing table princess,” she
said “and help me on with your pajamas.”
There, in view of the full length mirror, a tearful male in his pink nightdress
did his maid duties and helped his wife into royal blue pajamas. “Tell me that
I look handsome, pet!” she told me – “and I’ll tell you how pretty you are!”
She said, looking down on me as I knelt at her feet and had my head patted.
It wasn’t much later on the bed that she spread and lifted the skirts of my
nightdress and hoisted herself on my shaft, telling me what a good lay I was as
she pumped herself up and down. First she used her hands to hold me down but as
put no resistance up, she fondled the lace at my breasts as she did so. To
tell the truth, I enjoyed it. Somehow she knew this and teased me gently.
The following morning she had me wear a matching negligee to my nightdress.
Breakfast wasn’t much, just coffee and toast, but she complimented me on what a
pretty pair we maid as I fluttered around her at the dining table – she in my
pajamas and robe, me in hers. Must admit that I blushed, which caused her no
end of amusement.
I didn’t balk too much – there wasn’t much sense in it – at my getup to answer
the door to Claire’s knock. Fawn pants, a blue shirt with gold belt, bone shoes
and light colored thigh highs - and a floral apron of course.. A few more
barrettes in my hair this time and, naturally, a little mascara and perfume. I
hoped that she didn’t notice the light touch of tangerine lipstick on my lips
though wasn’t too sure. Claire smiled and kissed me on the cheek and said ‘Hi’
to Pauline – then led me into the kitchen, apologizing to Pauline as she and I
were doing ‘girl things’.
I must admit that Claire was an excellent teacher. I had prepared a three ring
binder and took down lots of notes. About ninety minutes after she’d go there,
the door bell rang. I was writing something at the time and ignored it –
although Claire was looking at me expectantly. Then I heard Pauline’s voice.
“Doll? Get that would you?” And I knew that I was supposed to answer the door!
Tentatively, I went there and checked through the peephole. It was Joe! My
ex-employee! I swallowed hard but couldn’t think of anything else, so let him
“Hi Joe,” I said, red faced and plucking at my apron skirts a little.
“Hi Eric,” he said, embarrassed, his eyes taking in my femininity, even though I
could tell he didn’t want to. “Pauline in?”
“I think so. Let me check,” I said, like a maid, when Pauline’s voice came
through. “If that’s Joe, sweetness? Show him in, would you?”
So, my pretty apron wafting around me, I led my ex-employee through to the
sitting room. “Thanks a lot pet!” Pauline said. “Joe – would you like a beer?
I’m going to have one?”
Joe paused a little, but then his shyness at seeing me the way I was wearing
off, he shrugged. “Sounds like a good idea!” he said.
“Put the beer and glasses on a tray – okay pet?” Pauline said to me and, a few
minutes later, like a good little girl, I brought the guys in their beer. Closed
the door quietly behind me as I took the tray back then returned to Claire, and
my cooking lesson – left the guys to their thing as I got back to mine.
Joe left, without any more embarrassment for me, then Claire had me make a
simple lunch for all three of us. I blushed with embarrassment at the praise
she heaped on me as I served it up – blushed even more as Pauline openly patted
me on the ass. Claire left fairly soon after that – but not before I promised
to continue my learning at the next available opportunity. Pauline looked at me
fondly immediately after. “I know you’ve got to clean up after lunch and have
housework to do, but I’ve been looking at that hair of yours and think there’s
something I can do with it that shouldn’t take too long., so why don’t you go
and give it a quick wash? Then come back to me quick like a bunny – I’ve got to
go out for a while this afternoon. Keep it just on the wet side. Okay?”
I looked at her, but she was obviously in a good mood. I’d pleased her by being
so obedient with her in front of Claire and Joe. Why waste a good thing now? A
little while later, I sat compliantly as she rolled my hair up in pink plastic
rollers. Didn’t even make any comment when she tied my hair up in a pretty
frilly bandana, with a bow on top. “Now, don’t you look pretty!” she said with
a laugh. “But you’ll just have to wait until I brush it out this evening.
