By: Bea
The rain was falling softly as Moira drove us up in front of the lodge. From
the first moment I was properly impressed.
“From what you mentioned" I said, “I got the idea that you and your daughters
had been forced to live in some sort of broken down old cottage. This is really
quite spectacular, you know.."
I was telling the truth. My companion had referred to her current domicile as
'the original gatekeepers cottage' for the estate. This red sandstone building,
glistening in the light rain, was substantial to say the least, two stories and,
as far as I could determine, a fair depth to it. I estimated that it had to
have at least twelve rooms.
Moira hit the horn, laughing. “These lazy little buggers! They know we're
here. Just hoping that we'll be stupid enough to open the gate ourselves."
She put the window down and yelled out. “C'mon somebody! Shake a leg! Open
the bloody gate!"
“Oh, I’ll do it" I offered, opening the car door.
“I wouldn't recommend it." she answered. “If you ever let my two away with
anything, they'll press just to see how far they can go... "
But by that time I was out of the car and heading for the large bar that kept
the gate in a closed position. As I approached it, a rather tall red haired
girl darted from the cottage door towards the same opener. She held an umbrella
above her but as her head was down to keep the rain out of her eyes she didn't
seem to see me until we arrived at the lever together.
I didn't know who this young lady was. It couldn't be one of the twins? Surely
not! From Moira's fond descriptions, I’d got the impression that her girls were
in their early teens. This young lady looked to be in her early twenties. She
finally looked up, and I found myself scrutinized by a pair of incredibly large
green eyes, long lashed and seductive. She moved her head slightly to one side.
“You must be David? I’m Patricia. Here. Let me open this." She put her hand
on the lever.
“Oh please. Let me." I answered. “It looks rather stiff."
“It is," she said, slowly taking her hand off and watching me.
I pressed down. It didn't budge one iota. Reddening from the exertion and
embarrassment, I tried again - with no more success.
“Here. Let me," she said kindly and gave my hand a light push, before taking
hold of the lever herself. Totally humiliated, I saw the muscles on her forearm
tauten, and the lever move downward with a squeal. She pulled the gate open and
motioned Moira to drive through. Then she came around towards me with the
umbrella. It was quite small, and she put her arm around me to pull me in more
under its protection.
And all of a sudden I had a premonition. Well, maybe not that strong a feeling,
but I definitely felt a faint uneasiness. I tried to shake it off, but here I
was - for a long weekend no less, with a woman who intimidated me somewhat, and
(if her other daughter was anything like Patricia) I was in a household where I
was the smallest person and, by the looks of it, certainly not the strongest. A
small shudder ran down my body.
She must have felt it. “Cold?" She asked solicitously. Then, without waiting
for my answer. “Never mind, we'll get you all nice and toasty warm in a little
while." And, still talking, she pulled me closer to her.
I didn't know what to do. I knew that I was older than her. Not much perhaps,
yet somehow, it was if she'd classified me as a little kid. Someone who needed
looking after. She made me uncomfortably aware that she was just as strong
minded as her mother.
I’d met Moira at a whist drive in the local village. We'd both arrived without
partners and had drawn each other. She was very down to earth and an aggressive
- very aggressive - card player. Due to this, I’d been a part of the winning
pair for the first time in my life.
During the evening we'd chatted between hands. I’d discovered that she was a
divorced mother with twin daughters, who were home for the 'hols' and,
according to her, she was 'desperately' trying to keep them amused. She
admitted that she was enjoying her night off. Seemingly, she had been visiting
the village to talk to the dean of the local girl's school that her daughters
attended. I knew very little of the school except that it was very exclusive -
and very expensive. It also turned out that she was staying the night with a
friend, Jane Waugh, who happened to be my solicitor.
As that evening had progressed, I had got the feeling that she was evaluating
me. Don't get me wrong. I don't mean romantically: for one thing, she was
quite a lot older than me. Definitely attractive still, but well out of my age
bracket. For another, I’ve never really interested women. It's as if they
sense that I’m shy of them - something, I don't know. I’m not homosexual, I
just don't seem to have the necessary 'drive' to get romantically involved with
someone of the opposite sex.
There was nothing unfriendly about her scrutiny really, just something about it
that made me a little uneasy.
Anyway, before the night was over, she'd invited me to her home for the
following weekend. It turned out that she lived on a large estate some forty
miles away - more amazingly, that she owned it - a part of the divorce
settlement. (though she did say that the heating bills - and the cost of
servants to staff the main house during the winter had caused her to experiment
with moving to the forementioned gatekeepers cottage. She was going to be
passing through my village on her way home on the Friday, so could pick me up
then. As I don't drive, this eliminated any transportation problems. I
accepted her invitation with alacrity.