“Thank you very much Pauline,” the feminine thing that I was becoming said into
our reflection in the mirror. She smiled. Turned me around and kissed me on
the lips. “That tangerine lipstick has a nice flavor. Why don’t you put a
little bit more on?” she suggested - then smiled, watching me in the mirror as
I sat and carefully applied my lipstick makeup..
But before she left, she had another little game to play. Carefully and
seriously, put a jade necklace round my neck – then a matching bracelet on my
wrist and a costume ring on my finger. Actually had me hold up large, matching
earrings against my lobes. “Mmmm!” she smiled at my obvious fright as I did so.
“Maybe later!”
She got a big kick by ringing the doorbell later on, and having me answer it.
The peephole helped of course but it seemed to emphasize the difference in our
positions now – me answering the door in a frilly apron and headscarf, my
lipstick and mascara showing, my jewelry dangling and making tiny little noises
around me. She was SO happy, taking me into her arms and kissing me. “I
thought you might run away from me while I was gone, but you wouldn’t do a thing
like that now – would you?”
And I could only simper a “no” at my big strong woman as she took me into her
arms and kissed and fondled me. I couldn’t help it – felt weaker and smaller
all the time.
She brushed my hair out before dinner. Okay, it wasn’t altogether female, but
the flipped ends and the waves and curls weren’t too masculine either and once
she had me define my mouth and eyelashes more with cosmetics, there wasn’t too
much doubt. A change into a shimmering shirt blouse, black pants with a full
back closure of hers - and a full floral apron so that I could serve up dinner
had her grinning. The fact that I changed into my proper nightwear without any
complaint brought a very satisfied look to her face. She made love to me again
that night and I actually started to enjoy the feeling of not having the work to
do – just lie there and act pretty. Found myself kissing her back fervently,
more than once.
The following morning, after a lot of pleading I was allowed to forego borrowing
any of her clothes or of the jewelry. I still had to wear the panties and thigh
highs, the lipstick, perfume and mascara though. This was only accomplished by
me agreeing to buy some nice sweaters when I went out with the girls that day.
I hadn’t thought of so many girls – the full six of them were there. This
wasn’t altogether unusual but I think that now knowing they had a new plaything
– me – made the get together that much more attractive to them. I also
discovered that Pauline had shamed me some more – I wasn’t to be entrusted to
drive now – had to have one of the girls or – god save me – one of the guys
drive me if she wasn’t available. No one questioned this too much, it wasn’t
uncommon for a guy to make this decision about his wife – the macho thing again.
But for a woman to pass this on about her husband? A subject for much
sniggering about. With absolutely no thought for my feelings but with
Pauline’s smiling assent, I was swept up by the six women and deposited in the
back of a station wagon, completely surrounded by my peers – the wives of other
In amongst the chattering women at the local mall, I was one of the group. The
salesgirls smiled at us all, but once they discovered that I was the main
customer, I was deluged. Naturally, what maleness I had left dissuaded them a
little, but once they took in the makeup – and the way that the rest of the
girls treated me – I stood very little chance. The sweaters were feminine, most
of them, but not a great deal. But where the fashions on a few were ‘v’ necked
or something at least masculine? The pink and mauve colors the carried were an
obvious hint. So? Where I had sequined tops, some of the rest were lovely
colors so that there wasn’t a truly male one in the lot. Blushing and red, I
had to try one on for size – it was a twin set and all the women and salesgirls
cooed about how nice it looked on. They made me pose there in that pink
cashmere just loving the idea that they had a little sissy there to do their
bidding. I had a real struggle to get that thing off, they liked me in it so
Then, of course, around the various ladies shops in the mall, with me helpless
in their midst, learning to join them in holding up various articles all silky
and shimmering against myself and exclaiming how cute they were! And their
agreement as they concurred! In an underwear boutique, my shame as Cheri
presented me with a small pink parcel – beautifully wrapped, and the general
smiles all around as they agreed that I was sure to love them! The salesgirls
smiling agreement as they made me add that parcel to the ones I already had.