I’d somehow got the picture of me, Moira, and a couple of naughty (but nice)
little girls playing monopoly, toasting marshmallows, drinking hot chocolate -
with everyone deferring to my masculine presence. As can be imagined from the
conditions attending my actual arrival, this picture was starting to
disintegrate a little in my imagination.
Evelyn met us at the door. As big - and as beautiful as her sister. More
blonde in coloring though, and blue eyes instead of green, but with the same
grace and athleticism. She shook my hand at the introduction, and I could feel
the strength in her arm.
“David? It is David? Yes? I saw you come in. Have trouble opening the gate?"
she asked in a low, throaty voice.
“Yes I did." I admitted. “Is there some sort of knack to it?"
“Not that I’m aware of." Patricia said. “Needs a little muscle, that's all."
And Evelyn shocked me. She laughing unbelievingly, she took hold of my arm and
squeezed my bicep.
“Not much there, I’m afraid," she giggled, turning to her sister. “Think that
even Sissy Walker has more than this."
“You're kidding!" Patricia said, then did the same thing. “Y'know! I think
you're dead on! Not much there at all, is there?"
“Would you two stop pawing our guest?" I heard Moira's voice behind us. “He'll
think you've got no social manners at all - and I’ve been trying to convince him
that you gals are nice! Now! One of you? Take his bag up to his room,
please?" She came up to us and dumped my weekender suitcase on the floor beside
“Mumsy!" both girls cried, and went and hugged her enthusiastically.
She returned their embraces. Looked over Evelyn's shoulder at me.
“David? Don't believe this show of affection, it's put on strictly for your
sake. And? Especially don't let these girls run over you. They will, given
the chance. In this house I’m afraid, it's survival of the fittest, so don't
feel averse to giving either one of them a whack alongside the head - it's the
only language they understand."
I couldn't believe it. Was she seriously advocating that I give one - or both,
of these amazons a 'whack'? She obviously had more confidence in my physical
prowess than I did.
I shrugged and grinned as well as I could. “They're fine!" I said. “Young.
That's all."
The two girls were now pulling at my case, arguing as to who was going to do me
the honor of escorting me to my room, reminding me more of two rambunctious lion
cubs rough-housing than anything else.
“Hey!" Moira said. “What about my luggage? Would either one of you ..?"
But she shrugged as the two of them totally ignored her and started up the
“Looks as if you've already got them interested David. What did I tell you?"
I had no answer as both girls, obviously coming to a truce, were calling down
and urging me to come to my room. Helplessly, I followed, listening to the
sounds of Moira's laughter from behind us.
“I 'm telling you David. Watch out! I recognize the signs - they've got their
eyes on you!" she called out.
I grinned back weakly at her, but continued on up the stairs.
My room was small, but comfortably furnished. A fire burned brightly in the
“Oh! How nice!" I said. “So welcoming after a drive on a cold rainy day."
“Glad you like it" Patricia said. “But aren't you going to thank Evelyn
properly? She was the one that set it."
“Of course." I said, turning towards her sister. “Evelyn? That was so nice..
Finding myself speechless as Evelyn took me in her arms and kissed me, full on
the lips and to my amazement, her tongue forcing its way down my throat!
I was so surprised that I didn't even struggle, just reacted by submitting, and
putting my arms around her neck. Then, somehow or other, I found myself sitting
on the bed, Evelyn's arms now around my shoulder watching Patricia unpack my
suitcase. She smiled broadly, lifting my jockey shorts in the air.
“Would you look at these? So masculine!"
“Oooh! And would you look at that robe!" Evelyn said excitedly. “I’ve always
wanted one just like that. Blue plaid!"
“Me too!" Patricia retorted - “But I’ve got it, and possession is nine tenths
of the law. Right?"
With that, she slipped her arms into it, pulled it around her, and tied the
“A little small, maybe - but oh, so warm!" she enthused. “Can I have it?"
I was nonplussed by her brazen request. “But.. But - it's a man's ... And it's
the only one I have with me... " I protested weakly.
She pursed her lips and pouted.
“What difference does it make if it's a man's, eh? And if it turns out that you
need a robe that badly? - I’ll swap you for it. I’ve got some pretty ones.
There's sure to be one you'll like."
Evelyn spoke up. “He'd drown in one of yours, you big horse .. Why don't you
ask mumsy for one? She's got tons, and she's almost exactly the same size as
“Great idea sis!" Patricia exulted and, still in my robe ran out of the room.
“That's got rid of that pest for a minute" I heard a whisper in my ear and,
without any other warning I was pulled into Evelyn's embrace again and kissed
soundly. To my shame, I whimpered a little and struggled weakly. She giggled a
little, and overcame my futile protest easily, then twisted my body so that I
was lying almost on my back, across her thighs, cradled in her left arm, her
right stroking my face, bending over to give me gentle kisses.
“Now lie there and be good!" she admonished me. “You don't want to get Evelyn
unhappy now. Do you?"
I shook my head.
“You're so cute!" she said admiringly, stroking my face with her fingertips.
“And smooth too. Just a real sweetie!" and she dropped her lips on to mine
again. This kiss only lasted a few seconds before she lifted her head. I looked
up at her.
“Now! Before sis gets back. You going to be Evelyn's little pussy cat?"
“Eh?" I asked dreamily. “What d'you mean?"
She pinched my cheek. “Don't be naughty now! I’m asking if you want to be my
little pussy cat?"
“A pussy cat?"
“Well, silly. Not a real puss - just a pretty soft pet that I can stroke and be
nice to." she gave me another quick kiss.
“What happens if I don't want to be a ... Pet?" I knew that I was asking a
perfectly reasonable question - but why did my voice tremble as I asked it?
She shook her head. “No. Don't be silly now. You don't want to get Evelyn all
upset, do you?"
There was decidedly some menace in her voice - a veiled threat.
“Oh no, Evelyn." I submitted. “I wouldn't want to do that."
“Good!" she said. “Now miew for Evelyn, like a good little pussy."
“Miew" I responded.
“Not bad at all! Just a little softer this time. Try again."
And I did. A number of times before she was completely satisfied.
She reached into a pocket and pulled something out. I didn't get a full view of
it, but it looked like a band of blue velvet with a small chrome circle attached
to it. She wrapped it around my neck.
“What is that Evelyn? What are you doing?"
“Putting your collar on, Fluffy. Pets need collars, you know? And you are my
pet, aren't you?"
“You want me to wear a collar?"
“Of course! What else would you wear? D'you have a problem with a velvet one?
Would you rather it was leather?"
I shook my head. “No. The velvet one's okay I guess." thinking, what in the
world had I got myself into?
“That's a good Fluffy" she said, reaching into her pocket. “Now, where's that
leash?" she pulled a length of pink satin ribbon out of her pocket.
“Aha! Here it is!"
She then looped one end around the chrome circle on my collar and tied it with a
bow. She slipped out from under me, holding the other end of the ribbon. Gave
it a tug.
“C'mon Fluffy. Let's go and look for aunty Patricia. C'mon now! That's a good
I couldn't believe what was happening to me. I hadn't been in the house for a
half hour, yet had been kissed and fondled - and was now going to be led around
the house on a leash, like a cat - and I sensed that she didn't exactly consider
me a tom either! She tugged at the leash.
I knew what was expected. Followed. But before we reached the door, Patricia
came bursting in, still wearing my robe, a pink terry towel robe over her arm.
“Mummy said..." she started, then saw what was happening.
“That's not fair!" she yowled. “I saw him first. It was me that went out in
the rain. You're mean Evelyn! He's mine!"
Evelyn turned to me. “Sit Fluffy! Sit!"
I obeyed and sat down on the carpet.
The two girls glared at each other.
“If you hadn't been in such a damn hurry to get him into something pretty.."
Evelyn started.
“You knew he was to be my dolly." Patricia argued. “I mean, I let you kiss
him, but that doesn't mean you get to keep him!"
“Did I say anything about keeping him?" Evelyn asked pleasantly. “He was just
so sweet and docile about putting on his collar - and, I mean he just loves the
name 'Fluffy" - don't you Fluffy? Say miew."
I miewed for my mistress.
“That I wanted to bring him to meet you.." Evelyn continued.
Patricia grinned. “Well, that's better. Why didn't you say so? Boy sis! You
sure are a good trainer. I don't know how you do it! But no argument now?
He's my dolly?"
“I don't see why you're so greedy" Evelyn retorted. “Can't you share a
Patricia got a suspicious look on her face. “What's a little?"
“I was thinking that I could take Fluffy to let mumsy see ..."
“Well. If that's all, okay." Patricia agreed. “But her lipstick's the wrong
shade - I’d want to change that.."