Then my horrible mortification when, still parcel laden, I was led into a
restaurant – and there was Pauline – and all the men I had led! The chattering
and smiling as us newcomers fitted ourselves in beside our men folk – and the
soft kisses we gave them in greeting! I was starving, but like a few of us
girls, was not allowed to order anything, just sit and accept tid-bits from our
lord and masters – and act all soft and thankful for what we received as we
gracefully bit down and thanked them for what we received.
There was a small dance floor there, and how I felt when Joan, one of the more
masculine girls asked me to dance! You see, tough guys don’t dance – just their
girls do, though usually with each other – and just a glance from Pauline sent
me to the floor in Joan’s arms as I danced a slow dance, playing the girl’s
part, what else, as my old cohorts looked on. To make things worse? Joan is
actually taller than me, so in her heels, she towered over me which made my
fitting into her and playing the female part even more appropriate. The scorn
on their male faces as I returned and thanked Joan made me feel even worse.
That was bad, but worse was to come.
“The girls tell me that you bought some nice sweaters – and that you looked
really nice in a pink twin set?” Pauline said.
“I don’t know about that!” I said shyly, hoping she’d drop the subject – after
all, the guys could hear us!
“I bought him something that should make him look even better!” Cheri said. “I
hope you really like him in it Pauline,” she added shyly.
“Mmmm!” Pauline said, and turned to me. “I’d really like to see that! Why
don’t you go and try your set on love? Put on Cheri’s present while you’re at
I opened my mouth to protest, but felt her nip me sorely underneath the table,
then she whispered in my ear. “You wouldn’t like me to take your pants down and
spank you – not here, would you?”
I did want to protest at least some, but her threat had to be taken into
consideration. On top of that, all the guys were at the table at that moment –
at least I had a free run at the men’s room, it might be quiet in there at that
moment. Luckily, the twin set was right on top of one of the bags, so I took
that out and hurriedly snuck it and Cheri’s present away.
“Use a little toilet paper if you have to,” Pauline whispered as I left.
Some guy was at a urinal when I got in, but he was a stranger, so I hurried into
a stall. My suspicions were aroused when I opened the present and found a lacy
bra. “Oh god!” I thought , but stripped my shirt off and put the bra on. I
really didn’t have too much trouble putting it on. Actually started to put the
set on, then thought better of it. Took some toilet paper and put it inside the
cups. Gave myself a girlish figure, then put the set on. Buttoned up the
sweater at the top, took a deep breath and walked out – just as Eddie and Joe
walked in!
I didn’t know what to say, but tried to walk past them, eyes downcast. Eddie
spoke however – quite kindly. “Better fix your air dear. Pauline might not
like it that way!”
And so, in front of my old masculine cohorts, I stood in the bright lights of
the bathroom and used my pocket comb to comb my girlish locks into place, my
lipstick and mascara quite evident now and my figure unmistakably girlish in my
twin set. Joe wasn’t as kind as Eddie. Patted my ass as I left. “That’s a
girl!” he said – and both of them laughed softly as I left, red-faced. That
was bad enough, but oh my, the shrinking within oneself the feeling of being SO
small as the girls all aaah and oooh over your new shape and how Pauline shows
her pleasure by having you sit on her knee and strokes your new breasts openly
while you sit there shyly.
It didn’t take her long to sense your sadness and she probed. Near tears, you
finally told her about your shame in the bathroom – NOT that you blamed Joe or
Eddie at all. She patted your cheek softly. “But that’s not a problem darling!
Let me fix it – and you’ll never have that situation again!” She had some
whispered conversations with Joan and a little while later, Joan, Cheri, Daphne
and Claire all stood up and got their handbags. At Pauline’s urging. I got my
handbag and joined them. Became part of a chattering group as we all made our
way to the Ladies! Inside, I stood with the rest and pulled my makeup from my
handbag. Fixed up my lipstick and mascara. At Joan’s urging, I also put on a
touch of eye shadow. When we returned, I noticed that my male shirt had
disappeared and, without words, knew that I was going to make my way home with
my twin set and girlish breasts. Saw Pauline’s enquiring look at Joan, and the
small nod in return. Felt Pauline’s protective arms go around me again. I
didn’t feel so bad now, for some reason as I snuggled in.
When we got home, late that afternoon, I was tired. It didn’t take long for
Pauline to dis-abuse me of any such masculine ideas – I had work to do. Not
only that, there was a uniform I had to wear while I was doing it. We were in
the bedroom and I was hanging up my new sweaters so didn’t pay too much
attention to what Pauline was doing. It was as she was leaving that she
commented quietly. “My bed,” and left saying nothing more. My angle at that
time didn’t let me see what she meant, but a few steps let me see the skirt and
slip lying on top of the bedspread and the high heeled shoes sitting on the
floor underneath them.
I was shy going down to her in my skirt, but she acted as if nothing were wrong.
Said nothing, just pointed in front of herself and made a circular motion with
her finger. I pirouetted as she wished, then still wordless, she motioned me to
come forward. I did so, and she lifted my skirt to display the satin of the
slip. Stared me in the eye and ran her palm up and down my thigh a few times.
That’s better! A LOT better!” she cooed. “Shoes fit all right?”
“Yes Pauline dear,” I said.
“Good. We’ll get you some of your own pretty soon. But why don’t you start to
get dinner on? Something light will do.”
I made dinner and cleaned up. Was starting to realize how women felt having
their man sit and do nothing while work was done around the house. At the same
time I felt a curious acceptance. Almost a warmth of belonging? Found myself
gazing at Pauline in a very accepting manner. So it seemed natural somehow that
once I’d finished and she simply pointed to a spot in front of her, where she
sat. I hadn’t done anything wrong, but I felt somewhat shy as I went and stood
in front of her. She opened her legs, hiked up her skirt a little and motioned
me even further in. Smiled nicely at me as I adjusted my skirt and slip and
motioned that I kneel. Once I did, she produced a brightly colored, flimsy
scarf from somewhere and wrapped it around my neck. Pulled me in slightly. It
was difficult to pull my eyes away from her now. “Feel okay now darling?” she
asked me kindly.
I nodded. “Good!” she said. “You know what I’m doing to you, don’t you?”
“Making me into your wife?” I offered tentatively.
“VERY good!” she said, patting my head. “And you LIKE this, don’t you?”
“I’m not sure,” I said, but there was a little admittance in my voice.
“Of course you do, silly!” she said. “Taken to being my little woman like a
house on fire. Look at you already. Nice skirt and top. A little makeup?
Nice undies – including a bra? Why, I’m SO impressed. I figured it might take
me weeks to get you this far, but it hasn’t, has it?”
“I didn’t know that,” I said.
She laughed lightly. “Let me prove it too you. Keep looking at me, but run your
hand up underneath your twin set. Feel your bra and slip. Okay?”
I did as she suggested. “That satin and lace feels nice now. Doesn’t it? Be
honest now?” she asked.
“Well, kinda nice,” I admitted.
“And those breasts may not be even close to the real thing, but feel kinda
right, do they not?”
I felt the lacy mounds under my hands. Nodded, blushing as she added. “Now?
Lift your skirt and feel the nice hem of your slip – then put your hand up to
feel the tops of your stockings and the lace of your panties. They feel just
like they should, do they not?”
Again I had to nod, her eyes boring into me like friendly gimlets.