“Oh that's not his lipstick" Evelyn giggled, “That's mine I guess."
“I don't care who's it is." Patricia said sharply. “What would mumsy think if
she saw one of my dollies walking around like that?"
Evelyn shrugged. “Ok by me. Your room?"
At Patricia's nod, Evelyn jerked my leash gently. “C'mon Fluffy. Let's go to
aunty Pat's room, let her make you all pretty."
I followed her, but started pleading. “Please girls? Please? Hasn't this joke
gone far enough?"
Both of them shook their heads, and giggled in disbelief.
“Isn't she funny!" Patricia laughed. She turned back to me. “Dolly? I
haven't even started yet.." she saw the frightened look on my face. “Aw is
Dolly scared? Tell you what. Just a little lipstick just now. Okay? I’ve got
a nice red shade that'll look so pretty on you..."
“What about eyelashes?" Evelyn asked. “Your dollies never look proper without
eyelashes.... Least I don't think so.."
Five minutes later, the three of us stood outside Moira's room. I was still
on my leash, but was now made up with a bright red lipstick and a pair of very
thick, black, false eyelashes.
“Ok. That's the deal" Patricia said. “You get to lead Fluffy in, then she's
my dolly. Comes and sits on my lap. Right?"
Evelyn nodded. Knocked on the door. “Mumsy? Can we come in?"
“Girls? Yes! Come in!"
And I was paraded in to Moira's room - like a female slave behind Roman
Moira 's reaction surprised me. I hadn't known what to expect, but was totally
shaken when her only facial expression was one of aggravation.
“Oh David!" She remonstrated. “I told you! Now what am I going to do? I
mean. This is too much! How could you!"
“Her name is Dolly, mumsy." Patricia said. Though Evelyn calls her 'Fluffy,"
“Dolly? Fluffy? If I had known you two were this far along, I’d never have
given you that terry robe of mine Patricia. That's one of my favorites you
“Well. She hasn't worn it yet. Has she?" Patricia retorted. “And anyway, I
like my dollies in prettier things than that.."
“Yeah." Moira responded, “But it's my pretties you generally want to
borrow, isn't it?"
Patricia giggled. “I was thinking of that polka dot - you know? The yellow
Moira pursed her lips. “You're kidding, surely! But now that I think of it,
I’d bet he'd look really sweet in it - all these little frills and flounces ...
Oooh!. Where did I put it?" She walked to a closet and started rummaging
through it.
The next thing, she was walking back towards me with a cloud of yellow fabric
over her arm. “Stand up straight Dolly, Fluffy, whatever your name is! Let me
see how this outfit will look on you.”
“Moira? A dress? I can’t wear a dress!” I mewled.
“Can’t? Can’t? Don’t be so bloody negative Dolly! And anyway? It’s a skirt
and blouse! Come on now!”
“Well mumsy? Didn’t you think of bringing undies for the poor thing?” Patricia
said. “I mean, if he’s to be MY girl?” She shot a pointed look at Evelyn. “I
want him to be nice!”
“Jesus!” Moira laughed. “I don’t think there’s any pleasing you. But I suppose
. .” She wandered off towards a chest of drawers.
Nothing in my life up to that point had prepared me for the shame and indignity
that was to follow. A middle aged woman sitting sniggering on a couch as her two
strapping daughters man-handled me out of my clothes – and into feminine
lingerie, laughing and giggling at my resistance – or lack of it.
“Oh, you look so pretty!” Evelyn said.
“Needs more padding in that bra! I like my girls to have big tits!” Patricia
“No need to be coarse, darling!” Moira chided. “You’ll hurt Dolly’s feelings!”
Strangely enough? Once they had finished dressing me, the teasing ended. It was
as if by donning the yellow skirt with large white polka dots, the peasant
blouse, the layered petticoat – the stockings and the strappy white sandals, I
became Dolly – just another girl. Yes, I had to wear another velvet collar – a
soft brown in color this time – and I had to smile and answer to the name Dolly
– and sitting on Patricia’s lap, I discovered what, exactly, was meant by the
term ‘Patricia’s girlfriend’ but, to be quite honest, I learned to play along
and really? It was quite pleasant being kissed tenderly and fondled. I’m
ashamed, but must admit that I giggled girlishly a few times.