She nodded in turn. “That’s why I wanted to talk to you darling. It’s a lot
quicker than I intended, but I wanted to set the record straight as quickly as I
could. “You DO understand,” she cooed, giving the scarf a little tug.
I really didn’t but gave a subservient nod, my eyes on hers.
“It’s like this,” she started. “I have the same genes as my dad. Saw from the
beginning that I wanted to be more than just a goombah in his organization.
But?” she shrugged. “I’m just a girl in an organization run by guys. At first,
I thought this was all wrong but, after a while, I can see the justice in it.
Too many gals waste most of their time on clothes and makeup – that sort of
thing. Now a LOT of guys are dumb and my grudge was that I was smarter – and
just as mean as they were – but a GAL? Who was going to pay attention to me?”
She pulled me into her and gave me a soft kiss. “But then YOU came along – my
little Erica! Okay, you acted like a guy, but I could tell that you had this
soft core inside you – a nice, soft, girlish core. Now I could tell that you
weren’t gay, but you kinda liked me taking control – didn’t you?”
I thought of the times when I’d been tired, or she’d seemed to want to be boss
in bed. Of course, I’d pretended to struggle a bit – for appearances sake, you
know? But I’d given in, and she’s mounted me. I didn’t respond to her this
time, and she continued.
“You weren’t really ready for any kind of bosshood, but you were SO open! Would
take my advice and everything, so I worked on dad. He’s smart enough and saw
that you were no big shakes as a boss, but didn’t realize how much influence I
had on you. I was content at first – that was about as far as I thought I
could go – but then you started stealing! I was really pissed off – how could
you be so stupid!”
She smiled and pulled me in for another kiss, then let me return. “Like this,
don’t you? Kneeling at my feet in your skirt and makeup? Being told what life
is all about?”
I blushed in answer and she continued. “So now? I’ve basically reversed our
positions. You’re the pretty little wife I could never be – and I’m the boss of
a small group. The guys are still fighting it a little but I can manage that.
And you? YOU? You’re fitting into the girls like you were born there!”
At this point, I opened my mouth to make some kind of protest, but she gave the
scarf a sharp tug. “Shush girlie!” she said, and from nowhere pulled out a
lipstick tube! “Shush and pout! I want to see how a nice red color goes on
you! Keep looking at me with those soft eyes of yours!”
Placidly, I pouted for her as she made my lips up and then put the tube away.
“Like I thought!” she crowed. “Lovely! Now reach up and put your arms around my
neck and kiss me. Like a gal kisses her fella!”
What Possible excuse is there? What sort of complaint could I raise? I did as
she suggested and she finally let me go to settle back again. Then proceeded to
lay out my sentence, calmly and lucidly. “So Erica? One of the girls you’ll
have to become. Go the full route – clothes, makeup, cooking – waxing. You
know, the full bit. I’ll get forms for your breasts first thing, but later on
I’ll probably get implants surgically put in. I’d do that now, but I just can’t
make up my mind whether I want you big and bosomy, or a little smaller. You any
wants on that subject?”
I think I’d known her mind all along, but hearing it so baldly stated was too
much. Did I want big tits – or smaller ones? Not only that? There was some
doubt as to whether my opinion would matter! It was all going to be up to her!
I could only shake my head, dumbly. “That’s my girl,” she said kindly. “Just
leave it to me – and you won’t go too far wrong!” Then she got serious again.
“But there IS one thing that I’d better address I guess.”
“And that is?” I managed, with a semblance of sarcasm.
“Naughty girl!” she said saucily and gave my scarf a playful warning tug. “I
think you’ll have to be placed within the women.”
“Placed? What’re you talking about?” I asked.
She patted my head calmly. “Well, you see dear? Normally, the female head of
the group, mirrors the males. So that when you were . .” she tittered. “ . .
head of the guys? I was the top girl. But now that I’m top of the gang, so to
speak? I’d have liked you to be top girl.” Here she shook her head. “But
that’s not possible, I’m afraid.”
“Why not?” I asked, amazed.
She shook her head and smiled. “You’re too girlish, I’m afraid. You belong
more with Tiffany and Carmine – they’re the feminine ones of the group. Claire
and Daphne are probably next, but Cheri and Joan – especially Joan – are the
tough ones. I think you’d better make up to Joan. Be her girlfriend. That
should make it easy.”
“Be friendly more than anything else?” I offered, still puzzled.
She looked at me in dumbfoundedness. “Be her girlfriend, I said! I’m pretty
sure she’s had Tiffany and Carmine. Maybe even Claire or Daphne – I’m not sure.
But putting you in amongst them has thrown the whole lot in a tizzy – no one
really knows who head girl IS anymore.” She shook her head positively. “Yes!
That’s it! Play up to Joan. That way, she’ll be top girl. I think you’ll like
her. She’s nice to her girls, I think.”
I was my turn to shake my head. “But I’m still confused. How do I play up to
her? It’s not that I mind? I just don’t know how!”
“Silly girl!” Pauline teased. “When she pats your ass? Squirm and get all
flirty. Same thing with your tits.. If she ever gets you in a dark hallway and
wants a kiss? Snuggle in, real good. She ever shows you her dildo? Don’t be
shy about taking it in your mouth and making all sorts of adoring noises and .
“But I’m your husband Pauline!” I said, shocked.
She gave me a ludicrous look before continuing. “And darling? If she ever
wants to shove that dildo up your ass? Make sure that you’re all smooth and
perfumed for her!”
I stared at her. “But I don’t do that!”
She gave me a kindly smile. “Maybe not right at the moment darling. But once
you’ve got yourself all ready for me – and seen my nice one? I’m sure that
you’ll just love it! Can just imagine you sitting with Tiffany and Carmine over
your embroidery – and telling them all about it?” She paused. “I’m just
wondering if I should get you a white dress – though it might be too symbolic?”
“Eh? A white dress? For what?”
She pursed her lips doubtfully. Then spoke after some thought. “Well darling. I
want to make absolutely sure that dad is satisfied.”
“Satisfied?” I interrupted with some bitterness.
She tossed her pretty head. “Oh, he’s aware of how embarrassed you must be.
You, that used to be a man. Wearing women’s clothes – going to the ladies room.
That sort of thing. The shame of acting how you are - and how you’re going to
– in front of what used to be your men.”
“I’d have thought that it’d be enough!” I added.
She pulled me in for another kiss, then delightedly traced my red lips with her
little finger. “Yes. Maybe. But I’m not sure it’s public enough. Know what I
mean? After all, as far as everyone is concerned, all of this might be caused
by you being a soft little pansy – and me a strong woman.”
“Not too far from the truth,” I admitted honestly as her hand caressed my
breasts again.
“I know darling! I know.” She admitted. “But I’ve been thinking. Suppose we
had a quiet little ceremony here? Just the guys, your immediate family and my
“A ceremony? What kind of ceremony?” I asked.
“A wddding, silly! You all in white – just to show everyone that you’re
officially my bride? Later on? Just me, you and my dad in private? You could
show him that you’re really a proper daughter in law?”
She beamed. “You, all in white! Sweeping across the carpet! Pulling back your
veil! Like a lovely bride. Then kneeling down in front of him – and paying
proper respect! Can't you imagine yourself all sweet and fluttery? Crawling
over the floor in your satin dress – and watching your veil? Then my dear? I'm
afraid you'll have to take his dick in your mouth – most of the brides do that
as a mark of deep respect. Then you move your head up and down on him – just a
few times! After that blow job, you’ll never need to worry about him again!”
She smiled. "I'm not really sure that he would fancy a guy giving him a blow
job But now? I think he considers you a girl – a proper girl! In fact? I'm
SURE of it!"
I couldn’t answer her as I was pulled in for a long and sultry kiss.
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