I also found it somewhat difficult to attune to my ‘breasts’. The girls had
simply filled some balloons with some sort of water and gel mixture and put them
within the cups of my bra. They had a most natural feel to them – and movement,
and after the girls had trained me to walk properly – that is carefully place
one foot directly in front of the other – my hips fell into alignment by swaying
which not only made my skirts move but my breasts as well. So, when I say it
was difficult for me to attune to them, it wasn’t the movement – it was as if my
center of gravity had changed. The fact that both girls seemed to take a great
delight in fondling them added to the strangeness.
The movement I’m describing came as we three prepared a meal and drank copious
glasses of wine while doing so. It was just a light meal and, after we had
finished clearing up, I felt quite drunk – and don’t think I was alone in that
I was sitting in Patricia’s lap when Evelyn said “I think it’s time for Fluffy
to get fed.”
Moira got up from her chair. “Ah well then, it’s time for me to go to bed. Now
girls? Please don’t hurt the poor little thing.”
“We won’t! Night mumsy!” The two of them chorused. “Sleep tight!”
Moira shook her head and came over to me. “Goodnight Dolly. See you in the
morning. Try not to cry – okay?” With that, she brushed cheeks with me and left
the room.
I felt kinda giggly. “But Evelyn? Why should Moira tell me not to cry? And
I’m not hungry. I just ate.”
“Fluffy? Pussies can’t talk. Just miew for me please?”
“That’s better! Now Patricia? Why don’t you put Fluffy’s leash on her for me,
would you? I’m too lazy to get up.” With that, she tossed one end of the
ribbon leash to Patricia, who tied it onto the ring on my collar.
“What’re you doing?” I giggled, then yelped as Patricia gave my leash a sharp
tug! “Come here Fluffy – you good little pussy! On all fours now!”
We all giggled as, on my hands and knees, I crossed over to where Patricia
sprawled on the sofar, They cheered when I miewed a few times on the way over.
“Isn’t she just the prettiest pussy?” Patricia asked. “Gonna make her your
“Seems like a good time for it, “ Evelyn said, getting up and going out of the
To my amazement, I say Patricia hike her skirts up in a most immodest way, and
then pulling her panties down – and off. “Okay Fluffy,” she smiled at me as she
lounged back. “Up on the sofa now – There’s a good little pussy!”
As I knelt up on the sofa, she then said “Look what Patricia has for her little
pussy – a nice bowl of cream.! Now why don’t you lap it all up!” With that,
she spread her legs, gave my leash a strong tug, and I found myself with my face
in her groin!
“Now stay there!” she commanded – and pulled her skirt down over my head, then
one of her hands pressed was placed on back of my head and forced me face hard
into her vagina. “Lick it all up!” she commanded.
I’ve heard of men who enjoy doing this sort of thing to a woman – but I didn’t.
Thought that I couldn’t be more degraded as I licked away at her and she lay
there, groaning in ecstasy – but I was wrong.
I heard the door open and Evelyn come back in. “Oh Evelyn, that’s just a little
one!” I heard Patricia say.
“Yeah – but I don’t want to hurt my little Dolly. I’ll keep the bigger ones for
later,” Evelyn said – and I felt my skirt being lifted – and then my panties
being slid down my legs and slowly removed. Then I felt the couch sag a little
as Evelyn knelt behind me, forcing my knees apart so that she could get in
between them.
I may be an innocent, but I knew what she had in mind when I felt something soft
and squishy being worked into my back passage. I started to cry. “Please Evelyn?
Don’t do this. I’ll do anything you want. Just please don’t.”
“Hush Dolly. Just relax!” she said and her hands were forcing my buttocks
apart, then something was slowly entering me.
With me sandwiched between them, the girls laughingly compared the ‘fun’ I was
giving them over my head as, gradually, the tempo of Evelyn’s dildo increased
and we all panted and moaned then finally Evelyn reached around me with panties
wadded around my penis and we all orgasmed at the same time.
Unfortunately for me, it rained like cats and dogs all weekend. I say
unfortunately simply because it kept us all in the house, Though now that I
come to think on it, I wonder what additional humiliations they would have
thought up if they’d been able to take me outside.
You’ve heard of sex toys? That’s what I was. Both girls seemed to be
insatiable. Patricia could only have orgasm from being licked and Evelyn from
putting on a dildo and buggering me. She also liked to dress me in her mother’s
clothes. She had called me Dolly for a very good reason, because that’s what I
became – her doll. The whole time afterwards, I never wore anything but women’s
clothes. My eyebrows were plucked, I was bikini waxed, my ears were pierced – I
was manicured and pedicured. My hair was put up in rollers and styled.
Don’t get me wrong. Both girls were very demanding but as long as I behaved
they were nice to me. They didn’t mind me crying – which I did a lot at first –
because they’d coo sympathetically and cuddle their little toy. I learned that
they didn’t like me to complain verbally though – and after being spanked just
once by Evelyn acted thrilled and delighted each time either of them wanted
anything – or did anything to me. Patricia just LOVED me servicing her with a
ribbon in my hair – and wearing flouncy baby dolls.. It was a nuisance having
to go and change in the middle of the afternoon – or any other time for that
matter, but I learned to approach her on my hands and knees, smiling and miewing
Moira would sit there smiling benignly as they played with me – or had sex. She
called me Dolly all the time now and would say things like. “Now Evelyn! Don’t
be so rough with Dolly!” as Evelyn would be banging away at my backside. Or
she’d say “Patricia! That’s SO immodest! Pull your skirts down!” as I was
lapping away.
They dressed me in a skirt suit the day I left. It was a tiny white polka dot
on navy blue grosgrain. The jacket was nipped in at the waist and it had a
fairly large peplum, which made me appear to have hips. A faux ruby brooch on
the rounded collar matched my lipstick and earrings – and nail polish. Under
the jacket I wore a lacy camisole and, having had breast forms adhered to my
chest, naturally, a matching bra. The lace of the camisole showed a little,
tastefully of course, under my jacket
I wore dark nylons under the straight skirt. High heeled shoes had given me
trouble at first – they were a little too big for me, but they’d put some
insoles inside them and now I was walking in heels as if I’d done so all of my
life. I also carried a white handbag to match – with all of my cosmetics inside.
A decorous white straw hat that framed one side of my face prettily, completed
my outfit.
The two girls kissed me goodbye tenderly and smiled as I promised to return and
visit them again before they returned to school.
Once we had left I was stupid enough to ask Moira if I could change before she
took me home.
“Whatever for? You look very nice Dolly.”
“But my housekeeper. Mrs. Bridges. She’ll see me!”
“I’d imagine that she will – unless she’s blind of course.”
I started to whimper.
“Dolly! If you’re going to be naughty, I’ll take you back and have the girls
drive you home. That what you want?”
“No mummy.” (I’d found that she liked me to call her that.)
“That’s a good girl. Now talk nicely, or don’t talk at all.” She said.
I’d tried to plan on how to avoid Mrs. Bridges but I needn’t have bothered.
Moira insisted on accompanying me to the door, then chattered to me as I opened
the door to let us both in. Naturally, Mrs. Bridges heard us and came to meet
us. A tall, austere, woman she didn’t recognize me at first but once she did, a
small smile played around her mouth. “May I say sir? You look very pretty
“Sir? Don’t be silly Mrs. Bridges. Her name is Dolly now.” She turned to me.
“Tell her, Dolly!”
“My name is Dolly now, Mrs. Bridges.” I said, blushing.
“Yes. She’s just spent the weekend with my two girls and me, dressing up and
learning to be a proper girl. Having all sorts of fun, haven’t you Dolly?”
Moira said.
“Yes mummy.”
Moira nodded. “Now Mrs. Bridges, there’s something I’d like to talk to you
“Yes ma’am?”
“Oh just call me Moira. You seem to have quite a few rooms in this house?”
“Yes Moira, we do.”
“Good! My two daughters – delightful girls – will be going back to school in a
month or so. I was wondering if it would be an imposition to put them up here?
The dorms the school provide are totally unsuitable.”
Mrs. Bridges looked puzzled. “You should be asking the master about that, I
“You mean Dolly?” Moira asked incredulously.
“I suppose so,” Mrs. Bridges smiled.
“Dolly?” Moira said.
“Yes mummy?”
“Your nose is shiny. Why don’t you powder it?”
“Yes mummy,” I said then, in front of the smiling Mrs. Bridges I took my compact
from my handbag and dusted my nose with the powder. Daintily put it back in my
handbag and closed it.
“Now Dolly? Why don’t you take off that pretty hat, then go into the kitchen
and put on an apron – and make us two ladies a pot of tea?”
“Yes ma’am I said, and taking the sides of my skirts made a small curtsey.
“I was wondering, “ Mrs. Bridges said as she took Moira’s arm and escorted her
to the sitting room “What I’d do for help if we had other people staying here.
Now I see that I needn’t worry. Dolly? Don’t forget to serve some lemon with
the tea.”
“Yes ma’am” I said and curtseyed her too.
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